The rising winds, scudding clouds on the Surabaya level, deep in the endless mountain range of the universe, the mountains are undulating, the green water butterfly dances, and it is a rare peace.

A ray of Sound of Heavenly Music knows no origin, nowhere to die, and is endless in this mountain.

In a valley, a silhouette lay flat in the sky, her blond hair dangled, her hands resting on her lower abdomen, and her jersey sloppy, as if exhausted for 10000 years, and was lethargic.

I squatted at the mouth of the valley and looked at all around with vigilance, exuding a strong breath, not allowing ominous beast to approach, and there was no presence, that person was naturally Ye Qinghan.

Ye Huang sits in the center of the valley, ten fingers drenched with blood, I don’t know how long it has been played, and the melody is quiet and intent, even the mountain wind all around is not roaring, 10000 ancient forests are swaying, and the piano sounds swell in the valley.

Ye Qinghan had no consciousness, and was so horrible that he could only hear the ray of heaven who was calling himself. The desire to survive was beyond common sense, and he was fighting for life with the chaotic giant dragon origin. He was deadlocked in this valley for 100 years. Life.

Affected by the sounds of nature, the origin of the chaotic giant dragon has temporarily suspended the destruction of Ye Qinghan’s soul, and even actively condensed, showing signs of detachment from the Ye Qinghan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Within the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the chaotic giant dragon’s lattice pattern is quietly changing, and golden is also undergoing transformation, restoring the former dragon’s godlike appearance.

Ye Qinghan moved his fingertips quietly, but did not hide from Ye Huang’s eyes. He couldn’t help crying. For 100 years, Ye Qinghan has been wandering in the air, except for hair and clothes. He never moved, even his heart. No more beating, a slight movement of the fingertips defeated Ye Huang’s strong heart.

Divine Bird is moving up and down. In the past 100 years, it feels that Ye Qinghan is not saved. How can human power and chaos aloof and remote Supreme God origination on equal terms? But Ye Qinghan’s desire for survival was so incredible that perhaps Ye Huang’s piano sound helped him and made him want to survive, but the formidable power of 2 people is really terrifying.

“Young Lord, I feel the master’s breath is rising!” Divine Bird said excitedly.

Ye Huang gritted his teeth nodded, stroking the Human Sovereign piano, a drop of blood essence stained the strings, and even the body was stained red.

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A ray of golden light rushed out of the Ye Qinghan Sea of ​​Consciousness and shot directly into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Ye Huang. It is the origin of the chaotic giant dragon. It did not recognize Ye Qinghan, and even destroyed him, but after 100 years The influence of his piano music even recognized Ye Huang’s Pure Heart.

As soon as the origin of the chaotic giant dragon entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he condensed the chaotic giant dragon’s personality on his own, no … This godhead was different from the giant dragon personality of Ye Qinghan at the time. The veins were filled with the highest mystery and changed Ye Huang’s fleshy body, Sea of ​​Consciousness, and blood!

Supreme God grid!

The legendary Supreme God grid, only 21 in the world, has long disappeared in the history of the Star River, and one quietly appeared at this moment. The Supreme God grid quickly condensed, draining Ye Huang’s divide force, between Heaven and Earth rising winds, scudding clouds, the spirit of God formed a huge vortex, the gathering point of vortex is in this mountain range, rushing into Ye Huang’s within the body crazy.

The piano sound stopped abruptly, Ye Huang was sluggish, feeling the chaos of the giant dragon origin and the legendary Supreme God in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, some were unacceptable. This giant dragon origin almost destroyed Ye Qinghan, and remained dead for 100 years. Now He even came to his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and took the initiative to settle down, even condensing the Supreme God?

Without the torture of the chaotic giant dragon, Ye Qinghan opened his eyes quietly, and the pump light was full of vicissitudes, as if he had spent millions and millions of years, his eyes were pierced with imagination and there was no obstruction.

Looking at the vortex formed by the horrifying divine spirit above, stir the situation, hoarse whispered to himself, “This is the legendary silent place, Reincarnation Road?”

Ye Qinghan is not sure that he is still alive. The past 100 years have been tortured. His will is a little weaker and he has died. He cannot survive at all. The torture of the highest origin can destroy his soul with a little breath, if not for Ye Huang in It reminds him at all times that he cannot survive for 100 years.

“Master, you did not hang! The origin of your chaotic giant dragon is in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Young Lord!” Divine Bird yelled.

Ye Qinghan was awakened and fell abruptly, looking at Ye Huang’s dull eyes, panic in his heart, sore nose, looking at Ye Huang with white hair, guilty of 10000 points in his heart, it is clear that he wants to guard this thin child, but every time It was she who was guarding herself and desperately protecting herself.

Ye Qinghan’s body was trembling, slowly kneeling in front of Ye Huang, holding the slender 5 fingers in his hand, watching the blood marks on the ground, and the heartache couldn’t breathe.

The firm Tao heart, fiercely trembled, twisting pain.

Deep eyes, 2 lines of tears, flowing involuntarily.

“Huanger, I’m sorry, I’m so useless!” Ye Qinghan rebuked him deeply. In the past 100 years, he has been upset and very painful, but knows that Ye Huang is even more upset. He is constantly stroking the piano and his hands are fast grinding It ’s rotten, but I have never frowned.

Ye Huang woke up slowly, looking at Ye Qinghan’s fragile appearance, no longer observing the chaotic giant dragon origin and Supreme God grid, lying down in the arms of Ye Qinghan, said softly, “Master, why are you useless? You are the most powerful hero in my heart and will never change. “

Ye Qinghan was speechless, and ashamed of admiring Ye Huang. In this life, she either took Ye Huang to battle or took her to avoid disasters, and she did not give her a healthy life.

The vortex of the spirit of God surrounded 2 people, rushing into the inside of the 2 people frantically, transforming the fleshhy body, the blood stains on Ye Huang’s fingertips disappeared, the divine light flowed through the fingertips, and the space inside the Supreme God cell was simply a universe. Boundless, vast and boundless, no matter how much divine energy is absorbed, how much divining force is refining, it is not filled with it!

Here Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the other side of the universe can see rising winds, scudding clouds over the edge of the land, and even the Surabaya high plane, the spiritual Qi of the upper plane, are sucked away. , Violet wind erupted.

“What’s the situation?” The first Lord God appeared, powerful enough to reverse time and space, smashing void, but he couldn’t reverse the passing Spirit Qi.

“Ye Fei, is this the Witch faction churning the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon?” The number of silhouettes came, all of which were Lord God, and all were shocked by this restless Heaven and Earth.

Great Demonic God lineage has to be frightened, because it is not their people that cause the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, then it may be the Witch people. Once a force majestic presence exists in the Witch inheritance, this battle will an early closure.

The Lord God named Ye Fei was also shocked. He looked at the 3 Lord Gods in front of him and shook the head in wonder.

The situation is agitating all over the universe. I don’t know where the natural phenomenon is caused, and Lord God can’t find the trace!

Divine Predictor’s calculations were directly blasted into nothingness by a thunderbolt.

The heavens and the sky make Divine Predictor unpredictable, and there is only one kind of person, Supreme God!

Supreme God grid appeared! Who is the most powerful?

Both Lord God are trembling, and they are afraid of the other person. Supreme God is now dead, and the body is not out. If a Supreme God suddenly pops out, Lord God can be broken with a slap!

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