
“Master, this is the thunder fruit you want.”

In the research room of the Empty Island Branch, the three advanced evolutionaries who had been monitoring Anilu for more than ten days knelt on one knee, and the middle one held the blue pineapple-like exotic fruit in both hands and presented it in front of Lu Yu.

“Are you sure this is the Thunder Fruit?”

Wiping his glasses, Lu Yu took the devil fruit in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Because he was previously addicted to biological genetic research, Lu Yu had not seen the Devil Fruit Guide, so he didn’t know if this was the thunder fruit he was looking for, but according to the lightning pattern on the body surface, the probability of being a thunder fruit was above 90.

“Oh… We don’t know this, we have been monitoring this neuropathy according to your orders, and there is only this one devil fruit on that sunken ship. ”

To make sure they weren’t mistaken, the three searched the wreck and made sure there were no omissions before returning with Anilu and the Devil Fruit.

“That’s fine, but why is this guy looking at me like that?”

Putting away the thunder fruit, Lu Yu found that Anilu, who was tied to the ground, had been looking at him with eyes that wanted to eat people, and couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“Maybe we stole his stuff.”

Taking away the strip of cloth that blocked Anilu’s mouth, this product immediately broke and cursed: “You damn mortal, this god is not finished with you, while exiling this god, you actually sent people to monitor this god all the way and snatch this god’s food, you must accept the punishment of this god!”


A monkey man saw that Anilu dared to insult his master in front of them, and slapped him on the spot: “Stinky boy, if you say another word of this god, and insult the master, I will cut off your tongue.”


Anilu still wanted to be tough, but after seeing that the evolutionary body didn’t seem to be joking, he still closed his mouth in amusement.

Thinking in my heart that God will not deal with the unenlightened beast.

He still didn’t understand why Lu Yu targeted him so much.

First threw himself into the sea of clouds to drift, sent people to monitor himself at all times, wanted to eat a fruit to fill his hunger, not only was snatched away but also beaten, and then brought himself back, why is this?

It’s too hard for him to be a god.

“Take him down to look good, don’t embarrass him, when I finish the experiment, I will go and talk to him in person.”

Taking out three red potions from his arms, Lu Yu waved his hand to signal them to leave.

“Yes, master!”

Excitedly taking the red potion, the three of them carried Anilu with the urge to cheer and ran out.

Fortifying agent.

Taking it can re-strengthen the creatures that have completed evolution, and it has the effect of leveling up, and the crafting materials are extremely valuable.

This was also the reason why the three evolutionaries were excited after receiving the reward.

“Then the next step is to extract the energy of the Thunder Fruit and inject it into my body.”

Putting the thunder fruit in the extraction dish and putting it away, Lu Yu began to adjust the instrument, and at this time he suddenly found that he had always been alone, and some things could not be busy.

He also thought about finding an assistant, but because he didn’t trust humans, trying to use evolutionary body assistance was more and more helpful, let them fight okay, help with experiments? Forget it.

“It seems that there is time to train a few assistants from an early age.”

Shaking his head to dispel irrelevant thoughts in his mind, Lu Yu opened the evolution capsule after completing the instrument adjustment.

I took off my shirt and lay down with my hands on my abdomen, quietly waiting for the energy to open.


The glass cover of the evolution cabin closed, and Lu Yu looked at the injection needle sticking out above the cabin slightly nervously.

He has always experimented on others, and today is the first time he has tried it on himself, and he doesn’t know what it feels like.

But soon Lu Yu understood the feeling that those evolutionary bodies had experienced when they were transformed.

Five words to describe: too much Ni hurts!

The needle was inserted into the chest, and Lu Yu’s painful body subconsciously twitched, and as the needle in the extraction dish was inserted into the thunder fruit, the extraction and injection experiment of the two officially began.


Lu Yu in the evolution cabin screamed in pain, his teeth were clenched together, and the blood vessels on his forehead were clearly exposed under the surface of the skin as if they would burst at any time.

What an experience it is, the energy of the Thunder Fruit is blue, and there is also an electric light flashing in it.

After entering Lu Yu’s body from the needle, the energy flowed rapidly through his limbs, and the violent collision made Lu Yu understand what it was to live or die, and the flesh and blood under the skin seemed to be torn apart.

I don’t know how long it took, the glass cover of the evolution capsule reopened.

Lu Yuhun, who was lying inside, was all wet with sweat, and his face was pale and terrible.

“Poor… I almost thought I was going to die…”

His eyelids trembled, and Lu Yu opened his eyes and quietly looked at the ceiling.

Although the experiment was over, the pain remained, and now it was very difficult for Lu Yu to move even a finger.

This is also the reason why Lu Yu is reluctant to find an assistant.

At this time, the laboratory is closed, no one can enter without his password, if the assistant assassinates him at this time, he can only be slaughtered.

“Whew~ maybe, just take a break.”

Thinking that there was a more important experiment waiting for him, Lu Yu, who had not slept for several days, slowly closed his eyes, taking advantage of this opportunity, he needed to rest well to replenish his sleep and prepare for the next work. _

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