The entire carriage is more than two people tall. The driver is placed on the roof and is firmly protected by a tin can, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed to see the road. At least every corridor in the car will be Arrange two to three people.

This kind of tank is simply an armored vehicle!

"Li Yi, the commander-in-chief of the celestial army, prayed for the order of the general and came to show you the way. The general was waiting for your reinforcements at the western wall!" Li Yi paid a military salute to the captain. He dragged Xu Wen, and then he recovered the sluggish Xu Wen, marching in a panicked manner.

"You are the commander-in-chief of our squadron? But why haven't I seen you?" The commander-in-chief did not say anything after hearing Qitian's return, but instead doubted Li Yi's identity, which made Li Yi Anxious and anxious-what time is it, can I still deceive so many of your big lords to death?

Li Yi reluctantly took out his iron captain's medal from his waist, and at the same time took out his emperor's grandson's waist card, saying, "Forget it, you know you will not believe it, so you should read it yourself." ..."

With that said, we must hand over our brand to the thousand commanders to watch.

"Chief Captain, this person, I know..." A commander suddenly emerged from behind him, and said to the Captain in a military salute, "He is the'nightmare of a bandit group', Li Yi, the son of the three princes!"

The captain suddenly became interested, and as a result, Li Yi's hand held a watch under the torch behind him, and then smiled and said to the person around him: "Bai Shibai, your kid can, if he can He dug it, and I will remember you a great job!"

The man smiled without saying a word, turned to look at Li Yi, the slightly curled goat-goat turned upside down, and looked at Li Yi with a smile.

A burst of chill rose from behind Li Yi, and Li Yi felt that he had been stared at by the wolf-of course, not an ordinary wolf, but a wolf that could make Li Yi not lead a good life...

"What time is it now! Hurry up, follow me to the western city wall to help the general!" Li Yi turned to Xu Liancheng without thinking, and said while walking, "You don't want the general to come back Just leave him a bad image..."

The commander-in-chief and Bai Shibai were both stunned, and soon they reacted, quickly turned on horses, and the commander-in-chief screamed, and then led the mighty force to rush towards Li Yucheng with Li Yi.

Li Yi turned his head to look back, smiled, pulled Xu Wen up next to him, and waved a fireball into the air, but this time the fireball did not explode and dissipate, but became more and more Bigger, brighter and brighter, illuminating the way forward of the soldiers of the Celestial Army.

Under the lighting of the fireball released by Li Yi, the torches in the hands of the soldiers became redundant. They simply threw the torches away. Without the torches, their marching speed began to become much faster.

Lian Yucheng was in front of him, but Li Yi turned a corner and walked directly towards the western wall!

The situation of the west gate of Lianyu City is not optimistic. Because many of the previous forces were concentrated on the east wall and the main gate, neglecting the defense of the west and north, it was easy for the Tianli Army organized by the mob to beat the defenders. There were only a few people on the city wall, and the city gate showed some signs of destruction.

A white figure is hacking and killing on the city wall. Every time a knife goes down, a mob will be killed under his hand. Li Yi flew in the air and shouted, "Uncle! Great troops, here! "

As soon as Li Yi made this remark, he immediately roared with the soldiers of the Celestial Army behind him, and assaulted into the mob army surrounded by the western city wall!

The archers stopped and bowed far away to shoot arrows, and each arrow would have a mob killed under the arrow.

The cavalrymen launched the first round of charge, the armored war horses rushed into the mob group, and killed a **** road, riding and hacking, which is common for cavalry. Now facing these lack of training The mob even more easily took the upper hand.

The infantrymen were very simple. After the cavalrymen, the roads rushed out by the cavalrymen began to spread and went deeper into the mob army.

And the finale is good, and quickly entered the battle group!

New Qin's wedge-shaped chariot! Like a steel monster, he recklessly harvests life in the crowd and creates death!

The chariot driver drove the chariot skillfully, and chose to go where there were many mobs. As soon as he rushed into the crowd, the soldiers in the corridor around the chariot danced their halberds, harvesting life without mercy like a **** of death, almost No mob can escape the halberd waved by the soldiers!

