Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 228: Offended

"General. Read" Gouwa came running up and down.

"My wife said she sent me a big package. Where are the items?"

Gou Wa touched his head: "No. The messenger only gave us a dozen letters and nothing else."

Lu Bocheng confirmed again and again that there was really nothing else except the letter.

That anger in my heart.

He rubbed the spear with his toes and let it roll to his feet. Then he lifted his toes and kicked the spear into the air. He stretched out his hand to grab it, held it in his hand, and descended from the tower with a frosty look on his face.

The lady said in the letter that she had sent him a package.

In the package were some shoes and socks made for him, and a big sweater. Thinking that he might need more shoes, I made many pairs of shoes with thick multi-layer soles.

I also made some dried meat, dried fruits, vegetables and some nuts. Save it for him to eat.

There are also millet harvested in the mountains. Xiaobao loves to eat. When winter comes, she stays at home with Xiaobao, and Xiaobao clings to her. Mother and son nestle next to the brazier, one roasting millet and the other waiting to eat.

Xiaobao likes to eat millet very much, and after eating seven or eight, he still wants to eat it. I have two puppies as playmates, and I feed the puppies as well.

Lu Bocheng felt beautiful as he thought about his son whom he had never met. He also wanted to see how delicious the millet was, which would make his son unable to stop eating. He might as well bake it and eat it once.

Who would have thought that this is only a letter, not a package!

My wife mentioned in her letter that she had made him big sweaters and clothes, brought him many pairs of thick-soled shoes, and brought him a lot of food. ơɱ

This turned out not to be the case!

It was obvious that he had been fooled.

If it were anything else, it would be fine with Lu Bocheng, but the clothes and shoes that his wife made for him cannot be given to others.

Lu Bocheng was so angry that he rushed to the messenger with his gun.

Kicked the door open.

The messengers who were warming themselves by the fire in the house were frightened.

Seeing that it was Lu Bocheng, he suddenly felt courageous: "Lu Bocheng, you are going to rebel!"

Lu Bocheng is no longer a fourth-grade general. A soldier guarding the city wall is lower than them. How can they be afraid of him?

Besides, the superiors are tired of him, so no matter how many military achievements he has made, he may not be able to get promoted.

"Where is my package?" Lu Bocheng asked them coldly.

"What package?"

"My family has sent me a letter and a package. Why is there only a letter but no package?" Lu Bocheng said again patiently.

Upon hearing this, several messenger soldiers sat back down by the brazier.

He stretched out his hands to the brazier to keep warm. Without even looking at him, he said calmly: "How do we know this? We will give you whatever we have. If you don't have it, we can't change it."

Lu Bocheng didn't believe it, so he rummaged around the house with his spear in hand.

"Lu Bocheng, what are you going to do?" Several messengers rushed to stop him, but they couldn't stop Lu Bocheng.

"We all said no more, don't you understand human language?"

Lu Bocheng didn't care, thinking that the clothes and shoes and socks his wife had made for him stitch by stitch would fall into other people's hands, and his heart was burning.

I searched the house for a long time and found nothing.

Lu Bocheng took their collars and asked them again, but he didn't find out anything.

The fuss was so outrageous that Gou Wa hurriedly called Cui Sheng over.

"Let go! Bo Cheng, let go!" Cui Sheng rushed over and shouted to stop Lu Bocheng.

After hearing the reason, I asked several messengers, but no one admitted that they had received the package.

What can I do? I can only do it.

Cui Sheng led Lu Bocheng back to the military tent, hating that iron could not become steel.

"You offended the courier soldiers for a package. You're really promising! Do you want to receive and send mails normally in the future? You offended them, what can you do? I'm afraid I won't be able to receive any letters in the future! Look at how promising you are."

Lu Bocheng calmed down and was a little annoyed.

If a few of them retaliate against him, they may not even receive letters in the future.

I want to beat myself on the head.

However, the clothes, shoes and socks made by his wife were made for him by his wife, so he had to get them back.

Cui Sheng looked at his unconvinced expression and sighed: "Can't you calm down your temper? Think about the pros and cons calmly before deciding on the next step."

Lu Bocheng was silent and looked up at him: "Where is the general? He has been restraining his temper, and only then was he bullied step by step. He didn't dare to say another word. Did those generals and captains switch to him one by one?"

Cui Sheng was stunned by the question.

Sitting on the chair absentmindedly.

Has he restrained his temper too much? That makes people think he is weak and can be bullied?

Lu Bocheng ignored him and turned around and left the military tent.

Su Qingnao had no idea that her two letters had caused quite a stir.

In a blink of an eye, the first lunar month is coming soon.

The snow on the mountains has not yet melted, and there are some scattered snow in the village. The snowdrifts that were swept in winter are still there.

Xiaobao was wrapped up like a little bear by Su Qingyu and others. The small hands are wrapped, and the small face is also wrapped, only two big black eyes are exposed.

He had suffered from frostbite, and Su Qingyu, Lu and others were afraid of his recurrence and would not let him out of the house at all.

But this child is also lively and active. I have never seen snow since I was born, and I get excited whenever I see snow.

Especially when Ruyi and Xiuer build a big snowman, they want to play even if they are making trouble.

Siyuan Siyuan couldn't resist his pleading and felt soft-hearted, so he would shovel a large basin of snow from time to time and carry the basin under the eaves for him to play with.

Afraid that no one would play with him because he was cold, so he played with the two puppies.

Make a ball of snow and throw it at the puppy. The puppy also cooperated with him, running around in the yard, and he threw the snow away without getting hit even once out of ten times. Occasionally he got hit, probably because the puppy looked at him pitifully and couldn't bear to feel sad for him, so he stood and hit him.

One person and two dogs have fun playing every day. Boundless joy.

Although the weather is still very cold, there are many things going on in the village this year, and we have to start preparing for many things.

Building a village is the top priority for each village.

Ground preparation. It is estimated that it will take a long time to build roads and build houses... If Su Qingyu wants to speed up the time, she can only increase the manpower.

Be sure to get everything done before spring plowing. This year she also wants to grow grain. She needs to level some fields to grow grain, and maybe open some terraces.

In addition, she will raise white wax insects, plant bamboos, and integrate resources from various mountains in the spring. In order to facilitate communication with the caravan, she may also open a shop in Renzhou City.

This way, there are many opportunities, and you can come into contact with caravans from all parties, and there will not be too many changes.

It would be very dangerous if a caravan monopolized the price of materials. That's almost like working for that caravan.

When doing business, you must have a say.

At the end of the first year, Su Qingnao called Siyuan Siyuan over and asked them to go to Renzhou and buy a large shop in the city.

In addition, if there are some suitable people who can buy it back, preferably from farmers, who know the work in the fields or have special skills, they can bring them back to the village.

Her mountain is going to be developed. To synchronize with other villages.

She had no manpower, so she had to ask Siyuan Siyuan to take a look at the human teeth.

Su Qingyao felt that buying someone now shouldn't cost a lot of money. I just don’t know if I have the manpower available.

Siyuan Siyuan responded and left.

After another two days, the first month came out.

On the first day of February, all village owners gathered in Baijiazhai again.

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