Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 332: Searching for someone

The group of six people didn't waste any time on the road and headed straight north.

In addition to Siyuan Siyuan and Xiaodouzi, there is also a man named Zhang Yong who is very powerful in martial arts. I heard he is a sharp archer.

There was another one, the leopard that Su Qingyu hadn’t seen for a long time.

Huabao is now following Ma Mingwen. He fights bravely on the battlefield and is not afraid of death. He is very valued by Ma Mingwen.

This time I was also thinking about his past experiences and knew that he had some clever tricks and tricks that I was afraid Su Qing would use on her journey to concubine. So let the leopard follow.

"You're following my godfather and you've already been promoted. Don't you want to bring your mother over to enjoy the blessings with you?" Su Qingyu teased him.

Hua Bao scratched his head: "We have only settled down in Yue in the past few months. We were running around here and there before, so we couldn't care less about it. We brought my mother here because there was no one to take care of her, and I was afraid of her." Not adaptable.”

Su Qingyu still remembered what he said, to make great achievements and return home in fine clothes to see his mother.

"And I don't even know if my mother is still alive. Sister, have you sent a letter back to your hometown?"

"My father sent a letter back, but he didn't receive a reply."

"Hey, maybe my mother even thinks I'm gone."

After hearing this, Zhang Yong said: "Forget it, there is still an old lady for you to worry about. My family members are all dead, and I am the only one left naked."

Siyuan Siyuan seemed to have found a soulmate: "We are the same. We both watched our family members die in front of our eyes. If we hadn't been saved by the King of Yue, we wouldn't be where we are today.

"Yes, the King of Yue has been kind to us."

The men became familiar with each other instantly.

Along the way, everyone pretended to be brothers and sisters looking for relatives, carefully avoiding people and heading north.

After leaving the territory under the jurisdiction of the King of Yue, we slowly saw some homeless and hungry people on the road. The further north you go, the more down-and-out people you see on the road.

They have dressed very low-key, just like ordinary people.

But they are still different from the ordinary people who have patches on their bodies and look disgraced.

As they walked, everyone was looking at them.

Many people came around to beg them for food and money.

It startled the six of them.

I didn't dare to walk on the main road, so I took the narrow paths.

Su Qingyu was in a daze. Ever since she entered the mountains, she had food, drink, and a warm house to live in. She thought the world had become better.

When I came out, I saw that the world was even more chaotic.

It was even worse than when she escaped from Fengting Town with her family.

After crossing the Huaihe River, the road became even more chaotic.

From time to time, I saw a corpse lying on the road, which was beyond recognition.

Su Qingyu was so frightened that she didn't even dare to look.

There were many bandits blocking the road along the way. Fortunately, Zhang Yong and others were here, and their hands and feet were very powerful, and they were solved in a few clicks.

Su Qingyu's heart beat violently.

She was afraid that if something happened to her, what would Xiaobao do? What if she really became a child without a father and a mother.

On this day, a group of people missed Sutou and slept in the wild.

The further north you go, the colder the weather becomes.

Everyone gathered some firewood and lit a fire to keep warm.

"Miss, are we still going to Fengxiang?" Siyuan asked her.

Along the way, the farther north you go, the portraits of Cui Sheng and Lu Bocheng hang everywhere.

Many people who didn't know the truth threw things at their images when they heard that the two of them had abandoned the city and fled, ignoring tens of thousands of soldiers. The two images were covered in dirt.

Su Qingyu felt very sad.

She knew that Lu Bocheng was not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

He has been in the army for five years. If he was greedy for life and afraid of death, he would have found a way to escape back.

It was Wu Quanzhong who came to the throne. He didn't want to bear the taint of the massacre, so he framed the blame on the two of them and made them take the blame.

"Miss, the security becomes tighter as we go north. Even if General Lu is still alive, we won't know where to look for him once he hides."

"Fengxiang has killed so many of his brothers, so he will definitely have some contact with it. And Fengxiang is not far from the capital. Let's quietly go to the Cui family to find out if there is any news about Marshal Cui."

After going through many hardships, the group finally arrived in the capital Chang'an.

Outside the city of Chang'an there were people dying of hunger, but inside the city of Chang'an there was prosperity visible to the naked eye, with people singing and dancing in peace.

The streets seemed unaffected by the change of dynasties. There were many shops, shop flags were flying, and pedestrians strolled leisurely.

There is not a single beggar to be found on the street.

Su Qingyu thought of the ragged people wandering outside the city gate and let out a long sigh.

When the new emperor ascends the throne, if he doesn't want to see it, his subordinates will naturally stop him from showing up.

The group found an inn, stayed there, and began to inquire for news.

Inn prices are shockingly expensive.

A room with one bed costs two taels of silver per night. The middle room with two beds costs 20,000 yuan.

They were still looking for an ordinary inn.

The price was so expensive that Siyuan and others were stunned.

After settling in, the next day, the six people divided into two groups to inquire about the Cui family.

After asking around for a few days, I discovered that the Cui family's house in Chang'an had long been vacated. Even the general branches and side branches were moved cleanly. I don’t know if he escaped or was liquidated by the new emperor.

Su Qingnao wanted to inquire about the married daughter of the Cui family, but she didn't expect everyone's expressions to change.

I can't even hear the name Cui Sheng.

Su Qingnao had no choice but to hold back for fear of disturbing the situation.

Finally, Hua Bao used his previous experience in the market to inquire about the ancestral graves of the Cui family.

I heard that there have been servants guarding graves for generations.

The group of people went over to find out.

Unexpectedly, when I went there, all I saw were tombs, and the houses of the tombkeepers were all smashed up.

The group of them searched around and found that there were no traces of human life for a long time.

After staying there for most of the day and searching for most of the day, I had no choice but to return to Chang'an City.

Su Qingnao couldn't help but be disappointed.

It's been a month since they came out, and I haven't heard any news about them. Maybe they really are dead.

Maybe Wu Quanzhong just wanted to find a random name, show off, and let them take the blame.

Huabao went out for a few days. When he returned to the inn, he said to Su Qingyu mysteriously: "Sister, what do you think I found out today?"

"What?" Su Qingyu was a little surprised and looked at him expectantly.

Others gathered around.

"I heard that Fengxiang's army was not finished, and 10,000 elite soldiers escaped with the prince and princess."


"The new emperor probably thinks that Marshal Cui and General Lu have hidden the prince and princess, and wants to find them, and then kill them..." He made a killing gesture.

"But I heard that Wu Quanzhong made Emperor Shuo who abdicated the throne King of Jiyin and asked him to take the remaining princesses and princes to Caozhou?"

Huabao looked at the door, leaned his head closer, and whispered: "I heard that not long after the talent arrived in Huaiyin, Wu Quanzhong sent someone to give him poisonous wine, and he... was poisoned to death."

"Ah. Who did you listen to?" Everyone was shocked.

They have already won the throne, but they have been relegated to the corner of the corner, and they still use poison to kill them?

"When I went outside to inquire, it seemed that many people knew about it, but no one dared to tell it everywhere. But I am afraid that the death of the last emperor cannot be hidden."

Su Qingyao's heart skipped a beat. With Wu Quanzhong killing everyone like this, could Lu Bocheng have...

No, no, he must still be alive.

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