Optimus looked at Divine Predictor, his fingertips stretched out, a blood drop appeared on the palm, it was golden, and there was a strong strong dragon, giant dragon divine might.

“This is Ye Qinghan’s blood. It’s time to measure their specific position, right?” Qingtian asked in a cold voice. In the first battle with Ye Qinghan, both people bathed in the blood, and Qingtian collected a drop of Ye Qinghan. Blood is nothing, it’s just ordinary blood, not blood essence.

“It’s good to have blood. Fellow Daoist takes the old man to the Surabaya level. At most half an hour, I can find the specific location of Ye Qinghan.” Divine Predictor stared at the god with excitement, feeling that this Lord God would be inevitable. .

Optimus was nodded, and threw the godhead directly to Divine Predictor, lightly saying, “You 10000000, don’t let me down, otherwise it will be very serious.”

“Hahaha, how dare an old man deceive one of the top ten war bodies.” Divine Predictor said with a big smile.

Optimus didn’t say much, and turned to leave.

Divine Predictor looked at the big man, grinning with a smile, “boy, remember to owe 3 foggy old fogeys, and I will collect them when I find Ye Qinghan and refining Lord God.”

Having said that, Divine Predictor followed the Optima battle body and rushed to the unpredictable and mysterious Tong Heaven Realm River.


At this moment, Ye Qinghan is taking the dragon spirit to move towards the small plane, the speed is getting faster and faster, try to avoid the crowd, even if it is a small city, will not enter.

Suddenly, Ye Qinghan’s heartbeat accelerated, and the heart peng peng hit the chest as if a major event had occurred.

Cultivation to such an extent has a certain degree of anticipation of dangers. If such a strong reaction occurs, there must be a crisis approaching.

Ye Qinghan started to know that the major event was not good, and there were irresistible factors.

“Leave the origin of the chaotic giant dragon to me!” Ye Qinghan without the slightest hesitation reached out.

The dragon spirit froze. Looking at Ye Qinghan’s cold eyes did not seem to be a joke, hesitated for a moment, or forced out the chaotic giant dragon origin. A group of golden origins appeared in the palm of his hand and was delivered to Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan put away the chaotic giant dragon origin, said solemnly, “I send you into the 9 nether plane. Without the chaos distance origin, no one should chase you, and the road behind you is on your own.”

Subsequently, Ye Qinghan took out the transmission gold medal and kept calling 9yu, but the 9yu’s messenger was still closed and could not be contacted at all, so he could only choose to contact Asura.

Asura Daizun learned that Ye Qinghan had something to ask for, and went to the Nine Nether Palace in person. 9 You did not enter the Surabaya level in person, and sent Asura to the Surabaya level.

Just entering the Surabaya level, Asura looked at Ye Qinghan’s anxious look, and couldn’t help asking, “Master, Senior is in retreat, unable to help you, let me help you, what happened to you?”

“There aren’t many things. You can help me take care of her. It is best to bring her to the ninth plane. I will pick her up later.” Ye Qinghan said the next word, turned and rushed into the distance.

The origin of the chaotic giant dragon must not be lost. Once 9 You learns that there is the origin of the chaotic giant dragon on Ye Qinghan, it is possible to fight for it. At this time, you can only rely on yourself, and no one can believe it.

As soon as Ye Qinghan escaped, Optimus brought Divine Predictor to the Surabaya level.

Divine Predictor puts out 8 hexagrams, mobilizes mystery, and the spatial fluctuations become more apparent. The drop of blood from Ye Qinghan begins to explode, affecting Ye Qinghan’s body breath beyond millions and millions of li, and the trajectory becomes clearer and clearer.

Ye Qinghan can sense that someone is using his own blood to track himself. Unless he renews his blood, he can’t escape the tracking of the other party. Now he can only speed up the flight.

the time it takes to burn one stick of incense, Divine Predictor restraining aura, said solemnly, “The dragon spirit is dead, the origin of the giant dragon is still on Ye Qinghan, but Ye Qinghan is already close to the edge of the Surabaya level and rushing towards the boundary river. went.”

“The dragon spirit is dead?” Qingtian frowned, and the chaotic giant dragon originated from the dragon spirit. He didn’t worry too much, how much battle strength can a woman exert? But on Ye Qinghan’s body, it is limitless.


The dragon spirit did die, the soul was taken away by Asura, and entered the ninth plane. The origin of the chaotic giant dragon disappeared. Powerhouse was not interested in her. The main target was all on Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan approached the high fresh plane, took out the flow boat, forcibly crossed the boundary river, and entered the small plane.

Optimus opened the Domain Portal and caught up with the high freshness. Divine Predictor was also with him, and it was difficult for Ye Qinghan to escape from the control of Optima.

“Find out the exact location.” Optimus coldly said.

Qingtian’s armor and spear, as if the god appeared on the high fresh plane, Divine Consciousness was released and controlled the entire plane. As long as Ye Qinghan appeared, he could not escape.

Divine Predictor once again dictated, but how the blood of Ye Qinghan exploded this time, and couldn’t sense the body of Ye Qinghan. I couldn’t help but be shocked. This situation never happened.

“How could this be? What is the identity of this person?” Divine Predictor was astounded that he could break free of chaos and follow the divine technique. There would never be more than 21 people. That is the Supreme God of Primal Chaos Era, unless Ye Qinghan is the traditional one Supreme. God’s reincarnation.

“Interesting, I can hide from my Divine Consciousness, and I can hide under the Divine Predictor Divine Technique!” Optima sneered, appearing directly in the main palace of the high-level plane, looking at the plane. Lord, coldly said, “Do I need to introduce myself?”

“Meet my lord, I do n’t know if the Lord is here, excuse me for not going out to meet you, please forgive me.” The Lord of the Planes looked at the breath emanating from Optimus, and knew that he was an irresistible being, although not I know how to call it, but I dare not offend.

“This King Optima came to catch a criminal. This person went to God’s high-level cultivation base called Ye Qinghan.” Qing Tian waved his hand to reveal the appearance of Ye Qinghan, and then said, “Block off the high freshness. Face-to-face and house-to-house search, you can’t let go of every corner of the plane, and you will be rewarded immediately when you see this person! “


The Gaoxian plane moved immediately, and the army dispatched a carpet-like search to spread from the big city to the mountains and villages.

The Lord of the Planes personally issued an order, and at this moment even the village hunters began to join the search team.

Ye Qinghan was sitting in a deep mountain at this moment, and began to condense the origins of the chaotic giant dragon. The blood within the body had stagnated and there was no energy fluctuation at all, so Divine Predictor’s calculation of the divide technique failed, and he could not find his trace at all.

The origin of the chaotic giant dragon is based on the dragon’s personality, and the creation of a real chaotic giant dragon personality is beginning to spread. The restrained atmosphere is gradually spreading. Star-studded vines are rooted on the side. The lush and green vines cover the sky and cover the entire valley. They were all blocked, and the breath of giant dragon was blocked.

The dragon’s personality is changing. Ye Qinghan doesn’t need to waste his thoughts. Even if the chaotic giant dragon source transforms the god, the texture and the internal space are changing. The chaotic giant dragon source begins to evolve the chaotic giant dragon mystery.

giant dragon Nirvana!

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