Chapter 724 She planned the death of Ye Xingchen

Ye Xingchen is a very protective person, especially Xu Yan the most.

If anyone dared to snatch Xu Yan’s things, he would definitely help Xu Yan get it back.

Xu Chenxi was just a little girl at the time. She didn’t dare to provoke Ye Xingchen, so she could only please pretend to be obedient.

She has been living only as promised in the Xu family, and a large part of the reason is because of Ye Xingchen.

She was terrified of this person.

So in that car accident, she also counted Ye Xingchen in.

That explosion was not an accident.

It’s the timed bomb she installed in advance.

The death of Ye Xingchen.

It was also planned by her.

Xu Chenxi couldn’t help getting angry when she thought of the grievances she had suffered.

“Xu Yan, speak, didn’t Ye Xingchen die long ago? What are you doing this for?”

Looking at her appearance, Xu Yan felt that she was simply a mad woman.

“I disappoint you, Brother Chen is not dead.”

“No, you lied…” Xu Chenxi couldn’t accept this fact.

She couldn’t believe that Ye Xingchen was not killed by the explosion?

What on earth is this bone so hard?

Xu Chenxi said viciously: “Xu Yan, you despicable and shameless woman, you did it on purpose, you must do it on purpose.”

“You know I’m afraid of Ye Xingchen, so you deliberately made this play to show me.”

She was shaking violently.

The fear of Ye Xingchen began when she was young.

She was instinctively afraid of this man, not only because Ye Xingchen had threatened and intimidated her again and again, but also because of the untestable majesty of this man.

Living under this majesty, only she knew how depressed her heart was during those years.

Hearing Xu Chenxi scolding Xu Yan, Ye Xingchen’s expression changed in an instant, “It seems that the lessons I taught you last time were not enough. You dare to scold Yan’er in front of me. Are you looking for death?”

With such a familiar tone, Xu Chenxi’s heart shuddered.

It’s him, it’s really him.

She had listened to this tone countless times, and it was really that person.

Xu Chenxi felt soft all over.

She recognized reality.

Ye Xingchen is alive, and the person she fears the most is really alive.

Xu Chenxi shuddered more severely, her face pale as a ghost.

Wait, what did Ye Xingchen just say.

Last lesson?

“Last time? What last time?” Xu Chenxi had a bad feeling in her heart.

Ye Xingchen stared at her coldly, without speaking.

Xu Chenxi suddenly remembered something and took a deep breath.

She remembered.

The last time she was trapped in a cave and almost died, someone rescued her.

When she woke up later, she was in the dirty and smelly dry well.

There were also a bunch of people teasing her on motorcycles.

Xu Chenxi suddenly realized, “It’s you, the person that time was you.”

“Finally remembered?” Ye Xingchen twitched his lips mockingly, “It seems that he has a long memory, and has not forgotten the punishment.

Last time he just intended to teach her a lesson, but in the future, that may not be the case.

“You…” Xu Chenxi could feel a pair pinching her neck across the cage.

Her words got stuck in her throat, she was speechless, and the experience made her sweat all over her body when she remembered that experience.

Ye Xingchen didn’t plan to kill her today, so he just warned, “Xu Chenxi, you’d better be honest with me, otherwise, your horrible life may not last long.”

Xu Chenxi backed away in shock, but there was nothing behind her except the cold iron fence.

She was nervous and frightened, and swallowed.

Ye Xingchen stared at her for a few seconds, his eyes were enough to send people into hell.

Seeing that she was scared, Ye Xingchen withdrew his eyes.

He turned around and looked at Xu Yan, his eyes became gentle for a moment.

At this time, Mu Nanfeng spoke, “Speak, what are you doing back?”

He felt that it must not be easy for Xu Chenxi to come back. Xu Chenxi hated Xu Yan. This slut has always been a dangerous existence.

Xu Chenxi didn’t speak, she was afraid to die now.

Ye Xingchen is still alive, which means that there is another person to protect Xu Yan.

She was almost jealous.

Why, why no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t compare to Xu Yan.

The person she loves doesn’t love her.

She treated Mu Beichen so sincerely, but in the end, she was blind.

Looking at Xu Yan again, it was clear that Xu Yan had been hurting Mu Nanfeng, but Mu Nanfeng still loved her to death.

The world is so unfair.

People who love you will love you no matter what you do.

People who don’t love you, even if you take out your heart, he won’t look at you more.

Xu Chenxi is too reconciled, so why can Xu Yan be able to obtain happiness easily?

Seeing her not speaking, Mu Nanfeng’s tone became cold and stern, “You are blind, not dumb, it’s better not to pretend to be dumb.”

Xu Chenxi laughed at herself when she heard this.

“What can I do? What do you think I can do as a blind man? Is it possible that I can kill you or not?”

She had no choice but to come back.

If she could choose, she would not choose to come back here.

But the gear of fate is here, what can she do?

Mu Nanfeng is straightforward.

“Why divorced Mu Beichen?”

Xu Chenxi’s eyelashes trembled, and asked anxiously, “How did you know?”

She feels too embarrassing.

This is the second time she has been abandoned by a man.

Xiao Mo didn’t want her, and Mu Beichen didn’t want her either.

Zhang Han, the only one of her, had long since died.

Mu Nanfeng thinks she is really stupid, but believes that she is blind, and thinks she can understand it.

“Did you forget the divorce agreement in your family?”

Xu Chenxi was stunned for a few seconds.

She didn’t know that there was a divorce agreement at home, did Mu Beichen throw that thing to her?

It’s unfeeling enough.

Xu Chenxi covered her face and smiled bitterly, “Oh, it turns out that the divorce agreement is in my hand.”

She didn’t even know.

Mu Nanfeng watched her move and saw that she was sad.

Xu Chenxi released her hand suddenly, her expression calmed down, and then she smiled again, “Yes, we are divorced, and he doesn’t want me anymore. Are you satisfied with this answer?”

She smiled and cried.

“He doesn’t want me, he doesn’t want me.”

She repeated it over and over again, tears falling like a waterfall.

With such deep feelings, how could she let it go for a while.

All her love turned into hate.

Xu Yan suddenly made up for it, “If I guess right, your marriage might not be that simple. Obviously, Mu Beichen doesn’t love you at all.”

These words struck Xu Chenxi’s pain.

She has an expression of pain.

“Yeah, he doesn’t love me. He has never loved me. It’s me who is passionate, and it’s me who loves me.”

She has recognized it.

From the moment Mu Beichen put her cornea on Tang Qing’s body, she completely accepted her fate.

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