Li Yi's words made Liu Chang into contemplation. Anyway, he now has the "improved contract technique" blessed by Li Yi, and he is not afraid of being seen by the mob. It is at this moment that Li Yi's words have brought him a lot of inspiration, making him Can not help thinking about the possibility of this method.

But soon he was disappointed to put this method behind him-he is only a dark contractor, although it will change into a state of light attribute after "burst", but he can not use these two energies at the same time. The form of the spell was released, so that Li Yi's method could only work for other innate multi-attribute contractors.

Liu Chang sighed: "I can't use your method at all, only other multi-attribute contractors can use it, and even if I can release both light and dark contract spells at the same time, the spells of these two attributes can't be at the same time. Use, so to say, I have no hope..."

Liu Chang immediately looked at Li Yi and said, "Don't talk about these, let's kill their commanders first!"

Li Yi nodded and looked around. A two-height banner stood in front of them. The banner was made of black backing. The word "Tianli" was sewn with white thread on it. Blowing hunts.

Under the banner, stood two mob soldiers, holding a halberd in each hand, standing quietly under the banner, immobile, apparently having undergone more formal training. Behind the flag, there was a dome tent about two feet wide. The three tents walked back and forth outside the tent.

Other than that, there is nothing else.

The mob army outside the eastern city wall has swarmed into the city of Lianyu. Only the guards protecting the commander are left outside the city. Now is the time to behead!

"Hey... I used to watch beheadings in movies, but I didn't expect me to do this now..." Li Yi said with his mouth, and he wasn't idle, waving his hand and mantra, a few naked eyes Hard-to-see protective spells were blessed on him and Liu Chang.

Li Yi nodded to Liu Chang and took the lead to walk towards the tent.

"Wait!" Liu Chang grabbed Li Yi and asked, "What are you going to do? Just walk in like this?"

Li Yi looked at Liu Chang puzzled, and said strangely: "So what do you want? Like the special forces, first to investigate, then to sneak in? The last blow will kill? Please come on! We are blessed spells now Not too much? Don’t be so timid, OK?"

"Good! Then you can be a pioneer, I will follow you! If there is something wrong, I will go!" Liu Chang nodded helplessly and replied.

Li Yi smiled with satisfaction: "That's right... How big is something, isn't it just to get a small commander..."

Liu Chang followed Li Yi back to the patrol team and came to the tent.

" do we get in? If you directly lift the curtain to enter, those patrol guards will surely see..." Liu Chang asked worriedly, and at the same time he looked around with caution, "These teams are all around When patrolling in a tent, someone will pass by the door at any time, and we can’t find a chance!"

"Really? Should I say that you are as stupid as a pig, or should you say you are a pig?" Li Yi sucked his mouth and waved his hand. Liu Chang only felt that his body seemed to have some familiar changes, and then he saw Li Yi Straight through the tarp and into the tent.

"Don't you think that in addition to being able to protect you from the sword, the blur technique can also pass through the wall?" Li Yi leaned out of the tent and made a face at Liu Chang.

With the effect of "Blur", Liu Chang, like Li Yi, passed through the tarp and entered the tent.

Liu Chang really didn’t know that this spell had such an effect. When he learned this spell before, his mentor once told him that the biggest use of this spell is to allow others to attack him through his body without hurting him. I have never thought of how to use spells like this.

Li Yi's alternative use of spells has opened up a new path for Liu Chang's thinking!

Entering the tent, a red-haired woman was lying quietly on a blanket of fine workmanship, and a blond man was squatting beside her, carefully wiping sweat from her forehead for her.

Li Yi and Liu Chang recognized the woman's identity at once!

It is the shadowless burning moon that disappears after breaking through the eastern city wall! It turned out to be saved here by the same family!

Li Yi made a wink at Liu Chang, pulled out the fire sword from his waist, and leaned up slowly, while Liu Chang's voice chanting mantras whispered from behind.

With a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, Li Yi raised his fire sword and slashed towards the two elves!

