Chapter 716 She Will Never Forgive Me

Xu Yan cried until the tears dried up, and then slowly withdrew from his arms.

She looked at him dimly with tears, “Fortunately you are still alive, fortunately…”

Ye Xingchen’s eyes fell, “Fortunately we are all alive…”

Xu Yan’s face was full of tears, and a small smile was raised on the cheek like a small cat.

Ye Xingchen asked, “Are you tired of crying? Would you like to sit down and I will accompany you to see the stars.”

The sky has completely dimmed, and there are more and more fireflies.

Xu Yan nodded gently, and Ye Xingchen helped her sit down.

The two of them sat on the lawn, looking at the shining stars, the mysterious and vast Milky Way, and the fairyland-like flowers.

Mu Nanfeng stood not far away, looking at the backs of the two of them, the corners of his mouth could not stop rising.

He was very pleased and moved.

Seeing Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan finally meet, there is a kind of peace of mind in his heart.

In order not to disturb the two of them, Mu Nanfeng turned and left silently.

He thought that Xu Yan must have a lot to say to Ye Xingchen.

Under the sky full of stars, Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan were sitting together, which seemed to be a beautiful picture.


Not long after Mu Nanfeng turned and walked away, he met Bai Ruiqian with the cat behind.

“How did you come?”

Mu Nanfeng wondered why he came at this point? Shouldn’t it be at home?

Bai Ruiqian’s expression was a bit bitter, “Would you like to have a drink with me?”

He is not in a good mood today because today is May 20th.


What a special day.

Today, two years ago, he and Luowaer held a wedding together.

The wedding had a perfect beginning, but there was no perfect ending.

Seeing that his expression was not right, Mu Nanfeng probably guessed what he was upset about.

“Let’s go.”

When the two came to the wine cellar, Mu Nanfeng opened a good bottle of red wine and poured it on him.

The location of this wine room is very good, you can see Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan under the moon shadow through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Mu Nanfeng looked at the two of them, and this picture was frozen in his heart.

He feels very good.

Bai Ruiqian followed his gaze and spoke slowly, “They finally met.”

Xu Yan wakes up, he is probably the most calm, after all, he is a doctor, he has seen this phenomenon countless times.

“It’s great.” Bai Ruiqian sighed, but his heart was filled with convulsive pain.

Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan have already met, but the person he wants to meet still doesn’t know where.

Mu Nanfeng took a sip of wine.

“Yeah, that’s great.”

Seeing Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan meeting, he felt that everything was complete.

Bai Ruiqian’s expression changed slightly. He looked at Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan on the lawn and found that their bodies were very close.

Xu Yan’s head rested on Ye Xingchen’s shoulders.

This action fell in Bai Ruiqian’s eyes, and he couldn’t help feeling a bit ambiguous.

Bai Ruiqian asked curiously, “Hey, did I say you are not worried?”

“What are you worried about?” Mu Nanfeng frowned.

Bai Ruiqian winked at him and asked him to look at the two people on the lawn.

“Ye Xingchen and the young lady have such a good relationship, you are not afraid…”

He is not trying to provoke discord. Mu Nanfeng is his friend, and so is Ye Xingchen.

However, he always felt that Ye Xingchen’s feelings for Xu Yan were too deep, and he was afraid that Ye Xingchen would actually like Xu Yan in his heart.

Mu Nanfeng glanced at the lawn and found Xu Yan was leaning on Ye Xingchen.

He was so calm, “Not afraid.”

In fact, Bai Ruiqian didn’t say these words once or twice, and Mu Nanfeng knew it in his heart.

He knew Bai Ruiqian’s worries, and he was not without such worries.

It was only later that he discovered that such concerns were not necessary at all.

Ye Xingchen grew up with Xu Yan and is the one who has always guarded Xu Yan.

His love has always been transparent and deep, unmatched.

Xu Yan has always seen these loves.

If the two of them really had something, it should have been there before.

Compared with the “love” of love, Mu Nanfeng is more willing to believe that they are family love.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if Ye Xingchen really liked Xu Yan, Mu Nanfeng believed that he would not choose to fight with himself.

Because Ye Xingchen had expressed his attitude when he was young, and he didn’t want to possess Xu Yan.

On the contrary, he hopes that Xu Yan can be happy and be with the person he likes.

Seeing that he was so calm, Bai Ruiqian felt that he was simply too worried.

“Well, you don’t need to be afraid.”

He picked up the red wine glass in front of him and ate it as Erguotou.

Mu Nanfeng saw that he was drinking so fiercely and knew that he was on his mind.

Bai Ruiqian poured another full glass and handed it to Mu Nanfeng boldly.

“Come on, cheers.”

Mu Nanfeng catered to him.

This wine has a high alcohol content and is easy to get on the face. Bai Ruiqian’s face is already slightly red.

“Don’t drink…” Mu Nanfeng was afraid that he would fall directly after drinking like this.

Bai Ruiqian pushed away his hand, “No, you let me drink, I want to drink.”

He was so bored that he felt uncomfortable if he didn’t drink a little wine.


The phone on the table vibrated suddenly, Bai Ruiqian glanced over, and suddenly felt a little irritated when he saw that it was Su Jinxiu calling.

He picked up the phone and adjusted it to airplane mode. Then he threw the phone and continued drinking.

Mu Nanfeng couldn’t bear to see him like this.

“Have you thought of looking for her again?”

This “she” naturally refers to Luo Ya’er.

Bai Ruiqian lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

“She doesn’t want to see me, it’s useless for me to find her.”

His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and it was obvious that his emotions were slowly breaking down.

“I know she has been disappointed in me a long time ago. From the day I got engaged with someone else, she has been so disappointed in me.”

Luo Ya’er has been silent for two years.

The figure at the music festival last time, and later on, he couldn’t be sure whether it was her or not.

Mu Nanfeng didn’t know what to say at this moment. He felt that company was the greatest comfort.

No one can do anything about Bai Ruiqian and Luo Ya’er.

As long as Bai Zhuocheng and Han Rongrong are still alive in this world, Bai Ruiqian must obey them.

Mu Nanfeng stretched out his hand and patted Bai Ruiqian’s shoulder to show comfort.

Bai Ruiqian’s head dropped lower, as if he was hiding his emotions.

But his tears were clearly dripping on the cold floor.

“Nan Feng, I have no face to meet her…”

“I have married another woman, so what face do I have in my life to meet her.”

“She will never forgive me, never…”

Bai Ruiqian thought he was ridiculous, he knew that he couldn’t change it, but he still couldn’t help but want to see her.

As for what to say and what to do after meeting, he never thought about it.

He simply wanted to see her.

Perhaps this is the instinct to love someone.

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