Suddenly there were a few trumpets among the mob. Suddenly, the mob lined up the team once and started the counterattack!

A soldier of the Celestial Army was accidentally held by a mob, and in anxiety, he pulled out a dagger attached to his waist and slammed it against the mob’s back for a while, but it had no effect. He still hugged him tightly, and yelled in the mouth.

The mob surrounding them swarmed up and swallowed the soldier into the crowd.

A similar situation not only happened to infantry, but even the cavalry, who had always been known for their speed and collision force, had also been attacked by the mob. Under the reckless attack, the Celestial Army began to have a lot of Casualties.

These are not skinned sheep at all, but dead coyotes one by one!

The resentment of the mob hearts was completely mobilized, and one by one rushed towards the nearest soldiers who killed him. At the same time, some people took off their bows and arrows and aimed at the soldiers in the chariot.

The soldiers on the chariot had already pulled down the iron plate on the ceiling when the battlefield began to be chaotic, and removed their bows and arrows from behind, and shot out from the holes in the iron plate.

All arrows shot at the chariot were blocked by the hard iron plate, and at the same time, the chariots were at the same time sprinting again, and the target was the place where the horn sounded just now!

In a burst of rush, no mob could climb into the chariot. Anyone who climbed on the chariot was kicked by the soldiers in the chariot without leaving any chance.

In the crowd, a red-haired elf separated the crowd and came to the chariot without saying much. The flames on his hand already showed his determination!

"Steel monster, come on! Let me burn your entire!" The elf shouted, waving his hands, the chariot in front of him burned up completely, the high temperature melted the steel on the chariot. The hot molten iron is constantly burning the bodies of the people and horses in the car.

No, if you go on like this, the chariot will be destroyed by this elf! Li Yi was so anxious in his heart that he just wanted to fly down to rescue, but found that Qitian's movements were faster than him. The white shadow flashed beside him, and Qitian was already standing in front of the elf.

"Mouse, report your name, and pray that someone doesn't shoot the nameless mouse..." Qitian still calls the elves a mouse, and I don't know what kind of grievance he has with these guys-wrong, see Qitian now Speaking disdainfully, why did he want me to help rescue the elves of the new city?

Li Yi couldn't figure out the problem, but he didn't even want to. He quietly took Xu Wen to float down in the air and looked down. Now the battlefield is in chaos. I still don't want to mess with the muddy water.

The red-haired fire elf looked at Qi Tian, ​​with a look of disbelief, and said, "Pray General, how did you become what you are now..."

With that, I bowed my head embarrassedly and said, "I know, I shouldn't have come... Although you don't know me, but I know your name, I always thought it was a legend, but I didn't expect you It really exists..."

Qi Tian interrupted him impatiently: "Can you stop talking nonsense, tell me your name, mouse..."

"You... don't say that General Qi is kind to me! Why is it so..." The elf looked at Qi Tian in disbelief and looked puzzled.

Qi Tianga smiled and licked his lips and said, "Be kind to you? No, no, being kind to mice will only lead the mice to bite themselves without knowing what they are doing. I will never do this stupid thing again!" "

"Since you don't want to say it, let me shoot dead... I'm just hungry..." said, praying to heaven and moving forward, grabbing the elf's face with one hand.

"No! I don't believe it! I don't believe that General Prayer doesn't help us! I don't believe it!" the elf shouted, and a flame of flame stood in front of Qi Tian, ​​"even if we launched a holy war, pray for General Haven’t you even killed a Wanqu child? The General Prayer in my mind is not such a human being!"

The flame circle exploded, and the splashing sparks formed a burning wall of fire on the ground, blocking the pace of praying for the sky. At the same time, the elf blessed several fire protection spells on his body and shouted. Write: "Pray General, don't let me hurt you! We just want to punish King Qin for the sky!"

"Sky? What is the sky? What is the sky? You are just a group of lawless little mice..." Qi Tian sneered, as if there was something flowing in the blood pupil, "Thinking that my heart is soft, you can act in the southwest? You Why don't you think about it, how much does it cost to walk the sky?"

