Ye Qinghan was abused, and she suddenly took pleasure in other people’s misfortune, ran to the front and stretched out her long pink tongue, making a grimace, mocking with a smile, “Waste, they finally saw your mouth and face, wait. you!”


Ye Qinghan’s anger turned into a slap, fiercely pumped on the face of Qing Yanfei, the clear voice echoed in the air, like a thunder.


Qing Yanfei didn’t hide away, the hot pain in her buttocks, jumped 3 feet high and had not landed yet, Ye Qinghan flew away.

Ye Huang shook her head. This little woman was indeed stubborn.

When Qing Yanfei landed on the ground, her face was blue and trembling, gnashing teeth, she rushed to slash Ye Qinghan, but her First Senior Brother silhouette flashed, suppressing her swordsman, He shook his head and said, “Don’t provoke him. He isn’t a slapstick or a waste, otherwise you can’t hide it. The slap just changed to me, and I may not be able to hide from it. How can waste do this step?”

The tears of full-faced faint came out, and suddenly, he shouted angrily, “Senior Brother! He hit me … spanked me! Go and get my revenge!”

“Okay, you are good, or don’t think about taking me out again next time.” Xue Liang smiled bitterly, and it was really hard for him to serve such a 1000 gold Princess. The cultivation base was not bad, but he was too young and did n’t have The experience of experience can’t distinguish right from wrong, and only handle things according to the right or wrong in her own eyes. Without the old churros Xue Liang, 6 Divine Dao Sect would not allow her to go out to practice.

“Hmph! I know you can’t do it, I’m going to find Senior Brother Zuo!” Qing Yanfei was reconciled, turned and ran towards Zuo Xuan Liu, crying for a while.

Zuo Xuanliu was also frightened by Ye Qinghan’s slap. The speed is too fast and the angle is weird. It should not be as unbearable as it appears, but the walking posture is indeed weak and weak. Not sure.

“Junior Sister, don’t worry, I’ll beat him down later, whatever you want to do is revenge!”

The beauty begged, how can you refuse? Zuo Xuanliu was proud of ten thousand zhang, and readily agreed.

Qing Yanfei calmed down and looked angrily at the direction Ye Qinghan left.

Inside the Inn, there are about 5 people visiting, but Inn is just that, all the places are unobstructed, and the places that can be connected to the ground are just a little bit.

“You have a high IQ, you come out of a passage.” Long Ziye snorted.

Ye Qinghan shrugged, closed his eyes, and Sea of ​​Consciousness evolved the memories of Huahai City’s great hall, but he didn’t know, but she knew it when she was united with Long Ziye’s soul last night.

The great hall was in the lobby of Dragon Sect Inn. Ye Qinghan came to a table and chairs according to Long Ziye’s memory, eyes opened, and reached out to pull up the iron table directly on the ground.

Gently stamped her foot, and moved her eyebrows. The sound was thick and there was no echo.

“The organization should be here. Unfortunately, the organization that opened the secretly thought was destroyed. It may be difficult to find the foundation of the organization.” Ye Qinghan lightly saying.

“Listen to you.” Long Ziye said with a smile without a smile.

Ye Qinghan glanced at her, and whispered, “The foundations under Huahai City are all poured with molten iron, and they are connected to the ground. The space under the ground has no other way than to go in from secretly thought.”

“The original place of Huahai City should be a depression, and it was finally irrigated by the Long Family with divine iron to form a large underground space, and then it was transferred to soil cover to build a big city on it. Over time, the underground space Apart from being passed down from generation to generation by Patriarch, no one else knew it, but the blood was able to penetrate in that year, indicating that there are other entrances to enter.

Ye Qinghan turned around and walked out of Inn. He flew into the sky, overlooking the sea of ​​flowers, deducing the scene of the slaughter of that year. The place where the blood converges should be a lower depression, excluding all places, only one place matches.

A lake in Huahai City has dried up at this moment.

Now it is a sea of ​​flowers, but the sea of ​​flowers is darker and red is cold.

Ye Qinghan appeared in this sea of ​​flowers, mobilized Essence of Earth, and continued to drill down. It was found that only a very small part was iron, and in the depths, it was at most one foot thick, and then it was a void.

“Here it is! A thick divine iron, it’s easy to penetrate, and there are gaps in it.” Ye Qinghan whispered to himself.

No one pays attention to Ye Qinghan’s rampant, but Dugu Jian reads countless people, knowing that he is a treacherous generation, never doing useless work, his eyes have been staring at him.

Ye Qinghan returned to Inn and said to Long Ziye and the others, “I have found the entrance. It is in the sea of ​​flowers in the depression. You help me attract attention, and I take the Huanger down to see.”

“Leave it to me.” Long Ziye’s eyes brightened, is it possible that there really is something he didn’t find?

Waiting until the night, the monsoon no longer came, Ye Qinghan flew Ye Huang from red at night, and found that the nearby crowd, 99% of the people were stationed outside, set up tents, there were men and women, mostly to watch Flowers from the sea.

At this moment, Long Ziye stepped out of Inn and stood behind Tenglao 3 and Ma Lao2. Zixian and Dongqin followed, and a low-sounding whistle caught everyone’s attention.

“Everyone, today I saw the sea of ​​flowers, and the trading rally will start tomorrow. Everyone will trade things for something, and bring out what they don’t need in exchange for useful things. I hope everyone will participate actively.” Everyone stop.

“But I would like to remind everyone that 10000000 should not be forced to buy and sell. This rule has continued for nearly 10000 years. No one has oppressed the 100 surnames of ten thousand li. I hope that everyone will have a good manner. Sect’s face is lost, and once someone fouls or violates the bottom line of this seat, then don’t blame me for being impolite. “Long Ziye warned in a deep voice.

“Fellow Daoist Long, who wouldn’t give your face? Rest assured.”

The crowds reunited, and the nearby villagers cheered. Every year, Long Ziye sits in the town. There is no need to worry about being oppressed. Tian Divine Sect is strong, but the bandits they raised are afraid to slaughter the village casually, because Long Ziye is here to watch With.

Ye Qinghan and Ye Huang sneaked into the low-lying sea of ​​flowers, using Essence of Earth to dive continuously, and thousand zhang all the way down before they touched the divine iron.

Ye Qinghan supported the soil, leaving a lot of space, and said to Ye Huang, “Huanger, use the star knives to pierce this piece of Divine Physique, at most one foot deep.”

Ye Huang pulled out the star knives. It was extremely sharp. It cut iron like mud. Dig the divine iron one by one. The divine iron, which was more than one foot deep, was quickly penetrated. When you stepped on it gently, it fell down and fell into the ground. The sanctuary was stunned by the scarlet blood here. The plasma had solidified. Except for red or red, there were thousands of night pearls with large fists, which illuminated the huge underground space.

Originally, it should be a beautiful Holy Land. Unfortunately, the Spiritual Qi is completely absent. The time is completely still. You can’t feel the passage of time. Quiet and horrifying. Ye Qinghan looked around for a week and found that a mountain was broken by the waist. There is a platform where one person is actually lying.

xiu—— ——

Ye Qinghan and Ye Huang flew up and landed on the platform. The person was about eight-nine years old, with a clear eyebrow, and even could not tell whether it was a man or a woman. At this moment, the ruddy complexion is still there, and all physiological functions are not necrotic. As if it was put in yesterday.

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