The flow boat that Hatoyama personally created was like a duckweed in the sea in the turbulent space. It floated at any time and was torn at any time. The outer layer of defense was punctured when it passed 1000 miles.

“Be prepared for each other. Once the boat is broken, it’s up to us.” Ye Qinghan said solemnly.

“Why is this turbulent space so strong? It shouldn’t appear in the middle of the plane. This passage cannot go to the Qinghe plane. Have you been fooled by Shang Zhong?” Dongqin frowned.

“No, unless he’s not sure if this channel is going to the Qinghe plane.” Ye Qinghan is pretty sure that Shang Zhong didn’t dare to deceive himself. However, I also feel that this road should not lead to the Qinghe plane. The chaotic flow of this space alone can smash the Qinghe plane.

After crossing three thousand miles, there is a pair of brackets left through the boat. Four great powerhouses divine force pour down, protect the fleshhy body, and pull your hands and rush forward.

Ye Huang pulled out the star knives and rushed to the forefront. The battle body Divine Weapon shattered vortex and dive glow ten thousand zhang.

StarCrazy is indeed the first generation of Life Source Divine Weapon. Even without Ye Huang recognizing Master, it can still play the formidable power of Lord God.

At this time, Ye Qinghan had no effect, and could only hold Ye Huang’s body and let her attack the turbulence with all her strength.

Tianbao’s battle body and Zixian’s powerful blood vessels have no effect, and they can rely on Ye Huang to rush in front.

However, there are stars, and it is nothing to break the turbulence of space. The 4 people worked hard and finally opened the passage. They came to a wide field, the plain was endless, the space was extremely stable, the mystery was difficult, and it was clearly not the median plane. Here The space and gravity are much stronger than the Surabaya level.

“This is the superior plane, not the median plane.”

4 people looked at each other in blank dismay, without asking, you know that this is not the median plane.

“Where did this Shangzhong intelligence come from? Can someone run from this plane across the space to the sky high plane, can it be a half-step Lord God?” Ye Qinghan said silently, looking up to the front, endless. There wasn’t even a silhouette. By the way, “Let’s go on and see if we can find someone to ask, where is this?”

4 people walked along the foot of the mountain and walked about 1000 miles. They found a very indigenous village. A group of teenagers were penetrating the fleshhy body. The cultivation base is not strong. It is about Dao Venerable Realm. Man is a big man, and the cultivation base is nothing but Emperor Realm.

Such a cultivation base is very good on the endless plane, but here is the upper plane, not the small plane. Such a cultivation base is really worth mentioning.

“Let’s take a look.” Ye Qinghan stood on a mountain and looked at the distant villages. There were at most 4 households. Many Hans lived on hunting, and the highest cultivation base was the next god.

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Four people descended from the sky and came to the Martial Practice Stage outside the village. A group of clumsy children looked at Ye Qinghan and the others curiously, and there was no hostility in their eyes. Perhaps the three beautiful women were really unpleasant.

There was snow in the sky, and the bare mountain village seemed a bit desolate. The eyes of the children were simple and simple. Except for the cultivation base, Ye Qinghan thought of his childhood, the Ye Family was simple, and the children were just like them.

The head-headed man looked at Ye Qinghan and the others in surprise. No one came here for so many years. Why did four people suddenly appear at once?

“We are Hanmen Village. I am the young village chief of Hanmen Village. ****, where do the lords come from? Is there anything?” Han was a little wary, even guarded, gathered the children and stood Asked earlier.

Ye Qinghan laughed, worried about scaring this group of children, and quickly cup one fist in the other hand said, “Don’t misunderstand this Fellow Daoist, we are in this place by mistake, I don’t know where this is, so please ask.”

**** I’m still not assured. With my child constantly backing away, I’m about to exit the Martial Practice Stage.

“Children, come here, the elder sister will give you a greeting.” Ye Huang smiled, beckoned, and some Divine Pill appeared. The grade was not good, but it was enough for the children.

Ye Huang smiled, eclipsed Heaven and Earth, and the **** and children were no longer afraid. This is her rendering power, and her clean eyes are really disgusting.

A group of children, most of them are eight-nine years old, and some are 13-14 years old. At this moment, they are eagerly looking at the medicine pill in the hands of Ye Huang, swallowing saliva, but they have not stepped forward, and they all look at *** *.

**** Where do you dare to collect so many Divine Pill and divide medicine, the whole village has not saved so much in one year.

“You’re welcome. I have a lot of these medicine pills. Let the children hold them. You just have to answer a few questions from us.” Ye Huang shook his hands and sent the medicine pill volley in front of the children, letting them Preparedness has been reduced to an extreme.

Soon, there were the most medicine pills in the Tempo Warfare category, and some of them were also thrown to children.

Sure enough, communicating with the children is still the best thing for women. Ye Qinghan was thrown aside by them and mingled with these children.

“Cough cough … Ye Qinghan is coming from a small plane. What is the name of this plane? What city is nearby?” Ye Qinghan coughed 2 times and asked ****.

**** I can see that the cultivation base of Ye Huang and the others is far beyond himself, and even exceeds the Number One Expert in the village too much, but there is no bullying, and he actively communicates with the children, knowing that they will not harm the village, and suddenly opened up The honest villager’s hospitality.

“Several masters please come in. Our Hanmen Village is relatively small. I have offended some people recently, so I am more vigilant. Fellow Daoist must blame it.” **** Quickly reached out and introduced Ye Qinghan and the others into the village.

The village is surrounded by iron and wood to form a huge fortification. The huge wooden door is blocked at any time. It takes a long time for ordinary beasts or Human Race powerhouse to break into the village and attack the villagers.

“We are just ordinary villagers. We do n’t know much about outside things, so we do n’t know what this plane is called, but I know the plane is very big. Legend has it that Lord God has to take the Domain Portal to reach another one. Dacheng, our Hanmen Village belongs to Qianxi City, but none of the villagers in the past have entered the city. I heard that if you want to enter the city, you have to fly a long time before you can reach Hanqing County. Then you will take the Liuyun boat from Hanqing County to Qianxi City, and do Liuyun from Hanqing County. It will take 3 years to reach Qianxi City from the boat. If it is by flying, it is estimated that it will not fly for 1000 or even 10000 years. “**** As the son of a village head, I know quite a lot, if Ye Qinghan Ask ordinary villagers, they don’t know these things at all.

Ye Qinghan has a cluster of eyebrows. He doesn’t know how big the high plane is, but if Lord God needs Domain Portal to reach another city, the distance between the two cities is estimated to be incredible.

“How often does Liu Yunzhou leave from Hanqing County to Qianxi City?” Ye Qinghan asked in detail.

“Once every 5 years, because our Hancheon County is very small, the operation of Liu Yunzhou is basically at a loss. It started in 3 years before, but now it is changed to 5 years. It may not be changed to 1 years in the future. “**** said truthfully.

“How long was the last departure? How long will it take to start again?” Ye Qinghan asked.

“I took a trip three years ago, and I remember it so clearly because I saw Liu Yunzhou set off in 3 years, so if you want to leave, you have to wait another 3 years, otherwise your cultivation base will require It will take 2 years to reach Qianxi City. “**** said with certainty.

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