Attacking the child with the mother will inevitably have an impact on the mother, and Li Yi, the stunned young man, directly cut off the mental force to the size of the fingernail. Don’t look at this mental force is not big, but for Li Yi, This kind of spiritual power is enough to create a bunch of gadgets, which shows the huge energy contained in it!

If the child is damaged, the mother will also be affected, so Li Yi's conscious injury is not light now.

In Danahi's view, Li Yi's consciousness is inevitably happening, because every novice who tries to separate the mental power will make such a mistake, that is, the amount of cutting off the mental power is too large.

Cutting mental power with consciousness as a knife is the only way to cut mental power, but not everyone can grasp the amount of cutting, which requires constant practice and grasping this degree in order to be considered a true mind Introduction to Level 4 Realm.

In this step, Li Yi must go, and he must learn these things, otherwise he will always be stuck in the fourth-level realm, and it will be difficult to enter throughout his life—and on Atlantis, anyone who can cultivate the mind to fourth There is no opportunity for the creatures of the first level to reach this knowledge, which is why no mortal has been able to reach the level of the gods for so long.

Li Yi opened his eyes slowly, and the beautiful face came into his eyes. His big eyes were staring at himself, with a curious smile in the corner of his mouth. From time to time, he breathed in Li Yi, fragrant wind. Tangy.

"I rely on!" Li Yi only felt that his heart was about to jump to his throat. Even when facing Gu Lei, he had never been in such close contact, not to mention Dai Naihe, who was 100 times more attractive than Gu Lei. Youwu, although it is a god, is now also a flesh. How can it not attract Li Yi?

Li Yi breathed heavily and took a few steps backwards, and found that he had come out of the world of consciousness, and Dina Black in front of him was the real **** of light and darkness!

What is she going to do... As a virgin, Li Yi's heart was beating fast and she couldn't slow it down at all. Who can imagine that the gods who were high above have such a tempting aspect, and what makes people wonder why is she Only for me? !

Li Yi has not dared to think about it, because his thoughts Dai Naihe can fully understand, seeing Dai Naihe's cheeks become more rosy, and the anger appeared on his face, Li Yi even crawled again Take a few steps back, watching Danahei vigilantly and say, "Hey... I don't mean anything else, don't mess up!"

Dai Nai looked at Li Yi fiercely, throwing a word fiercely and turned away.

"Fat fat man, if you think again, I will...I will castrate you!"

Obviously, what Li Yi just thought about was not suitable for children. You should know that although Li Yi is only a physical virgin, there are still a lot of movies in an island country. Naturally, he knows some things between men and women.

However, these films I had watched just popped out of Li Yi’s mind, and it happened that Dai Naihe watched it right. This is good, but it’s really down. Big mold.

It is obviously not a good thing to be hung by a deity's mind, not to mention, Li Yi has no ability to challenge the deity now. Danaehe said east, he did not dare to go west...

Just kidding, regardless of whether the other person is a **** or not, he is also a big beauty, and he can't get along with the beauty, and this beauty still has a strong power. Isn't it uncomfortable for yourself?

Li Yixiang from Xu is a person who knows the current affairs. Has the other party treated him well? Take care of him! Don't touch the other party's mold, let the other party maintain a certain favor for themselves, which is more beneficial to yourself.

What's more...Li Yi looked at the two slender beautiful legs of Dana Black, her heart was rippling, she was indeed beautiful...

Fartly, Fartly followed, and Li Yi smiled on the face and wanted to take two sentences with Dai Nahei, but did not expect the other party to ignore him, squeezed a "hum" from his nostrils, and turned to the door Go.

Uh... what kind of stuff is this? Li Yi scratched his head and thought puzzled. For women, Li Yi was still a little bit younger. He didn’t have much emotional experience. He couldn’t understand the woman’s mind at all, which also led to him and Gu Lei indirectly. The source of relationship development.

"Li Yi, we've met again..." The voice behind him rumbling, shocked Li Yi's ears tingling.

Li Yi turned to the central dragon and said haha: "Uh, what, **** dragon, it's been a long time..."

