Chapter 718

“Then go, take the cable car.”

Ye Xingchen actually bought the tickets in advance, and the two got on the cable car.

“Hey, hey–”

There will be some small bumps at the beginning, but it doesn’t affect Xu Yan’s good mood.

As far as the eyes can see, the mountains are verdant, the green water and the green mountains are integrated, giving people unlimited reverie.


She had never seen such a scenery before. It turned out that the scenery here is so charming.

Ye Xingchen looked at her tenderly, she was happy, and he was naturally happy too.

Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the two got off the cable car and came to a hut on the top of the mountain.

Xu Yan stood on the balcony and looked around, everything was so familiar.

Surrounded by mountains, a group of mighty troops are training on a large battlefield.

Xu Yan leaned on the railing and couldn’t help but watch this scene intently.

Those who are training are the soldiers of the Seventh Special Zone. This was once the back mountain of the Seventh Special Zone and is now designated as a scenic area.

In the past, every time Xu Yan was tired from staying in the barracks, he always wanted to run out to play. At that time, Ye Xingchen would sneak here to watch everyone train.

The memories of childhood flooded into the sea, and Xu Yan had a pure smile on her cheek.

If her family were still alive, how perfect all this would be.

Ye Xingchen stood beside her, watching the scenery in front of her with her.

After a long time, Xu Yan suddenly said something.

“Brother, I finally know why I didn’t see you in heaven.”

That dream, she still feels real.

Her family stood in front of her, looking at her with kindness.

Among those people, there is only Ye Xingchen.

“Heaven?” Ye Xingchen was stunned for a while, not knowing what she was talking about.

However, she is kind of cute in this way.

Xu Yan’s eyes were empty, “When I was in a coma, I went to heaven and saw my parents and grandparents.”

“They told me that someone was waiting for me.”

“I thought they were talking about Nan Feng, but when I saw you, I gradually understood that the person they were talking about… is you.”

The person who has been looking forward to meeting her has always been Ye Xingchen.

Her family also knew that Ye Xingchen was not dead.

Rather than saying that it was a dream of entering heaven, Xu Yan believed that it was a meeting arranged by God.

Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment. He believed that what Xu Yan said was true, and that after death, he would entrust his dreams to those who care about him.

Xu Yan could see her family in her dream, it must be because her family missed her too much.

Ye Xingchen’s eyes deepened, and his voice trembled a little, “Are they… okay?”

Xu Yan smiled lightly, “Very well, they lived well in heaven, because I met them, so I feel very happy now.”

“They said they will always be by my side and love me forever. I believe they must be watching me in heaven, so I have to live happily and don’t let them worry about it.”

Looking up at the blue sky, Xu Yan felt a trace of comfort in her heart.

After spending the whole morning on the mountain, the two went down the mountain near noon.

Ye Xingchen took Xu Yan to have a big meal, and they returned to Junxiang Mansion when they were full.

As soon as he walked to the door, Xu Yan saw Uncle Zhang’s car parked at the door.

Going a little further, she saw Uncle Zhang was helping the old man walk out of it.

Xu Yan stepped forward, “Grandpa, where are you going?”

“Back to Tianlan Jinyuan.” The smile on Old Man Mu’s face was kind.

Ye Xingchen followed Xu Yan, and when he heard that Mr. Mu was about to leave, he instinctively wanted to stay.

“Grandpa Mu…”

Before Ye Xingchen could finish speaking, Mr. Mu said embarrassedly: “Xingchen, thank you for your hospitality during this time. I have been disturbed here for too long, so I should go back.”

At first, it was because he was too worried about Xu Yan, so he stayed without worry.

During the time in Junxiang Mansion, everyone took great care of him, and Ye Xingchen treated him very well.

He likes it very much, but it is not his home after all.

Xu Yan wakes up, and it’s time for them to return to their own place.

Ye Xingchen said warmly: “Grandpa Mu, in fact, you don’t have to go in such a hurry. Yan Yan just woke up. She will be happier with you with her.”

Xu Yan echoed, “Yes, grandpa, you can stay for a few more days.”

When Mr. Mu heard the words, his expression changed slightly.

He listened to what he meant, Xu Yan should want to stay here.

Father Mu suddenly became a little frightened, afraid that Xu Yan would not want Mu Nanfeng.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

After Mu Nanfeng and Bai Ruiqian woke up, they saw everyone standing at the gate when they went downstairs.

“Huh?” Bai Ruiqian asked as if he had discovered something new, “Why are everyone standing here? Are you going out?”

Xu Yan looked at Bai Ruiqian, her eyes filled with gratitude.

She felt very sorry for Bai Ruiqian. She had been looking at this man with tinted glasses for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ruiqian actually paid so much for Ye Xingchen behind his back.

At this moment, she completely changed her view of this man.

Bai Ruiqian is a kind-hearted person and a person with a sense of responsibility.

Luo Yaer didn’t love the wrong person.

Bai Ruiqian noticed Xu Yan’s gaze, and suddenly felt flattered.

He had never seen Xu Yan look like this.

What’s going on that feels a little frightening?

Bai Ruiqian turned his eyes and looked at Ye Xingchen next to Xu Yan, only then did he understand what was going on.

Xu Yan knew everything he had done for Ye Xingchen, Xu Yan must have known.

Thinking about this, Bai Ruiqian returned Xu Yan with a warm and charming smile.

The two of them stared at each other closely, and everything they wanted to say was in their eyes.

Mu Nanfeng’s head was dizzy, and the whole person was always out of shape.

“Feng’er, you just came here. Uncle Zhang is here to take me home. Do you want to be together?” The old man turned his eyes to Mu Nanfeng and asked his thoughts.

Mu Nanfeng immediately woke up.

“Grandpa, are you leaving?”


Elder Mu nodded, his eyes fixed.

“I…” Mu Nanfeng was embarrassed now. He looked at Xu Yan and couldn’t let go.

After hesitating for a moment, he still plucked up the courage to ask, “Yan’er, do you want to go home?”

Xu Yan met everyone’s gazes, she looked at Mu Nanfeng and the old man, and then at Ye Xingchen.

This question is really difficult. She wants to go home with Mu Nanfeng, but she doesn’t want to be separated from Ye Xingchen so quickly.

Seeing Xu Yan embarrassed, Ye Xingchen simply stood up and helped her out.

“Yan Yan should stay at County Xiangfu recently. We still have a lot to say.”

Ye Xingchen’s eyes were cold, “Nan Feng, is it convenient to take a step to speak?”

The matter was over, he had to remind Mu Nanfeng again for some things.

Xu Yan was awake, but that didn’t mean that he had forgiven Mu Nanfeng.

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