Ye Qinghan’s words made Liukong ghost Tao angry, growling, “Impossible! How could he tell you my arrangement?”

“Why not possible? Stun him and search the memory. Is it difficult for Lord God?” Ye Qinghan said slightly with a smile.

“Have you knocked him out?” Liukong Guidao became increasingly angry, feeling that things were getting out of his control.

“Hahaha, his face can really give him extra points, but his appearance is too poor. When I met him, I knew he had a problem, but the biggest problem was not with you, but with you “You really shouldn’t provoke me, and you shouldn’t let the killer specifically target me,” Ye Qinghan coldly said.

The ghost of the emptiness looked at Ye Qinghan, and the hatred in his eyes was strong. He did not expect that the words of Yan Yanfei would make his mission fail.

If it wasn’t for Qing Yanfei’s coquettishness and telling Liukong Ghost Taoist that she hated Ye Qinghan, Liukong Ghost Taoist would not specifically mention it to Ling Tian and let them kill Shinto as a gift target.

Thinking about all this, step by step to failure, turned out to be a so-called cricket.

The ghost of the empty ghost grinned and sneered. Space Aegis blocked him for many times. Space Aegis was not broken. He was invincible. At least no one could kill him, and the spear of time could not.

“Did you kill the Junior Brother and the Dark Senior Brother?” Lord God of Life asked indignantly.

“Since you all believe what this image stone records, do you ask what this seat does? 6 Divine Dao Sect, is a decaying sect, which can obviously be bigger, but you have to give up. This seat does not understand, is it the Six Paths rule? Gathering, will it really make a sect like the sun and the sky fall apart? “Liukong Ghost Taoist was angry and felt that everyone in the world didn’t understand him.

“Don’t you fall apart now? For obsessiveness, for the unification of the Six Paths rule, you will kill your Junior Brother. If it is not for the ancestors of 6 Divine Dao Sect, it is estimated that they have begun to kill each other long ago. Is it your turn to fight?” Ye Qinghan coldly said.

“This Fellow Daoist is right, because of your selfishness, 6 Divine Dao Sect has fallen apart now, do you still have to wait for the Six Paths rule to unite?” Bright Lord God growled.

“Your ignorance, the 6 Divine Dao Sect at that time did not have to be divided into Six Paths inheritance. Mixing 6 in one, 6 Divine Dao Sect must be one of the strongest forces in the upper plane.” Liukong Guidao said unwillingly.

“Senior wisdom, how can you allow this selfish generation of nonsense? I can understand that everyone has their own field of specialisation, a person who has too much knowledge of the mystery, will definitely lead to a rule that is not proficient, after a long time 6 Divine Dao Sect will set the sun behind the western hills, and the division of Six Paths inheritance can inspire the fighting spirit of major inheritance. The Six Paths inheritance is still brilliant, but it is a pity that you have lost your Sect Master. Or let’s join you together? “Ye Qinghan said dismissively.


6 Divine Dao Sect The other 3 Lord Gods suddenly gathered around, all of them hated the ghosts of Kukong.

Obviously the ghosts are not willing to fail, and are still waiting for the arrival of Ling God Lord God.

Ye Qinghan shrugged, indifferently said, “If you want to wait for Ling Tian, ​​you are advised not to wait. If I did n’t even show up here, wouldn’t it be courting death? As for the 4th sea, it is estimated that Heavenly Palace has been detained, and I believe it will be here soon to plead guilty to Lord Lau God. “

The face of Liukong Ghost Road suddenly changed greatly, and it was unexpected that Ye Qinghan’s plan was so meticulous that he did not leave any weak spot.

“I still have a few close friends, two great slaves, and everything has a chance.” Liukong Guidao said indifferently.

“Until the Yellow River is immortal, don’t forget the Lord God that has offended in these years. There are no ten and eight. I have notified them through the intelligence system. Your two great slaves have not appeared so far. You should understand that it happened. What happened. “Ye Qinghan coldly snorted and said.

The ghost in the air is not convinced that Ye Qinghan has blocked all his vitality and glared at Ye Qinghan. If it was not restrained by Lord God of 6 Divine Dao Sect, he would never let Ye Qinghan go.

“Junior Sister, Junior Brother, I can die, I can confess my guilt, but Ye Qinghan must die! This is an internal matter of our 6 Divine Dao Sect. There should be no outsider to intervene. The honor of the old man should not allow him to defile, so You give way, I confessed my guilt on the spot after I killed him! “Liu Kong ghost Taoist still did not give up, want to kill Ye Qinghan, but also want to take the opportunity to escape.

“You still have the face to say that it is an internal matter of 6 Divine Dao Sect. My Master has awe in you, but you killed him, and you also actively helped me find the dark law boundary monument, behaved, disgusting, your words. Never believe it again! If it weren’t for Fellow Daoist, your next goal would be either Bright Master or Life Master, you would be really poisonous. “The dark Lord God of this generation is scolded in anger.

“A great man has to be ruthless, this seat is also for the growth of 6 Divine Dao Sect, you don’t understand, old man doesn’t blame you.” The emptiness ghost Taoist sighed.

“No need to talk nonsense with him, he killed me Manchu, I want him to die without a burial site today!” Long Ziye mobilized Qiankun pot to attack.


Ye Huang also evolved the giant dragon, which shattered the square space, so that the ghosts of Liukong could not borrow the Space Gate to escape.


Bright Lord God points a little, the magnificent light elements cover 100 miles, radiates 4 sides, purifies all the power of filth, and can even destroy Lord God’s fleshhy body.

Lord God sighed. After this night, 6 Divine Dao Sect really broke up, but her favorite man, the streamer Lord God, died in his hands, and it is impossible for her to leave the ghost.

The Lord God gathers more and more, and the four-party space is completely imprisoned, and the ghost ghost people want to run but have no way to escape.

“Hahaha, you forced me. Since you want to die, the old man fulfills you.” The emptiness ghost Taoist is like a madman, laughing upright, swallowing an unknown divinity medicine, Time Divine Spark and Dark Godhead in Sea of ​​Consciousness The sudden outbreak drove Divine Physique to pour out the dive force, making the fleshhy body unable to carry it at all, and the divine personality swelled, so that it required Self-destruction.

“Let’s die together!” Ruokong Ghost Taoist shouted, Self-destruction has been opened, and the order cannot be changed. Once Self-destruction is completed, the entire Qianxi City may be destroyed.

Zhu Xiong was frightened and flew away.

Ye Qinghan and the others fled from the beginning, and couldn’t care much anymore, rolled up the winter lyre and purple fairy, and Longquan torn apart and escaped directly.

At the moment when everyone was panicking, the ghosts of the empty ghosts laughed, the Lord God of the space took the soul directly and smashing void, disappear without a trace.


Lord God Self-destruction, formidable power horror, swallowed Star River, 8 The wasteland time and space all collapsed.

Many half steps Lord God was devastated, the fleshhy body was turned into powder, and the air waves quickly rushed into the Divine Sect under the Qianxi City. The Divine Sect defensive grand formation was broken instantly, and the entire mountain range was turned into powder. All disciple died.

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