Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 329 Xiaobao has a reward

Ma Xin's family originally lived in Chang'an.

Originally, when he was in the army, his family stayed in Chang'an.

Later, Ma Mingwen returned to the army, and Ma Xin followed Ma Mingwen again. Conquests everywhere.

His family never moved.

Later, Ma Mingwen settled Ma Xin in the mountains, and Ma Xin liked it very much. It was quiet in the mountains, there was no killing, there was no smell of blood, and I slept soundly.

He wanted to bring his family back.

When he wrote the letter, his family members gave him various excuses.

Later, he thought that since his children were married and had their own families, and they were living well in Chang'an, it was okay.

Unexpectedly, Ma Mingwen won the title of King of Yue, so he received a letter from home saying that Chang'an was in chaos and that he wanted to bring his family over.

Ma Xin was very happy.

I made preparations to welcome my family early, thinking that they might not be used to living in the south, so I made a lot of preparations in advance.

I plan to build another courtyard next to the barracks and live with Dr. Mu's family. If I have any minor ailments, the doctor will be there, and I will feel at ease in life.

Then, open a vegetable garden in front of and behind the house. You can plant whatever you want. Then, make the yard larger so that your grandchildren will have room to run around.

He thought very well, but his family disagreed.

"Our family has been in the Ma family for several generations. We finally came to your place and were granted good status. The whole family no longer has to serve others. You have followed the King of Yue since you were a child. This person who fought in the north and south is the most trusted person of the King of Yue. People. Now the smart people are surrounding the King of Yue and living a good life. It would be better for you to run away to the mountains."

"It's okay for you to go alone, but you want to drag the whole family with you. Then why are our family coming from Chang'an? We might as well stay in Chang'an."

"Yes, Dad. Although Chang'an is a bit chaotic now, it is the imperial capital, and its prosperity is not comparable to other cities. We came to the territory of the King of Yue, don't we just want to follow the King of Yue and live a good life? Why should we be a family? Live in the mountains."

Ma Xin's wife and children disagreed.

After Ma Xin listened to what his wife and son said to each other, the hope in his heart sank little by little.

He was silent and didn't say a word.

At the end, he said: "Okay, you have your ideas, and I also have what I want to do. Now I am in the mountains, and I am also helping the King of Yue. The King of Yue needs the place, and the mountain people there also need the King of Yue."

"Dad, you are getting older. Why don't you stay in the city and enjoy the blessings? Transportation in the mountains is inconvenient and access is inconvenient. And based on your relationship with the King of Yue, how can you be worse than others?"

"That's right. My son is right. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the children. Isn't it more convenient than others for you to build a bridge for the children in front of the King of Yue?"

Ma Xin listened silently, scanning his wife, children, and grandchildren one by one.

The oldest grandson is ten years old, and the youngest one is five or six years old.

Children want a good life, what's wrong with that.

He thought there was nothing wrong with having children and grandchildren around his knees.

That’s it, let them be.

"Okay, it's up to you. I will recommend you to the King of Yue. If you are really capable, you will naturally be appreciated by the King of Yue without relying on me. I will also go back to my mountains."

"Dad, after all this, do you still want to go back to the mountains?"

"Yes. I have to go back. Thousands of people in the mountains are still waiting for me to train. They need me, and I have to go back."

"The King of Yue has so many talented people, so you must go?"

"They are still young and have a lot of opportunities. I am old and don't want to compete for military glory anymore. And their young people don't have as much experience as me."

"You damn old man, you don't think about your children and grandchildren. Why don't your children and grandchildren enjoy the blessings because of your merits? You don't think about your children and grandchildren at all now!"

"I'm old and my energy is running out. Whatever kind of life you want to live, just earn it yourself, and live a life with whatever ability you have."

Ma Xin slowly walked out of the house regardless of the family members behind him calling him.

Walking into King Yue's spacious garden with lush flowers and plants, I felt a chill in my chest.

When he was young, he fought in the north and south, leaving his wife and children at home. Now his children no longer listen to him.

He must have brought it upon himself to grow old alone.


Ma Xin put away his emotions and looked towards the voice.

"It's Qingyang. Why are you here alone?"

"Sister and the King of Yue are discussing things. Xiaobao was also taken away by Aunt Cui. I came to the garden for a walk."

"Aren't the flowers and plants in this garden nice to look at?" Ma Xin gathered his thoughts and looked at the flowers and plants with Qingyang.

Qingyang nodded while looking at it: "It looks good. But I still like the mountains. The trees are towering into the clouds and lush. They look better than those artificially built. The flowers and trees in the mountains are more comfortable to look at."

Ma Xin looked at him and smiled: "Master also likes to see the trees in the mountains. Even in the cracks of rocks, they can grow into towering trees."

Qingyang saw something was wrong with his mood, thought for a while and said, "Master, are you in a bad mood?"

Ma Xin was stunned and looked at him: "Yes."

"Is it because Master and the others don't want to go to the mountains with Master?"

"Yeah. They don't want to go." After speaking, he took a step forward.

Qingyang was behind him, looking at his slightly lonely back, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He took two steps forward and walked up to him: "Master, I will always be with you. My second sister said that once you are a teacher, you will always be a father. From now on, I will accompany you and talk to you. No. I’ve made you lonely, and I’ll take care of you until you die.”

After hearing this, Ma Xin looked at him blankly.

His eyes suddenly became hot, and he stretched out his big hand to rub his head: "Okay. You will be by Master's side from now on."

Ma Xinli was quite emotional.

This is a simple child, a child with a clean heart.

Ma Xin felt very comforted.

Qingyang didn't want him to be sad and advised: "Master, my father always thinks about the people and things in his hometown when we are with him. Master and the others can't get used to living in the mountains, so let them live in the city. From now on, you can If you want them, I will accompany you to visit them from time to time.”

"Okay, okay. Let them live in the city. Master still lives in the mountains."

"Master, don't worry, I will always be with you."

"Okay. Master is not alone. You are with me."

The two people were talking in the garden, and Xiaobao ran over holding something in both hands.

"Grandpa Ma, uncle, Grandpa Ma, uncle!"

Ma Xin immediately laughed.

"Hey, we're here."

"Grandpa Ma!"

"Hey." Ma Xin walked towards him and leaned over: "What are you getting?"

"It's Wufu Cake! Grandma Cui had people make it for Xiaobao. It's delicious! There are five kinds of delicious fillings in it! Xiaobao will give it to you and your uncle to eat. Can you guess what's in it? "

"You got it for grandpa? You're so good."

Xiaobao raised his head: "Xiaobao is the best."

"Well, Xiaobao is the best."

After Ma Xin praised him, he took a round cake from his hand and looked at it: "Grandpa has eaten this Wufu cake."

"Has Grandpa Ma eaten it?" Xiaobao was a little disappointed, thinking that Grandpa Ma hadn't eaten it.

But he quickly realized: "There are differences between Wufu cakes and Wufu cakes. The cakes made by my mother are different from those made by others. Maybe the fillings inside are also different from those of others."

"Yes, Xiaobao is right. Then grandpa, come and try it."

"Uncle, here it is. Uncle also told me what's in it. If you're right, there will be a reward."

Qingyang continued and asked: "What is the reward?"

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