"when"! The fire sword knocked on the ground without hindrance, and made a clear sound. The two elves in front of him were chopped off by Li Yi, without any obstacles in the middle!

There was no splattered blood, no sharp screams, the elf in front of him didn’t even look up at Li Yi, still wiping the sweat from his forehead quietly for the burning moon, his movements were orderly, without the slightest panic!

This... what's going on? Li Yi was puzzled and took a few steps back. She turned around and looked at Liu Chang in confusion, but found that the other person's face also showed a puzzled expression.

"Is it... blurry technique?" Li Yi guessed, but the elves in front of them were not dark elves, which means they couldn't use the contract technique of the dark system at all. Besides, even if there are dark elves, rely on the underground and The hatred seen by these two elves on the surface is simply impossible to bless them with "Blur".

Li Yi looked at the elf in front of him alertly and was ready to fight.

For a long time, nothing happened. Li Yi maintained a defensive posture and felt that he was about to turn into a statue, and he didn't dare to move, but Liu Chang soon saw the clue and patted Li Yi on the shoulder.

"Be careful, I guess it's a good thing. This should be the effect of illusion. The two elves in front of you are just illusions created by illusion-you see, you just hacked it with a sword, but even they are under them. None of the blankets were broken, and it is impossible for the blur technique to act on inanimate objects such as blankets..." Liu Chang explained, his eyes rolled, and reminded Li Yi, " just made it The act of attack, that is to say, your stealth effect is gone..."

"I rely on it! You don't say it early!" Li Yi's stealth effect has disappeared, and it was exposed to the eyes of the people hidden in the tent. At the same time, Li Yi's yell also reached the ears of the guards patrolling abroad. Time and footsteps sounded, and the guards all rushed towards the tent.

"Commander Leng Yu, are you okay?" The voice of the guard's inquiry came from outside, and Li Yi's face was hot-the first "beheading" operation failed so much, can it not blush? The fat man's face is still very thin...

As soon as the guards finished asking, a man's elegant voice slowly came out from the tent: "It's okay, you are busy with you. If there is a report, read it directly to me outside..."

The guards outside the tent led away, and the inside of the tent was quiet again.

Li Yi and Liu Changmeng turned their heads in the direction of the sound, but found nothing in front of them, even empty! Not to mention an elf, even the hair of an elf was not found!

Liu Chang could not help but frowned, and said to Li Yi: "Be careful, this guy should be a master of illusion, pay attention to everything around you, and immediately run away if something is wrong! Since you have turned to the bright place, and I am still dark At this point, then still take you as the vanguard, first spy on the truth and reality, and whenever there is a chance, I will attack on the side!"

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chang quickly explained the characteristics and origin of this magical spell to Li Yi.

In a strict sense, illusion can actually be regarded as a knowledge, a knowledge of how to deceive others, or even deceive oneself.

As we all know, a person has five senses, namely the five senses of shape, sound, color, taste, and touch. To put it bluntly, it is also commonly said to be the sense of touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste. These five senses correspond to people. Eyes, ears, nose, nose and nose, as well as the physical ability to feel the sense of touch.

And as long as all these five feelings are deceived, then illusion becomes.

Illusion, is to study how to deceive a person's feelings, so as to create a fake effect.

The elder ancestors discovered in the course of their research that all the contracting techniques of various departments can simulate these five feelings. For example, the sense of touch can be simulated using the pressure of the wind, and the sense of hearing can also use the wind to simulate a variety of Sound, taste and smell can be replaced by wood spells that summon plants with a variety of strange flavors.

The difficulty is in the vision. The researchers found that no contract technique can perfectly simulate the appearance of a thing, which makes the study of illusion into a bottleneck.

But soon, the elf ancestors discovered the magical effect of Nianshu on the simulation of the five senses. They used their strong spiritual power to create a near-perfect illusion. One would see it as real at first glance. phantom.

