Lord God butt, there is a common topic.

It ’s just that this Lord God is here, with 10000 spirits kneeling down, collectively called the giant god, which is completely different from the outside world, making Ye Qinghan a little confused. Is this area inherited by the Chaos Primitive Universe?

“Who is Fellow Daoist? Why does it appear in my original holy realm? It still exudes the breath of a giant god. Do you want to challenge it?” Lord God solemnly asked.

“Daoist brother misunderstanding, this Ye Qinghan is from a foreign country, not a person in the original holy realm, but the chaotic universe is unified, and I came here by chance.” Ye Qinghan cup one fist in the other hand and looked at this. Someone found that his strength can be equal to Ling God Lord on mention on equal terms, and the battle strength is definitely not bad.

Middle-aged Lord God As Lord God, naturally knows that chaos has been unified, and understands that the original holy realm is no longer an independent plane. It is normal for some outsiders to appear, but I do n’t understand why Ye Qinghan gathered so many ordinary 100 surnames. On this big ship.

“In the City of Light, Lord, these 100 surnames should be people in my original holy realm? Fellow Daoist, why are you all concentrated here?” Lord God introduced himself, and then asked his doubts.

Ye Qinghan immediately explained what happened to the Niu Niu Village, and the old village chief also accepted Ye Qinghan’s words, so that Shengjuntian believed it.

Primal Chaos Era The mount of the Guangwu war body, the python god, needless to say, the original sanctuary from the Chaos inheritance, naturally understands that it is also the first rate influence of the party.

The era is lonely, and powerhouses have fallen. Most of Chaos Titan was killed in the war. The rest were also weak, and they were already aging. It is almost impossible to think of an existence comparable to a python god. Already.

The sage prince was tightly frowning. He could never fight the python gods, and he must ask for help from the masters in the sacred realm.

“Fellow Daoist, you follow me to the holy realm, and I will explain to the holy realm Elder.” Saint King said solemnly.

“I think your immediate priority is to move the front of the 100 surnames in and around the city. Once the python gods recover, the entire holy place may be destroyed, and these ordinary beings will never survive.” Ye Qinghan reminded.

“The number of 100 surnames is too large to leave the holy realm. According to you, the python gods will recover in at most a year and a half. They cannot escape, they are too late, and they can focus on the powerhouse to guard the frontier positions. All sentient beings, I first ordered the villagers in the counties to gather in the city of Holy Light, and I advance and retreat with them. ”Sheng Juntian shook the head. I do n’t think migration is a good way. One and a half years seems to be a long time. Out of such a vast territory of the original holy realm, it is simply a matter of night.

Ye Qinghan nodded agreed with the meaning of Saint King’s Heaven. Since he cannot move, he can only guarantee it.

Soon, Saint King began to mobilize all spies and the intelligence system of the city of light, contact the subordinate cities and counties, and the city and county informed the villages and made a full return visit to the city of light.

After the emperor’s day was busy, Ye Qinghan and the emperor’s day took the Domain Portal to the sanctuary.

The original sanctuary is very large, as big as a huge upper plane, but the real sanctuary is very small. It is in the center of the original sanctuary, but the radius is not ten thousand li. This is also called the original Holy Sect. Belonging to Holy Sect’s territory, Holy Sect’s will is the will of this sanctuary, and no one dares to argue.

The original Holy Sect may be the most complete a small sect of inheritance except two great factions. Even 6 Divine Dao Sect cannot be stated on equal terms.

Under the influence of Holy Sect, there are only 108 main cities, countless towns, but not every main city has Lord God, and some are half-step Lord God Great Perfection, which is tighter than Lord God. That’s all .

As soon as he entered the city of holy realm, Shengjuntian said to Ye Qinghan, “The land of holy realm is strictly forbidden to use military force and it is not allowed to fly. When you see Holy Sect Elder, please respect and never desecrate Holy Sect divine might.”

Ye Qinghan shrugged. There are many rules for this old sect. The longer they inherit, the stronger their sense of superiority will not be tarnished and blasphemed by others, but his goal is to kill the python gods, and make them with the python godskin. The armor of the golden armor that’s all, there is no need to confront this Great Sect.

Outside the Holy City, there is a mountain of God, surrounded by Immortal Qi, divide glow ten thousand zhang, and towering Heavenly Palace. The clouds and fog are attached to the center of the palace, within reach.

“Holy Sect disciple may be stronger, you don’t have to be more authentic with them.” The two men stepped out of the city of the holy realm, and Saint King reminded again.

Ye Qinghan grinned sneaked and stopped speaking.

2 people came to the foot of the Holy God Mountain and watched the main peak soaring into the sky. The magnificent Chaos Aura was full of luck. No wonder Holy Sect can inherit to this day.

Ye Qinghan stood at the foot of the mountain for a long time, watching illusory’s luck, and whispered, “Purple Qi goes west, luck is gone, Holy Sect inheritance will soon pass.”

“What did you say?” Sheng Juntian asked in surprise.

“It’s okay, let’s go up,” Ye Qinghan said flatly.

2 people walked on foot, and when they were several dozen meters high, they were stopped by a group of young disciples. The highest cultivation base is the god realm, but it is really young, only a few 100 years old. Can such a cultivation base be placed outside. Definitely a genius.

“Who is the newcomer? Is there a Holy Sect imperial decree?” An upper god headed down looked at Shengjuntian and Ye Qinghan, knowing that the 2 people ’s cultivation base is more terrifying than him, but he does n’t care at all, and has a high toe. Ang asked.

Ye Qinghan has seen the so-called “Holy Sect disciple is more powerful”. This is clearly courting death, not strong. If these people are released to the outside world, they will not be able to live for 2nd day.

“Old man City Lord of the Holy Light City, if you have any enquiries, please see the Holy Sect Elder, and also ask a few Little Brothers to report it for you.” Sheng Juntian knows the routine, and reaches out to take out 1000 Top Grade Divine Crystals, which are sent to the young disciples. Hands.

The head-headed youth looked at a few thousand Top Grade Divine Crystals, with a look of disdain in his eyes, but took it over, coldly said, “Here, without Holy Sect permission, dare to step into the upper half step, kill without mercy! “

Ye Qinghan chuckled secretly, but Divine Bird was a little unwilling to endure. He jumped out of Ye Qinghan’s shoulder and asked the Holy King Heavenly Dao with disdain. “Hello, Lord God, why are these little messy hairs screaming? If you are outside, Such a person would be killed by lifting his head when he was born. “

Saint King ’s complexion greatly changed, and quickly stopped Divine Bird from talking, and isolated the air flow fluctuations in the middle, so that Divine Bird’s words did not reach the ears of the youngsters.

“Fellow Daoist, take good care of your pets, it is said that the king is good, please, the little ghost is hard to send, these people can’t afford to offend.” Sheng Juntian said solemnly.

“They are used to it.” Ye Qinghan replied disdainfully.

Saint King said with a bitter smile, “Those who can join Holy Sect are geniuses. Ten thousand li pick one, aren’t they used to doing it?”

“This kind of thing, I want to be crazy, still genius?” Divine Bird said scornfully.

The monarch looked at Divine Bird and looked at the expression that Ye Qinghan agreed with, and asked in amazement, “Which power is this mad sect? Is it possible that Fellow Daoist is a mad sect?”

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