Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 218: People’s Heart

After Su Qing'an finished talking about the Black Horn Village, she glanced at the village chiefs below.

When the village chiefs saw her eyes sweeping over them, they immediately sat up straight.

Thinking about who in the village was not taken care of, what if the president asked them... the village chiefs' minds turned quickly.

Su Qing'an flipped through the file again and asked a few people. Seeing that the village chiefs answered fluently, they must not be lying. Even if they were lying, she couldn't do anything.

But she also let them know that she would pay attention to them frequently, so that they would have an idea in their hearts, and that was enough.

It is not easy to pull together 28 villages. People's hearts are the most difficult to get.

But it is rare, and you have to gather them.

Once people have a different mind, they will not listen to you.

If they don't listen, it will be difficult to carry out future work.

So you have to start with some small things, do a good job of sticking to the villagers, and enhance their loyalty, so that future work can be carried out.

Rural grassroots work has never been easy to do.

We can't let these village chiefs mess up her plan.

She also said: "Now our twenty-eight villages are one, and we share honor and disgrace. I heard that it snows in the mountains in winter and it's very cold. If there is a village in trouble, other villages must lend a hand. If you really can't solve it, come to me. If I can't solve it, I will go to the governor. In the end, no village or villager will be left behind."

Everyone was excited and responded: "Yes. President, don't worry. Now we are not fighting alone like in the past. We are all brothers. We share happiness and difficulties together!"

"Very good!"

Su Qing'an nodded approvingly. He said a few more words of encouragement.

It is said that old children are old children. A group of village chiefs who are old enough to be Su Qing'an's grandfathers are praised by Su Qing'an, and they feel sweet in their hearts.

Su Qing'an couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

The elderly especially need encouragement and praise. Only when they are coaxed to feel comfortable will they listen to you. Otherwise, they will take advantage of their age. If you give them a stick, you must give them double the sweet dates in time to make them happy.

Then he talked about the most important thing of this meeting, the building of a market in the spring.

"I have already chosen the place to build the market..."

"Where is it?" Everyone was interested.

Su Qingmei told everyone about the place.

The village chief who was far away wailed in his heart. Seeing that the faces of the village chiefs who were close were all happy, he wanted to go over and beat him.

But the president was right, only that place was suitable and big enough.

How about moving the village there?

While thinking in a mess, I heard the president say: "I have visited many places, and only that place is suitable. It is most suitable for transformation. And there are not many big trees and shrubs around, so it won't be too hard to level the land."

"There will be a shop in each of the 28 villages in this market, so this place will not be small. It can't just be a shop, there must be a warehouse, a house for sleeping, a place to eat... and there are many villagers in our 28 villages, so the streets can't be small. Otherwise, when the time comes, there will be no room for transporting goods and walking."

Wouldn't that be the same as a town?

They will have a market town in the mountains? They are a town? Everyone was excited and ready to go.

Su Qingmei glanced at it and said, "Now the weather is getting colder, and everyone has to hibernate. But how to build the shops, what to sell, who to choose to run them, and how to arrange the manpower for the market, these are what you have to do next."

"Yes." They must be done well! The village chiefs secretly encouraged themselves in their hearts.

"After we go back this time, please ask all the village leaders to prepare these things. We must inform the village in advance. We must also check the firewood reserves of each household and the reserves of winter food."

"Don't freeze to death or frostbite at home in winter because of insufficient firewood. Don't starve at home because of insufficient food. If we don't take care of everyone's mood and affect the important events in the spring, then we won't take him to play in this village."

Don't. The president is too serious! What if we don't take him to play together!

Watching others eat meat and count silver, while your own village looks on miserably?


"Don't worry, president, we will definitely get things done when we go back!" They expressed their opinions one after another, fearing that it would be too late and the president would write them down in the little notebook.

Su Qingmei nodded with satisfaction.

"After the first month of the lunar year, on the first day of February, we will hold a mobilization meeting here. I want to see the list of personnel you have arranged for the construction. The personnel who were arranged to build the defense fortifications last time cannot be arranged again. You can't just order a group of people around."

"Yes." They all agreed.

Some village chiefs who are forgetful also learned from the Baijia village chief and the Muwa village chief, and used a small notebook and charcoal pencil to write down what the chairman said. Illiteracy does not affect their memory at all.

Knotting ropes to record events, drawing small circles, etc., others can't understand, but it doesn't mean that they can't understand it.

Some village chiefs used to muddle through, some had things they wanted to do in their hearts, but they didn't have a plan, and they did things in a haphazard manner. Some wanted to do things but couldn't do them well. After several discussions with Su Qing'an, their minds became much clearer.

Learning Su Qing'an's way of doing things, they were much more efficient in doing things in their own villages, and they got twice the result with half the effort.

The twenty-eight village chiefs had never had any plans for doing things before. They just solved problems as they came up, without prioritizing and forgetting about others. Now, Su Qing'an has arranged everything clearly for them.

You immediately know what you need to do next, what important and urgent things you need to do first, and how you need to do them. My thinking has become much clearer.

The meeting ended in just one day.

When the village owners left, Su Qingnao gave each of them a gift, which contained some rice, flour and other grains, dried and sour bamboo shoots and pickled bamboo shoots, some cakes, and a few feet of cloth for each person.

She bought some fabrics in Renzhou City last time, and the governor's office also gave some as gifts. Several members of her family couldn't use it all, so she cut some and gave them to them.

Make all village owners very happy. It’s been a long time since I bought any cloth, and I cherished it all in my arms.

There are so many things to eat, it’s been a long time since I’ve had pastries that look so exquisite and delicious.

The village owners held the cakes and looked at them again and again, swallowing their saliva. They wanted to eat but were reluctant to eat them. I'm thinking of taking it home and giving it to my family to try for my grandchildren.

There are also these bamboo shoots given by the president.

Although all villages now know how to make bamboo shoots, the bamboo shoots at the president's house are particularly delicious, and others cannot make them with that taste.

After the president’s publicity, there are now a lot of bamboo shoots on the mountains in each village. The women in the family were diligent and quick in taking care of the housework, and they immediately developed various bamboo shoot recipes.

The president also gave them some refined rice and noodles that they were usually reluctant to buy, which made all the village owners very happy.

Finally, I thanked him again and again before saying goodbye and leaving.

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