"Soon, it's only been a few days..." The central dragon curled up and leaned in front of Li Yi. His huge eyes looked at him carefully. "I didn't expect you to think so soon The fourth level of surgery..."

Chi Yan didn't know what was sent by the central dragon. Only Li Yi and the central dragon were in the empty space, so this dragon was no longer contrived, but instead communicated with Li Yi in a more ordinary tone.

"Uh... luck, just luck..." Li Yi continued to hit ha ha with a blushing face, saying that he was not proud, but he praised him for the dragon of the Central, the embodiment of Atlantis' will anyway, this kind of honor is nothing. People can have it.

So Li Yi was a little proud, feeling that the whole person was floating.

"Let's see... Um... it's really good!" The central dragon exclaimed, "Don't say the fourth level of Nianshu, you actually have a preliminary understanding of how to separate the mental power, which will have a future effect on your ability. But the growth is of great help!"

Li Yi has no idea what his surname is.

But soon, a word of the central dragon poured a cold pot of water on Li Yi: "It seems that there are still outstanding people in mortals. Your current ability is already similar to that of a newly born **** descendant... …"

what? ! Compare me with children? ! Even if the kid’s father is a god, the gap is not so great, okay! Li Yi quickly calmed down and thought about it carefully.

His qualifications should be considered superior among mortals, but compared with the descendants of gods with more powerful qualifications, he really is not a bit worse.

Li Yi, who had calmed down, didn't want to talk to the central dragon about these non-nutritive farts, and asked straightforwardly: "Hey, Dana Black will bring me back again. It won't just make you praise me in person and then pour me cold water. Is that right? Just tell me anything!"

"Well... I don't know what the purpose of she brought you up..." The Central Dragon said with a grin. This guy laughed like crying, crying like a laugh, and the facial expression expressing emotion was also grinning, whether it was Happy or uncomfortable or angry, just grinning... Li Yi simply can't see what kind of mood this big dragon wants to express now.

"But... I really need something to help you..." The central dragon flicked its tail, closed his mouth, and waved his front paw. "I don't know if you are interested?"

"Is it good?" Li Yi said directly to the central dragon. He must be no bigger or smaller with this dragon. The more he respects him, the less he will give you face, and it is better to express his heart straightforwardly. Meaning, straightforward is better.

Obviously, Li Yi's character is very appetizing for the central dragon.

The central dragon is the incarnation of Atlantis's will, and the emphasis is on the way of nature. Li Yi is not pretentious, and his character that directly shows his own heart is very appreciated by it.

At the moment, it also directly said: "The benefits are naturally indispensable to you. Of course, just what the Danahia taught you just now must be counted in the benefits..."

Li Yi stopped working immediately and began a great journey of bargaining with the central dragon.

One person, one dragon, noisy and noisy for a long time, and finally set the price-after Dinahei was Li Yi’s personal chanting teacher, and the central dragon needed to create something for himself, specifically what Li Yi didn't think about it well, but the dragon in the center is anyway more powerful than the gods, and the gadgets produced will not be bad!

In addition, there is the support of the gods for him. When he needs it, Dana Black will definitely come to help.

This last item is where Li Yi's real purpose lies.

Think about it, if you fight against others in life and death, but you can't beat each other, and when you are about to be hacked to death, Dana Black suddenly falls from the sky, representing the moon...oh no, it means that light and darkness destroy you! How cool this is!

Isn't this just a **** as a bodyguard?

Li Yi was very proud, but forgot that the central dragon also has a headache-making ability-read the heart, so that Li Yi's small abacus was all known to the central dragon, so the last one was also restricted: You can only call Dana Black once every seven days...

In any case, Li Yi can be considered a bumper harvest this time.

Li Yi, who had calmed down, thought about it, and her heart suddenly became cold.

The central dragon is willing to take such a big advantage, then is it not more difficult for this **** dragon to be handed over to himself? !

What you get is generally proportional to what you pay. The more you get, the more you pay.

Li Yi, who had calmed down, looked at the central dragon diligently, and found that the other party's eyes revealed a stolen taste, and he screamed.

