The next day, the meeting continued. Reading

Yesterday was about understanding, and today is mainly about planning.

In addition, the weather is getting colder. I heard that every year there are cases of elderly people and children freezing to death in each village, so Su Qing'an invited everyone to visit her kang bed and fire table.

Let everyone make sure that the villagers in the village can spend the winter safely and no one will freeze to death or get frostbitten.

After seeing the kang bed and kang table, the village chiefs were amazed and said they all wanted them and wanted to move them home. They were excited. With these two things, the villagers would no longer have a hard time in winter.

But Su Qing'an did not intend to give them away for free.

If each village needs the drawings of the kang bed and fire table, it must pay a technology transfer fee.

After all, Su Qing'an planned to let Baijia Village make them and sell them outside, and this leak would affect the sales volume.

And it was agreed with everyone that if other villages make good things in the future and other villages also want them, they will also need to pay a technology transfer fee.

The village chiefs nodded in agreement after a little thought. Maybe with this incentive, everyone can be innovative.

It doesn't make sense that just because we all live in the same mountain, the people in your village are smarter than us.

The deal was settled quickly.

Each village charged a transfer fee of ten taels of silver. Anyway, it was only sold once. In the future, each village could use it every year. Su Qingmei didn't care whether the villages would spread it or not, and whether she would make it and give it to a relative or relative.

Anyway, she only charged ten taels from each village. It was just one time.

The money was not too much or too little, and everyone was willing to pay it in the end.

Anyway, it wasn't the village owners who paid for it themselves. When the time came, each family in the village would share it. How much money would it cost in a winter? And it could be used every year. How many people would be saved from frostbite and freezing to death.

Many village owners didn't bring money, so Su Qingmei kept a record of them one by one, and would deduct them from the accounts of each village in the future.

Everyone was happy.

In the afternoon, Su Qingmei took the village owners to visit the defense fortifications of Baijia Village and took a tour of the village gate.

At present, except for the gate and trench of Baijia Village, other villages have not started to build them yet. This is very eye-catching. The gate is tall and spectacular, and small fish and shrimps are jumping in the trench.

Imagining that my own village can also have such a spectacular gate, my heart is hot and excited.

They all held their breath in their hearts and said that they would listen to the president's words in the future, and follow the president to work hard to live a good life.

Su Qingmei didn't know that she had gained another wave of people's hearts at this meeting.

Su Qingmei ended the meeting at the beginning of the afternoon.

I made an appointment with everyone for the last meeting of the year before winter, and then let everyone go. Go home quickly before dawn.

At that time, the defense fortifications of all the villages should be completed, just in time to test the results and check everyone's preparations for winter.

This time, everyone left with a sense of mutual appreciation, as if they had finally found an organization.

It's no longer a village fighting alone. There are so many brother villages fighting together, and they are no longer a mess. It's great.

Two days after the meeting, Siyuan Siyuan and Baishu returned with the team that went out to purchase goods.

The villagers gathered around to watch.

Now there was chaos outside, and there were fewer caravans than usual. Supplies were in short supply, and prices were high. People couldn't buy much when they went out of the mountains.

Unexpectedly, when they came here, Siyuan Siyuan and his team actually brought back a lot of things this time.

The village can carry livestock, but not horse and ox carts. All the goods were carried into the mountains. They carried and carried them to the place where Su Qingmei lived halfway up the mountain.

Many villagers in the village helped to transport the goods.

They were so tired that they were panting.

Fortunately, there is a village gate now, and there are people on duty. They can see them coming back from a distance. They run a few steps into the village and shout, and everyone comes to help. Unlike before, no one came to help for a long time.

After Su Qingmei put away all the private items she had bought, she put the remaining items in the front yard. If the villagers needed them, they could buy them by themselves.

Siyuan and the others said that they could not buy all these things outside, and the governor's office helped them find a way.

Su Qingmei expressed her understanding. At this time, only the government could buy such a complete range of things. She felt that she owed another big favor to Governor Pei.

This time, she mainly asked Siyuan and the others to buy quilts, cotton and other items for the winter. Although she brought a lot of them when she entered the mountains, she felt that it might not be enough, so she bought a lot more this time.

Moreover, she walked around the village and found that everyone's winter clothes were not well prepared.

Among this pile of things, oil, salt and other items, almost every family picked up a lot.

Although the price is expensive, you still have to eat and drink.

But almost no one is interested in cotton cloth. It is too expensive, several times more expensive than usual. Almost no one is willing to buy it. Seeing that no one is interested, Su Qingmei asked Lu and others to move all the cotton and cloth in.

Everyone also bought a lot of rice, flour, grains and other things.

Food is the most important thing for people. You can go without clothes and hide at home with furs, but you can't go without food.

Almost every family came to choose some things this time.

It's rare for everyone to go out of the mountains. In addition, the bandits entered the mountains this time, and there was chaos outside. Everyone didn't dare to go out, so Su Qingmei asked Siyuan Baishu and others to buy a lot of things back.

But Su Qingmei estimated that after this wave of purchases, the villagers might have no money at home.

Some villagers hesitated and spoke to Su Qingmei with difficulty, so Su Qingmei gave them credit.

If they usually had some food left over, they would also have some money left over. You can take it outside in exchange for some food or buy some oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar for your family, but after the bandits' plunder, each family has almost no food left.

Su Qingyu also expressed her understanding and gave almost everything on credit.

After everyone left, Su Qingyu discussed it with the leader of Zhongzhai.

Su Qingyu saw everyone's situation and couldn't just watch.

She lives in Baijiazhai, and her family will have to rely on the care of the villagers in the future. In the past few days, she took a lot of furs from the villagers. Just wanted to repay everyone.

The two discussed it and decided to organize everyone. Women go into the mountains to pick up fungi, herbs, mountain products and the like. The men went hunting together.

I heard that various supplies are becoming increasingly scarce outside. Prices have also risen sharply.

Su Qingyu planned to collect some mountain products and wild animals in the village and let Siyuan and the others take them out to sell. If you can sell it for money, you might as well exchange it for some grain or winter grain.

We must ensure that the villagers can spend this winter safely.

The bandits have all been driven away. If there are still people in the village dying of frostbite, that really shouldn't be the case.

When Su Qingyu said that he would organize everyone to hunt for mountain products, the villagers were all excited.

If you find something good, you can sell it for money. If you can't sell it for money, it's also great to keep it for yourself to eat in the winter. Everyone is eager to try.

This was also a good time to dig bamboo shoots. The leader of Zhong Village had eaten the delicious bamboo shoots that day, so he immediately stood halfway up the mountain with his hands on his waist and started to drink.

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