The girl looked fiercely at Ye Qinghan, as if she saw an idol. The hot eyes almost burst into flames. If there were not too many people, she would have rushed to hug Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan has never seen such a hot eye, it is not admiration, but worship.

King Zhenxi looked at the girl like this, trembling all over, as if he was patient, and frowned, “Girls, how can she be so lost self-control?”

“Ah ——————” the girl yelled, her voice was sharp and sharp, and she rushed directly to Ye Qinghan, crying, “It’s Ye Qinghan! It’s so handsome!”

Ye Qinghan was stunned, but unexpectedly this girl was even more mad than Ye Huang when she saw herself, and she quickly ducked to the side, looking helplessly to the king of the west.

The king of Zhenxi smiled bitterly, and his only baby girl, Long Xue, was used to being petted from a young age. Regardless of the law and of natural morality, she had no respect for her. All the old and younger brothers in the king’s palace couldn’t hold her down. Even when going to Divine Kingdom Beijing, the princes and grandsons had to hide away when they saw her.

“Yefu Lord, this girl is my girl named Long Xue. Ever since I learned that you have swept the iron war mercenary group, she has treated you like an idol. She is not crazy, just …” The king of Zhenxi had no idea How to explain, stuffed at the moment.

Ye Qinghan understands the worship of young girls, so he must maintain a high-cold state, stay away, let this worship only worship, but cannot develop into love, so overlooking Long Xue, nodded like the elders.

Long Xuezheng was in place, and it was unexpected that Ye Qinghan would keep his distance from himself.

“Big Brother Ye, I adore you so much! You are so handsome, I have collected a lot of videos about you, ah … you play me a set of Blade Technique alone, I want to record it, my group of Young Lady sisters I must be envious of me! Hahahaha, I’m going crazy crazy! “Long Xue was happy and yelled.

Ye Qinghan: “…”

“It’s a joke, Fellow Daoist Ye is the dignified mad house master, mad a Sect’s Master, how can he accompany you to play!” Zhenxi Wang helplessly, pretending to be angry.

“Dad! I just have this wish, please let him satisfy me! Or I’m going to get angry!” Long Xue pouting at Jinxi King and Ye Qinghan willfully, it seems that they will not stop.

His Royal Highness a group of boys and girls covered their mouths and laughed. The majestic houseowner would have a big head as soon as he saw the wayward Princess, and only Long Xue could control the king of the west of the town. Looking at the three black lines in front of the king of the west, he thought Laughing but dare not laugh, it is painful.

“The child with a brain disability.”

A weird sound sounded in the great hall, and then the whole great hall fell into silence. No one ever commented on Long Xue so much, even the son of the king of the west, the prince of Divine Kingdom, did not dare!

At this moment, even the king of Zhenxi felt angry, looked up, and wanted to find out who insulted Long Xue.

However, Long Xue stared at the snow-white parrot that suddenly popped out of Ye Qinghan’s shoulder. Her eyes were as wide as fists, very round, and vast like a star.

“Do you dare scold me with brain damage!” Long Xue took a deep breath, angrily said.

At this moment everyone is watching Divine Bird, very curious. Some people can recognize the deity parrot, but many people do n’t recognize it, they think this parrot is very cute, but there is some courting death. The county owners dare to scold!

“Tsk tsk tsk … also knows that he is mentally disabled, others can’t scold, it seems there is still rescue.” Divine Bird eccentric replied.

“Shut up, don’t talk nonchalantly regardless of the occasion.” Ye Qinghan frowned, not wanting to offend King Zhenxi.

“Hmph, master, the Young Lord explained to me when I came, let me look at you, and you are not allowed to mess with people, especially beautiful women, Ben Divine Bird does not agree with the Young Lord, but I also do not allow you to starve, if you dare to talk to her, I’m on a hunger strike! “Divine Bird said seriously.

Ye Qinghan rolled his eyes, did this bastard come to tear down the stage?

“I’m going to bake this cheap bird!” Long Xue growled, stretched out his jade hand and grabbed Divine Bird.

Ye Qinghan’s eyes shot a will, distorted the space, imprisoned Long Xue, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t cross the distance.

Long Xue is also the next deity, and it is extremely powerful. At this moment, Ye Qinghan’s will cannot be blocked. Everyone in the great hall is stunned. Is this the power of the house owner? Will alone kill invisible?

The King of Zhenxi was also shocked. Ye Qinghan’s performance has nothing to do with strength, but his understanding of the soul and Space Law. The inferior power that can be moved with one eye can move, which has exceeded the peers too much.

Long Xue flushed and looked at Ye Qinghan with tears in her eyes, and finally gave up the struggle. When Ye Qinghan moved his shirt, he sent Long Xue to the king of Zhenxi.

“You bully me too! I admire you so much! You bad guy!” Long Xue glared at Ye Qinghan, and the baring fangs and brandishing claws looked as if they could tear Ye Qinghan and Divine Bird.

“You die this heart, bad little Missy, go to the mad house, and let the Young Lord teach you how to be a woman.” Divine Bird looked at Long Xue and wanted to abuse her, his eyes flashed.

The King of the West recognized the Divine Bird, and quickly transmitted the sound to Long Xue, reminding him, “Xue Er, this is a deity-eating parrot. There is no ritual. If you do n’t believe it, do n’t believe the punctuation, do you know?”

Long Xue ate a dumb loss, and gave Divine Bird an angry look, but was glared back.

When Divine Bird and Long Xue were struggling, suddenly their eyes brightened, and they looked outside and muttered, “There is a baby approaching.”

Sure enough, someone soon came to report and 3 powerhouses came to visit.

Zhenxi King personally met outside the house and introduced 3 people into the great hall. Those 3 people are vicissitudes of old man. They are not as powerful as the house owner, but they are all extremely powerful. They are only one step away from Great Perfection Realm. .

The three looked at Ye Qinghan with caution, but did not recognize him.

“This is the mad house Ye Qinghan mansion. I was invited to protect Supreme Treasure. I can believe it.” The king of the town was introduced. “These three are the three Fellows from the Diqing Kingdom to the Auction House.”

Ye Qinghan was nodded to 3 people. Those 3 people were quite surprised. Ye Qinghan developed the crazy house Auction House and offended that many organizations. The god Auction House would definitely pay special attention to Ye Qinghan. How could he never have heard Ye Qinghan’s name.

“It was the Lord of Yefu, it was really disrespectful.” The three said indifferently.

King Zhenxi saw that the three were very dissatisfied with Ye Qinghan, and quickly opened the topic and said, “Three Fellow Daoist gave me the treasure, and I will give you evidence.”

At this moment, Divine Bird secretly said to Ye Qinghan, “The Supreme Treasure on these 3 people is Primordial Chaos Supreme Treasure, Primal Chaos Heaven lotus seed. I have smelled the fragrance. Master, if you take it down, you can control the law of chaos ! “

Ye Qinghan raised an eyebrow. This Supreme Treasure is not so easy to take down. Unless it is traded internally, it will fetch sky-high prices if auctioned.

Now that the Five Elements meditation has been practiced to the Great Perfection Realm, if you want to develop into a 9-turn Primal Chaos Dao Body, you can collect the Supreme Treasure related to the Great Dao of World rule. Primal Chaos Heaven lotus is one of them. Ye Qinghan obviously also Attracted.

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