"Be fooled? Even if you're on a thief ship, you can do it for me!" The Central Dragon didn't know where to learn the word "on thief ship", and used it out, grinning and continuing, "But Don't worry, this is can't do it now, so we're not in a hurry, it's not too late to wait when you get to the fifth level of mind-playing..."

"Relax, or your life. When you get to the fifth level of chanting, there should be no worries about life, and maybe there are good things like treasure!" The central dragon lured Li Yi, This look is like a strange uncle who lied to Little Loli, "How is it, it's a good deal?"

"I don't have to do it now?" Li Yi raised an eyebrow. "So, what's the benefit..."

"How about paying in advance? Is this business enough to make a profit? Make sure you don't lose!" The dragon in the market shook his tail, looking excited.

"Well... Then you talk about what I want to do..." Li Yi said weakly.

After shaking his head for a while, the central dragon whispered, "I want you to go to the underground abyss of the Central Mountain Range and get something from the relic that Chi Yan said..."

"What?!" Li Yi opened his eyes wide and looked at the central dragon in surprise.

"You don't want me to die!" Li Yi shouted.

The dragon shook his head and looked at Li Yi strangely: "How is this possible, how can I let a Holy Spirit die?"

"However, that ruin, so many descendants of gods died there, so many descendants of gods are stronger than me one by one, you let me go, did you let me die?" Li Yi shook his head desperately, Said firmly, "No go! No go!"

"Uh... didn't you understand the conditions for me to let you go?" The central dragon flicked its tail, and raised a finger in the front paw to nod down Li Yi's head. , But this can become the realm of gods, none of those descendants of gods break through the fifth level, so they can’t become gods. Once you reach the realm of the fifth level, then you don’t have to worry about so much. Go!"

"But... Dynamo is also a god. Isn't it better for you to let her go?" Li Yi shrank.

"She has something..." The Central Dragon opened his mouth again, "And, your talent is very good, seeing your memory for the idea of ​​chanting is less than a full year, you have already achieved such a huge achievement. This kind of talent can almost catch up with the descendants of the gods. In the future, you will definitely become a member of the gods. With this tempering, you still have to experience..."

"..." Li Yi doesn't know what to say anymore. If he really cultivates the mind-study to the fifth level, he will come to the top of this **** and become a **** admired by everyone. Long said that his practice of mind-reading is really fast...

"Did you know... In the land below, all the creatures who practice the mind to the fourth level of realm will be called by people-'half god', that is, the person closest to God!" The central dragon directly Unexpectedly, "All creatures who have reached the fourth level will be summoned to meet me and become the preparatory deity, and the deity of the my own..."

I rely on! Future boss? boss? Li Yi shook his head, no, it was no longer the "future". Now he has entered the fourth level of mind-reading, that is to say, he is already a "half god", and the dragon in front of him is Your current boss...

The consequences of offending your boss have always been tragic.

So Li Yi gritted his teeth without hesitation and said, "Okay! I took the job, but you have to give it to me first!"

The Central Dragon grinned with satisfaction and said, "Except for the things you have asked me to do, I haven't figured it out, the other two can be given to you anytime, anywhere...After all, Dana Black is also very busy anyway... "

"Don't you say she has something to do?!" Li Yi noticed this keenly and cried dissatisfiedly.

"Did I say that?" The central dragon stretched out his claws and scratched his chin. The rogue replied, "Anyway, you are already a demigod, don't care about these details..."

What logic! Li Yi only felt that he had a headache, he could not help moaning and asked: "Okay, okay, tell me about the situation of the relic, I should know nothing about you..."

"Oh? Why, do you want to try it after going down the mountain?" Shen Long asked curiously.

Li Yi pouted and said, "You are my stupid, try it after going down the mountain? I'm impatient of living? This is called planning ahead! You have to be prepared in advance? Do you know the phrase'Know Yourself, Know Your Others'?" Reason!"

A pair of dragons in the center looks like they were defeated by Li Yi, flexing their bodies and falling to the ground. The huge eyes on the huge head can just stare at Li Yi and open their mouths and say, "You, you..."

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