The news that the Optimus Warfare was once again severely spread quickly, many people began to wonder if the Warfare was really so invincible, even if they lost to the top 2 masters of Kuangzong, this suddenly popped out of an unfathomable mystery. Body of war flees, what kind of war is it? The body of the year was absolutely invincible except Supreme God, and no one could compare! The warfare is so unbearable.

In fact, this ca n’t be blamed for the war body, who made him bad luck and met Ye Qinghan, and now the road is broken and the sky is gone. Although the chaotic universe is reappearing, but he wants to reunite the road, Cang Tian wants to stand up again, I do n’t know time that will never come, the advantage of the war body is almost no longer, even if it still wins 99% of the people, the strength of the war body is undoubted.

Ye Qinghan defeated Qingtian, deliberately let him leave, and came to a valley with beautiful mountains and rivers. He sat in front of a waterfall, and Spiritual Qi swelled with the water mist, blowing on his face, blowing black ink like ink. The vigorous face under Asura’s mask revealed a fortitude.

For Ye Qinghan, it is easy to hit the country, but let him keep it. He only wants to guard the little area of ​​the endless galaxy, where all his feelings are exhausted, and there are too many heroes killed for it. Where life is blessed, you can’t bear to trample on others.

Emperor Xi, Emperor Pangolin, Emperor Fusu …

Ye Qinghan has never forgotten the tragic situation of Emperor Su Fu in order to keep the territory. Emperor Pangolin would rather keep the endless mountains and rivers without his body.

If the mountains and rivers are not there, what use is it for me?

This sentence echoed in Ye Qinghan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, which can still make him enthusiastic and guard the endless galaxy, not only responsibility but also obligation.

“No matter what, I want to keep the endless galaxy a pure land. No matter how you fight in the later period, don’t provoke me to be crazy!” Ye Qinghan leaned on a stone and kept picking up small stones and hitting them in the stream, clear The stream is crystal clear and bottomless, within the valley 10000 purple 1000 red, peach blossom blossoming, the majestic wind blows, the peach blossom falls, hits Ye Qinghan’s shoulder.

Ye Qinghan did not practice, but spread Divine Consciousness into the wild, waiting for the advent of the enemy. Suddenly, Ye Qinghan moved his eyebrows and looked at the starry sky. He found a silhouette that was extremely fast. It came from the north. If you think of the position of the Asura team, He had to pass by, so he didn’t meet him.

However, after a while, a silhouette rushed out from the West, the speed was almost the same. It is estimated that the time to arrive here was the same. I could not help but sit upright, the knife in my hand kept twitching, and the ‘potential’ ups and downs all around.

咻 xiu—— ——————

2 Dao Changhong galloped from the west and the north, and they also discovered the ‘potential’ that erupted in Ye Qinghan, knowing that Ye Qinghan was deliberately attracting them.


A silhouette of 2 people flashed and descended into the valley.

A youngster only in his 20s, youngster’s eyes are clear, the god of wind is like a jade, and his face is as handsome as a woman. His slender legs and white jersey are spotless. Even the scabbard in his hand is white. It is estimated that it is very serious. Guy, he is Myriad Laws Return To One’s legendary final disciple of Sect Master. The only disciple, Bai Xiaosheng, has never encountered an opponent in the Myriad Laws Domain. Even if he can resist 3 moves within the same level, he is an elite.

There is a vigorous middle-aged man in his 50s with a gloomy look and a 10000-point glare, which gives people a sense of ridiculousness, which makes people feel fearful but not respected. This person is the blood of the witch family. The dragon is the son of the 4th-generation witch god. The cultivation base is superb. The battle strength can be described by horror.

“You are King Asura?” Wulong asked with a frown.

Ye Qinghan stood up slowly, nodded, and didn’t speak.

“Old man Wu Clan Wu Long, 9 turns Primal Chaos Dao Body Wu Ning is my nephew, old man this time you should understand what it is for, you are so brave that you dare to kill my Wu Clan subsidiary forces, Put my Wu tribe in my eyes? “Wu Long asked coldly.

Ye Qinghan raised his eyebrows. For the first time, he heard the introduction and introduced his nephew. Is this product afraid that people don’t know he is the Witch God Uncle?

“What about the old man, are you dead?” Wulong asked in an angry voice.

“People in the Witch camp?” Ye Qinghan’s voice was hoarse and completely changed. If he was not familiar with Asura, he couldn’t even hear that it wasn’t his.

“Lama Sect, don’t pretend to be confused. You won’t give an account of this seat today. If you don’t want to leave here, the Asura Sect will be destroyed!” Wu Long reprimanded.

“Lama Zong … He blocked me, what do you want to explain? Like Qingtian, was I cut back?” Ye Qinghan asked coldly.

“Arrogant child, like yours, my nephew can pinch a few hundred.” Wulong disdain, open mouth and shut up is wuyne.

Ye Qinghan laughed hoarsely, and saw that Wulong was a man walking on rivers and lakes by his nephew, and this kind of goods scared people based on his family. He really did not want to talk to him more, and still changed his voice, “Woyne is really very Strong, unfortunately you are not strong, the Witches sent the wrong person, get out, go back and tell the Witches camp, I do n’t have many Asura sects. The 300 small areas nearby are all my Asura sects. Let your people Leave now, or this seat will be destroyed! “

Wulong and Bai Xiaosheng frowned immediately, but Bai Xiaosheng couldn’t bear it, Wulong couldn’t help it. He would be with attendants crowding round wherever he went. Who would dare to disobey his will? Ye Qinghan was so ridiculed, he was instantly angry and stunned, and drew his sword and stabbed him.



How could Ye Qinghan’s speed be comparable to an old bastard mixed up by his nephew, lifting his feet in the middle of his chest, as if the Wulong himself bumped up.


After one kick, Wulong’s body was smashed backwards like a disconnected kite, blood was sprayed from his mouth, and his bile was almost spit out. He hadn’t landed yet. Ye Qinghan used a scabbard fiercely to pull it on his face. He was dropped to the ground, and the dirt 4 splashed, but did not damage the elegant illusion in the valley.


The Wulong screamed, several teeth were broken by the scabbard, and the front teeth were also broken. What’s worse, the cheek on the right was swollen like a few raised ones, and the red marks were horrible to see.

“Li (you) dare to fight tigers, my nephew is Wu Nine …” Wu Long growled angrily and raised his nephew again, but his teeth were leaking, and he couldn’t even speak.

Bai Xiaosheng was originally in a very bad mood. Now he was amused by Wu Long’s expression. Puci gave a loud laugh, then leaned forward and leaned back.

“You are not a tiger. You are a sick cat at best. Don’t frighten this seat with witch alkyne. Get out.” Ye Qinghan murderous aura 4 shots, covered with valleys, a lot of peach blossoms fell, and with the gale wind, don’t have a flavor.

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