Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 137 Frightened

Both teams were really active, using swords, guns, hoes and shovels to catch whatever they could. The two teams were soon fighting together, and the clanging sound was incessant, which was scary to hear.

Not to mention Su Qing's affair, where have these children seen such a scene? They were all frightened. Su's father and others' legs were trembling. They were pushed forward to resist. They couldn't see who was who. They picked up an iron tool and were pushed forward.

Su Qingyu, Su's mother, Aunt Su, and others were very worried about them.

There were many people escaping, but they didn't think about escaping. The men were still in front, and if they wanted to die, they would die together. And there are many children at home, so they can’t escape.

He just protected the children and hid in a safe place. The children were trembling, and the adults were also trembling.

I have been digging in the fields all my life, and I have quarreled and cursed with people in the countryside, but where have I seen such a scene?

There were real guns and knives. On one side, I saw someone slashing a person with a knife. On the other side, I saw another person being hit on the head with a hoe. He fell to the ground on the spot.

There were countless bloody flowers floating in front of my eyes, and there were screams in my ears...

The women and children of the Su family hugged each other tightly. Everyone was so scared that their teeth chattered and rattled.

Su Qingyu hugged Xiaobao and pressed his head tightly to her chest. She didn't know whether it was because she was afraid of scaring Xiaobao, or because she needed strength to support and rely on.

She pressed the child tightly to her chest, but she didn't know that the child Lu Xiaobao was not only not afraid, but actually struggled to turn his head to look. Staring at the chaos ahead, his big eyes didn't blink, and he couldn't stop staring ahead. Su Qingyu wanted to press his head, but he got angry with Su Qingyu and slapped Su Qingyu with his little hands.

Su Qing was puzzled.

After a huge melee, Huang Shenzhi's side with fewer people finally won.

I don't know whether it was because the men in the team were well fed, or because the leader Huang Shenzhi's bravery in fighting infected all his subordinates, but in the end it was Huang Shenzhi who won.

The leader of the other team fled in all directions with those who could still jump. The remaining ones who were unwilling to leave and the injured stayed where they were and surrendered.

In this battle, both sides suffered many casualties.

Huang Shenzhi did not let the women help clean up the battlefield. He only asked the men who could still move to dig holes and bury the dead on the spot, along with the other dead people. Those who are injured and unable to move will heal themselves.

The family members of the deceased immediately started crying and howling. For a moment, the sky was filled with cries, sad and heartbreaking.

Mother Su and Aunt Su looked at that scene and cried when they thought of their sons. Su Qingliu also cried while hugging Yaya. Hongxiu also thought of her father and elder brother who died on the battlefield, and cried hard. Seeing that Zhou Dajiang was also injured, she immediately rushed towards him crying.

Su's father and uncle also suffered moderate injuries.

Neither of them had taken weapons. They just thought of their families who were still in the rear and thought that if they fell, the women and children would be in danger, so they rushed to kill them with all their strength. Fortunately, the opponent was a bunch of rabble, worse than them, and in the end they were allowed to win and survive.

Su Dahu was not seriously injured, so he was called to dig holes and clean up the battlefield.

The other party fled in a hurry and left a lot of things on the ground. Su Qingyu handed Lu Xiaobao, who had glaring eyes, to Su's mother and walked over.

After Huang Shenzhi ordered his men to clean the battlefield, he sat on the ground and wrapped his wounds alone.

When he looked up, he saw Su Qingyu silently gathering the opponent's weapons and iron tools into a pile. He stopped to look through them when he saw grain bags and luggage, and gathered the useful ones into a pile.

Huang Shenzhi sat cross-legged, holding one end of the strip of cloth in his mouth, holding the other end with his hand, looking at his own wound, and then at Su Qingyu.

Huang Han settled down his family and brought his people over to collect the loot. Seeing that Su Qingyu was already moving, he came over to praise her approvingly. He handed her the account book, while he and the men below were packing it up, thinking of things that could still be used, and asked Su Qingyu to keep the accounts.

During the final head count, Huang Shenzhi found that more than twenty men here were dead and dozens more were injured, many of them seriously. He packed up several carts specifically to pull seriously injured people.

Many family members escaped, nearly 300 people, most of whom joined later. Huang Shenzhi did not pursue the case.

Seeing that the other party still had many soldiers left behind, he also took them in, except for the dead, seriously injured, slightly injured and those who were willing to join his team.

Based on this calculation, the overall number of people has not changed much. On the contrary, the number of men has increased a lot, reaching nearly five hundred.

The other party left behind many weapons and iron tools, several carts of grain, and several carts that the other party could not take away, which surprised Huang Han.

Those who fled had already fled, and most of the people who stayed had no way to go. At least no one dared to come up with the large army, and they had food and drink, so they were still willing to go with the large army.

When Huang Shenzhi saw that the battlefield had been cleaned, he ordered to continue on his way.

Su Qingyu glanced at him and saw that after the battle, he was willing to give the deceased some dignity and dig a hole to bury him so that the deceased's body would not be exposed in the wilderness. She looked at him with a high look.

Huang Shenzhi's operation also allowed him to win the hearts and minds of most of the people in the team.

Normally on the battlefield, both sides would take care of the battlefield after the battle, but there were not many wild people like them who were willing to dig holes and bury their opponents. It shows that Huang Shenzhi still has a kind heart.

Moreover, leaving corpses exposed in the wilderness can easily breed bacteria. When all kinds of germs come together, it will really become a living hell.

After a fight, the team's journey became a bit dull, and no voices could be heard in the team. Everyone just kept busy on their way, as if they hadn't recovered from the fight.

Walk all the way, keep your heart in mind. Any slightest movement on the road is like a frightened bird.

The queue is no longer long and sparse, everyone is walking closely together. No one dared to complain about the leader's orders, and no one offered any more opinions. Once the orders were given, they were immediately carried out.

So the rest of the day went smoothly, and we actually walked ten miles longer than usual.

In the evening, when we set up camp, everyone stopped talking to each other and just worked on their own tasks. After finishing their tasks, they went to get their meals, and after eating, they sat on the ground to rest.

The Su family was also very silent today. Normally we would talk together, but today we had no intention of chatting anymore, we just did a little freshening up and then went to bed.

Su Qingnao was tired and frightened after walking for a day, so she hugged Xiaobao and rested early.

I felt dizzy and fell asleep until the dawn of the next day.

When Su Qingyu was awakened by the whistle, she saw that Su's mother and others could not wake up several children, and they were already screaming.

Su Qingyao hurriedly went over and touched it... and found that Yaya and Qingxing were both running a fever, while Jin Hai and Qingyang were also running a low fever.

She hurriedly went to see Lu Xiaobao again. Seeing that his temperature was normal, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When Lu Xiaobao saw that Su Qingyao had disturbed his sleep, he frowned and snorted dissatisfiedly, turned over and went back to sleep.

Su Qingliu looked at him blankly, feeling that this child was mentally strong. Seeing Su Qingliu shaking Yaya over there, she was almost crying, and she hurried over again.

This morning, all the children in the camp were in varying degrees. They were probably frightened by the fighting and casualties yesterday. I heard that many children had nightmares last night.

The team was delayed.

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