At the same time, they also found that as long as the ability to change the rules by mind-selling, they can change the nature of this illusion and become able to deceive the five senses, so as to deceive the truth-but this illusion is not true.

It can be said that the illusion created by mindfulness is just to visualize the things that are in your mind and let others feel it, but this is not a real object created by mindfulness, but illusory.

In some senses, the definition of illusion and reality is very difficult to distinguish, so that the question of whether the illusion created by imagination is an illusion has been debated by elf researchers for thousands of years.

However, this is not the key. The real key lies in what is the use of creating this kind of real thing?

It takes so much mental power to create an illusion? It's better to create the same but real thing! As a result, the study of illusion was left behind by elf researchers, and no further improvements were made.

They simply left the use of illusion and grade division, and then turned to other projects.

The division of illusion is divided into three levels according to the difficulty of simulating the five senses, followed by the illusion maker (hearing), the illusion master (smell, taste) and the illusion guru (visual, tactile), and to the level of the illusion guru, you can do it It's true that the enemies are playing around in a mess.

What Li Yi and they met was an illusionist guru. At least, he had just deceived Li Yi's vision. According to the difficulty of simulating the five senses, as long as he could simulate and deceive others' vision, it would already be considered an illusion. Guru.

The form is very unfavorable to Li Yi and his wife.

The other party can create illusions to deceive their five senses, so that they can't tell what is real and what is illusion, which makes Li Yi's heart start to panic...

Isn’t that how it is performed in horror movies... The protagonist always has some blindfolds, which leads to his death. Although I know that even if there are ghosts and other things at this time, I can’t be hurt now, but because of my youth Affected by TV movies, Li Yi still felt a little scared.

I hope he doesn't know what I'm afraid of...

The illusion of the elves in the tent gradually disappeared. A man exactly like the blonde elf in the fantasy suddenly appeared in front of Li Yi. He looked at Li Yi with a cold face, and a clear voice came from his mouth, asking: "You are new Qin people... right? So to speak, you guys were sent here to fetch me... the head? Well, here I am, come fetch...!"

He said, standing motionless in front of Li Yi, raised his neck, and seemed to wait for Li Yi to cut off with a sword.

This... Li Yi froze again, looked at the blonde elf in front of her, and did not know what to do-beheading action is beheading action, if the other party does not have a slight resistance, he will actively offer his own head, this is still beheading action ?

Li Yi hesitated to lift the sword, and Liu Chang kept urging him to cut the sword behind him.

"Cut down! Cut down! Cut down!" Liu Chang yelled with a rutting male cat, making Li Yi irritable. Li Yimeng turned around and shouted at Liu Chang: "Shut up!"

But Li Yi turned his head and found that Liu Chang was not behind him. Looking around, Liu Chang had dived behind the blonde elf, and shadow tentacles were also raised from the ground in a rush.

But... the voice behind me... Li Yi thought suspiciously, but before he could think about it, he found Liu Chang nodded at the back of the blonde elf's head and waved his hands, the shadow tentacles curled up to Li Yi. Come!

I rely on! Is this guy Liu Chang the internal response they entered? !

Li Yi was curled up by the tentacles, and was gradually lifted into the air, unable to move!

"Liu Chang, you bastard, what are you doing!" Li Yi was entangled in the tentacles and pulled into the air, yelling in shock and rage, but seeing Liu Chang ignored him, his eyes stunned. Looked at the back of the blonde elf and was talking about something.

"Li Yi, look, this guy is not so difficult to handle. You can see that my tentacles tied him up like a dead pig at once, and couldn't even scream..." Liu Chang said to the back of the blonde elf.

Ok? Li Yi opened his eyes wide and looked at Liu Chang strangely-is this guy really crazy or fake crazy? Speaking to the back of someone's head, did the blonde elf have a mouth on the back?

The blonde elf looked up and looked at Li Yi, with a sneer on his face, and said indifferently: "Look, if you don't do it, someone will do it to you... But okay, your humble blood saves me Hand..."

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