"What's more, you often haven't been able to pay the price, all creatures have been charcoal! Shallow elves, God's will is always elusive... I'm in a good mood today, I will teach you, what is God's will! "

After the words were finished, Qi Tian's eyes revealed two blood-red lights as if they were substantive. The two flashes of light suddenly disappeared without a trace, making a hazy red cloud enveloped Qi Tian's side.

I saw that Qitian looked at nothing and walked through the wall of fire, came to the elf, grabbed the elf's neck, put a little effort, the protective spells on the other party began to burst, and turned into a little spark to dissipate Come.

"Providence, is the cycle of this world, is the change in this world, as long as there is a trace of change in all things, then it is Providence, and life and death are also Providence!" Qi Tian's face did not have a smile, a serious face, "So, if you meet me today, it is life or death, and it is God's will. Heaven will let you break into the southwest to do nonsense, then God will let me end your life..."

"This is God's will, there is no emotion, there is no right or evil view, God's will!" Qi Tian lowered his head and exerted force on his hand, and the elf's neck broke in response! "Elf, God of Heaven doesn't want you to take the path of Heaven, but wants you to die!"

Watching the elf take a deep breath in his own hands, Qi Tian looked at his face with pity, and said indifferently: "Although God's will will let you die in my hand, I hope I can remember you... "

He let go of his hand and allowed the elf full of unrealistic fantasy to fall to the ground and set off a small cloud of dust.

Qi Tian stood quietly, and the mob around him looked at him in anxiety. He didn’t dare to step forward. Qi Tian didn’t do anything to them. He just turned around quietly, jumped on the chariot, and stared After snatching the flag of the Heavenly Army killed behind the driver, he held up the flag and shouted:

"Kill the Heavenly Army to listen to orders! Give me, kill!"

The coachman was about to jump back to recapture the flag, but found that the man who took the flag was actually the general who killed the army, and he was immediately excited. He roared and urged the chariot to rush towards the mob again!

All the soldiers of the Celestial Army in the fierce battle turned to Qitian as soon as they heard Qitian’s command. All the soldiers suddenly gained momentum and roared the reputation of the Celestial Army and killed their opponents. .

Qi Tian immediately jumped off the chariot, and the captain Li Yi encountered had hurried to Qi Tian in front of him, saluting: "The third captain of the thousandth army of the celestial army came to report!"

Qi Tian nodded, watching the soldiers fighting on the battlefield and asked, "Only your 3000th team came?"

"The news came from my centurion, so my troops responded first, came to reinforce, and sent a team of ten to notify the other thousand teams, so the other thousand teams might be a little late..." Qianfu Long Chongfeng looked up to Qitian, and he couldn't help but say, "Big Brother, you are..."

"Are you saying, my red eye disease?" Qi Tian's body has returned to its original state, only the eyes are still red and blood red, and it looks a bit strange under the light of the fire. "It's okay, just...the eyes are suddenly sick, not to hinder ..."

Seeing that Qitian was a little supportive, Chongfeng was also interested and asked no more. After he was accused, he dropped Qitian and rushed into the crowd. Qitian looked at Chongfeng's far back and sighed.

"Uncle Qi, you seem to have something to worry about." Li Yi's voice came from behind Qi Tian [Tianlai Novels]. Qi Tianmeng turned around and laughed.

"Your boy, have a virtue with your old man. Your old man likes to suddenly appear behind me to scare me, and also makes him look silent every time!" Qi Tian touched Li Yi's head and sighed again. "My appearance just freaked you out..."

Li Yi shook his head, hehe smiled and said: "In fact, I was not scared, but just a little shocked..."

Qi Tian smiled awkwardly: "Do you mind if I wear a mask and ask you to help..."

"Ha... this thing... is good for me, too? I certainly wouldn't mind... but..." Li Yi looked at Qitian in doubt and asked, "That mask has an effect on you, right?" ?Is this really okay?"

Qi Tian waved his hand, instructing Li Yi not to discuss this topic again, and instead said: "Boy, I can see that you are like your father when he was young... Are you interested in learning two tricks with me?"

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