Chapter 726

Xu Chenxi’s clothes were soaked in wine, and her consciousness had begun to blur.

“Don’t drink anymore, I don’t drink anymore…”

Her stomach felt terribly uncomfortable, and she felt like vomiting.

Seeing that she couldn’t take it anymore, Ye Xingchen signaled Xiao Long to pause the game.

He ordered, “Let them in.”

The box door opened and several men walked in with cigarettes in their mouths.

The leading man carried a box in his hand, and he nodded and put the box on the table.

“Boss, this is what you want.”

Open the box, it is full of individually packaged red powder, a total of more than 20 packets.

Ye Xingchen glanced at him, “Go down.”

“Hey Hao Le, I wish the boss have fun.”

The man left with a few little brothers. He is the owner of this nightclub. He is usually best at dealing with guests.

Close the door.

Ye Xingchen gave Yanxi a look, and Yanxi looked at his subordinates beside him again.

The subordinates immediately understood, and went forward to take the red powder and mixed it into the wine.

Xu Chenxi was sitting on the ground, lying at the table, dazedly feeling that another glass of wine came over.

She tried to resist, “No…well…”

“I don’t drink… Hululu…”

In the end, he drank that glass of “strong” wine.

After a while, Xu Chenxi fainted.

Today’s game is almost over here.

“Yan Yan, are you tired?” Ye Xingchen looked at Xu Yan softly.

Xu Yan shook her head, “Not tired.”

How could I be tired? What an interesting thing to torment Xu Chenxi.

Ye Xingchen touched her head, “It’s time to go back if you’re not tired. Let’s come back tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Xu Yan replied warmly.

In the following days, Ye Xingchen Xu Yan will come to heaven on earth every day.

They almost always come at night, and every time they come, they will fill Xu Chenxi with wine.

And among those wines, there is always a glass with red powder added.

At first, Xu Chenxi thought that Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan were simply playing with her, and tortured her by drinking wine.

But she was still too naive after all.

Every time she finishes drinking those wines, she always feels her body is light and fluttering, and her consciousness gradually dissipates, as if she has entered heaven.

Every cell in his body has a comfortable pleasure.

Before she knew it, Xu Chenxi actually became infatuated with this feeling.


That night, Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan came to the member box on the third floor on time.

Xu Chenxi was brought in.

This time, unexpectedly, no one poured her wine again. Xu Chenxi thought they were tired of playing and couldn’t help but feel a little grateful.

She sat on the other side, her eyes hanging down, she couldn’t see anything anyway, so she simply lowered her head.

Xu Chenxi frowned when Ye Xingchen and Xu Yan were whispering.

Since childhood, Ye Xingchen has been exceptionally good to Xu Yan.

This kind of goodness can’t help but make people think about it.

Xu Chenxi always felt that Ye Xingchen must have a crush on Xu Yan.

Otherwise she can’t explain this emotion.

When Xu Chenxi was empty, two newcomers arrived in the box.

A few men in black dragged a man without a bone holder and walked in with a fat woman.

These two are not others, but the family of the murderer of the car accident that year.

Chen Hai, Xia Hong.

Chen Hai, whose hands and feet were broken, was thrown on the ground. Xia Hong stepped forward to support him, but couldn’t move him anyway, and finally had to sit beside him.

With tears in their eyes, the two dared not speak.

Xia Hong sits on the ground like a mountain, but compared to previous years, she has actually lost a lot of weight.

That year, Xu Yan threw her here, and she has since fallen into hell.

She was tortured by those perverted men, and she lived every day without humans and ghosts.

Her body was covered with scars, large and small, and none of her skin was intact.

This place is horrible, it’s even more terrifying than the Yin Cao Netherworld.

She thought about death, but when she thought of her two children, she didn’t want to die again.

She didn’t know where Xu Yan took her baby.

Her Xinxin and Xiangrong have left her for too many years.

Xia Hong wept as she thought about it, and Chen Hai beside her didn’t know how to comfort her sister-in-law.

Over the years, Chen Hai has also lived miserably. He has been locked up by Yanxi people. He eats rancid rice and vegetables every day, and sleeps on hard wooden boards.

That kind of life is more painful than jail time.

But his limbs are dead, he can’t escape if he wants to, and he can’t die if he wants to die.

Looking at the lifeless two people, Xu Yan’s sharp eyes pierced them.

“Don’t you say hello when you see an acquaintance?”

Chen Hai and Xia Hong were taken aback, slowly raising their eyes to look at Xu Yan.

When they met those eyes, they quickly lowered their heads in fright.

Ye Xingchen stared at these two people, he had known the specific situation a few years ago.

Xu Yan has been torturing these two people just to vent the hatred in her heart.

If it weren’t for the Chen family’s insatiable greed, that car accident would not have happened.

These people are sinful scumbags.

Seeing the two of them trembling, Xu Yan squinted her eyes with a cold expression, and shouted.

“I want to ask you something.”

Chen Hai and Xia Hong shuddered, and they carefully moved their eyes to a certain corner.

“Chenchen…Miss Chenxi…” The two shrank and greeted Xu Chenxi, fearing to death.

Xu Chenxi froze.

This voice… is it Chen Hai and Xia Hong?

It is the family of the driver who caused the accident.

Why is this happening? Isn’t the Chen family all abroad?

Why are they in Xu Yan’s hands? How could Xu Yan find them?

Didn’t she give them money and let them fly away?

Xu Chenxi sat in a daze, her whole heart confused, and she tremblingly asked, “You…when did you find them?”

Xu Yan smiled and said, “I found it a few years ago, why? Surprised?”

Xu Chenxi’s heart twitched violently, and she didn’t dare to speak again.

These two people are evidence of her murder.

Xu Chenxi retracted instinctively, covering her body under the black light.

The air was silent for a moment.

Xu Yan stared at Chen Hai and Xia Hong coldly, and asked jokingly, “I haven’t seen you for so many years, so thank you for your big rich man?”

This sounds wrong.

Xia Hong knelt on the ground, “Miss Xu, please let us go, we were wrong…”

Chen Hai cried out: “Miss Xu, we really know that we were wrong. She instigated us back then. That really wasn’t our intention…”

Xu Chenxi heard these words and felt that these two people would really shirk responsibility.

She scolded coldly: “Chen Hai, what kind of grandson are you pretending to be here? When you first collected the money, you didn’t see you in such a reluctant appearance.”

“It’s okay now. I want to push myself completely? I tell you there is no way. If you die, everyone will die together. Don’t even try to escape from the Chen family.”

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