With celestial celebrations, 10000 people cheered, not only the mad house territories, but also the people of the ten and two large mansions in the 3 Qing Divine Kingdom began to cheer. Seeing the 2 Qing Divine Kingdom is not a taste, is this group of people thankless wretch? Or is it because they are unpopular?

Shang Qing shook her head. Although she was dissatisfied, she also knew that this matter could not blame Ye Qinghan or the people.

Ye Qinghan signaled everyone to enter the Zhennan Pass, and the Antiquity Variation giant beast pulled carts, all huge ominous beasts from the 10000 Beast Realm, were domesticated and became a unique scenery of the Kuangzong. The Kuangfu territory is strictly forbidden to fly and rely on the carriage. Naturally, the cart must be powerful ominous beast in order to attract people’s attention.

The major powerhouses are stunned. The strength of these ominous beasts is almost comparable to that of the house owners. They are only used to drive cars in the crazy territory!

“Fellow Daoist, how about my mad house?” Ye Qinghan was so proud of ten thousand zhang that he could turn the worst ram mansion into a mad house in the world, so proud!

“hehe ……”

Everyone is smiling and not smiling. I do n’t know how to answer Ye Qinghan. The economic model of Kuangfu is absolutely advanced. First of all, it has won the hearts of the people. The City Protecting Army has won the hearts of the people and is only responsible for protecting the peace of Kuangfu. Will never oppress the people. If the mad house is not popular, who is still eligible?

The host of the party took a number of 100 carriages, and the upper sacrifice was divided into ten cars. After walking around the periphery of Kuangfu, they came to the Koufu Auction House, and firstly entertained them, and then sent everyone to Zhengyang Special Commerce District. Accommodation was arranged.

Ye Qinghan and the others returned to Kuangfu and started planning for the founding ceremony of tomorrow, but the people of Zhengyang Trading Company were not invited.

Ye Qinghan is quite surprised. Zhengyang Trading Company is a business empire. At the same time, it clears relations with all major forces and never participates in world wars. They are completely different from 9 Lianshan. 9 Lianshan is a disdain to communicate with the world. The Zhengyang Trading Company is for self-protection, does not participate in world wars, maintains commercial cooperation with everyone, but never stays too close to anyone, so this time he did not invite the people of Zhengyang Trading Company.

The Zheng Family Trading Company’s Yue Family General Patriarch Yue Zhengyang, under the protection of a high-level sacrifice and the power house of the ten major government levels, descended to the south gate of the town. Roger sent a person to notify Ye Qinghan, but he personally greeted the town south gate.

Ye Qinghan heard the report and knew that if other big empires of the Dragon Empire wanted to develop, it would not be possible without the support of Zhengyang Trading Company. This person could absolutely offend! So it flew into the sky and rushed towards Zhennan Pass.

As he descended on the south gate of the town, Ye Qinghan stared at a white-haired old man with a pair of young men and women around him. Ye Qinghan naturally knew that he was the future successor of Zhengyang Trading Company, Crown Prince. Grandpa, Yue Jie, a prominent character, it was he who came to talk to him about Zhengyang Special Commerce District.

As for the other young woman, she is very beautiful, and she is the same as Yaoyan. Ye Qinghan does n’t know it, but this woman is so famous that she is well-known in the mythological plane. She is one of the four beautiful women who coexist with Yaoyan. The huge Zhengyang business empire has 4 gold Princesses. Many men are eager to exist. Mythical plane jokes, marrying Yue Luoer, it means 1000 years of struggle!

A high-level deity, ten government-level escorts, have to say that the Zhengyang business empire has a strong foundation. As long as there is Divine Crystal, there is nothing to buy. Naturally, someone is willing to guard the Yue Family.

Ye Qinghan appeared in front of Yue Zhengyang, very respectfully. Such an old man started from scratch and built a huge business empire, not relying on strength but wisdom! He is the true power of wisdom, and it is totally different from Divine Bird.

Yue Zhengyang is full of wise rays of light, full of shine, and spirit of Qu Shu, watching Ye Qinghan’s respectful attitude, very satisfied, laughed and said, “It really is a giant amongst men, not arrogant and impatient, there is no limit to the future.”

“Old Mister overpraised, I don’t know that Old Mister is coming, boy excuse me for not going out to meet you, and hope Mr. Don’t blame.” Ye Qinghan respectfully said, cup one fist in the other hand.

“Hahaha, Ye God Lord, don’t blame the old man. It’s good to be uninvited.” Yue Zhengyang laughed, sounded like a spring thunder, and he was strong and moderate. At the first hearing, he was a person who had a good control of life.

“Yue Old Mister is really a shame boy. Old Mister came down in person, and the mad house is full of vitality. If you know that Old Mister is willing to come, the boy will go to meet him personally.” Ye Qinghan smiled and chatted with such an old man, very There is pressure. This is not the same as the pressure of the top powerhouse to speak. Powerhouse relies on fists. Ye Qinghan thinks that the fists are not small, but Yue Zhengyang relies on wisdom. This intelligent sage is always awesome.

Yue Jieli did not speak on one side, but Yue Luoer looked curiously at Ye Qinghan, and found that there was no merit except handsome, why is his big brother so respected, and why does the world ’s upper god give face?

“Yue Old Mister please come in, Yue Young Master please come in, let this Ye be entertained.” Ye Qinghan said with a smile.

Yue Zhengyang was going to enter Zhennan Pass with the help of Yue Jie, but Yue Luoer said tenderly snorted, “Grandfather, please go in. Ye Shenzhu doesn’t seem to welcome me. I haven’t even looked at me now, even more so now. I just ask you and the big brother to disdain little girls. “

“Hahaha, Luo Er is still so naughty, it is the fault of the old man, he didn’t introduce it.” Yue Zhengyang smiled, his skin was wrinkled, and the old man pulled over the unhappy Yue Luoer, facing him. Ye Qinghan said, “This baby is my favorite Little Princess. The name is Luo Er. My temper is spoilt. I haven’t grown up all day long. I think I was treated coldly and sullen.”

Ye Qinghan smiled awkwardly. Until now, he hadn’t really looked at Yue Luo’er carefully. She was indeed a beauty of the previous generation, but he was not interested in that’s all.

“This Ye has seen Luoer Fairy. It was just my rudeness. Please don’t blame it. Fairy invites in together.” Ye Qinghan cup one fist in the other hand, still not looking directly, sideways motioned to the crowd to enter Zhennan Pass.

“Hmph! Why don’t you look at me? Am I so ugly? Or do you dare to look at it, afraid that you won’t be able to control yourself and lose face?” Yue Luoer was tenderly snorted, very dissatisfied, that many pride in the world, who met her not One bite at a time, I can’t wait to put her eyes on her. Ye Qinghan is better, but she doesn’t even look, her confidence is hit.

Ye Qinghan raised his eyebrows. Princess, 1000 gold, was Princess. He had the least patience to look directly at Yue Luoer. His deep eyes were majestic, and his momentum began to rise. The upper breath was like the Lord ’s coming, domineering and overwhelming. Suddenly gone.

This is what a woman is like. The more Princess has a temper, the more she can’t get used to it, she looks abusive. The more domineering a man is, the smaller her temper will be.

This time, Yue Luoer didn’t dare to look at Ye Qinghan. She hid behind Yue Zhengyang, Yue Zhengyang smiled secretly, and said, “Everything has its nemesis!”

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