Chapter 729 Escape Plan

After staying in the hospital for several days, Xu Chenxi is gradually adapting to this cornea that does not belong to her.

In the first few days, the line of sight will be blurred, but the two days have been much better.

Ye Xingchen arranged for two subordinates to stare at her, and she lived under their surveillance every day.

Xu Chenxi didn’t expect that Ye Xingchen would really heal her eyes. She thought that the man would go wrong, so she made that choice with the mentality of betting.

As a result, the other party didn’t even break his promise.

Of course, she naturally has no gratitude in her heart. She will always only have fear for Ye Xingchen.

Now that the light is restored, she just wants to get rid of their devil’s claws. Although she hates Xu Yan, she will not be overwhelmed.

She can’t beat these people.

After so much, she now wants to live a stable and ordinary life.

She didn’t dare to think about the glory and wealth, the clothes and the food.

Lifting her eyes to look at the two people outside the door, Xu Chenxi planned how to escape in her heart.

She walked out of the ward, and as expected, the two people followed her all the time.

Walking in the deep and secluded corridor, Xu Chenxi always glanced at the two people behind him from time to time.

Because the other party followed too closely, she had no chance to escape.

Looking at the exit of the hall not far away, Xu Chenxi visually checked the distance, and she would definitely be caught back soon.

She can’t be so reckless, it won’t do her any good to run hard, and may also anger Ye Xingchen.

She has to be outsmart, she has to think of a way slowly.

Perhaps they sensed Xu Chenxi’s mind, and the two followed even tighter.

In desperation, Xu Chenxi had to turn into the women’s toilet, pretending to be anxious.

The two men were inconvenient to enter, so they had to guard the door.

Xu Chenxi walked into a separate bathroom and sat on the toilet, thinking about an escape plan.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted her plan.

A woman walked in hummingly and turned on the faucet to wash her hands.

Because of blindness, Xu Chenxi’s ears are especially sharp.

This voice is a bit familiar.

She opened the door a small gap and went quietly to see the woman standing in the sink.

Through that mirror, she saw a very strange face.

The woman was humming and stroking the brown wavy curly hair, seemingly in a good mood.

Suddenly, Xu Chenxi was stunned and began to doubt herself.

It seems that it just sounds like.

After a while, the woman went out humming again.

Xu Chenxi didn’t know what was wrong, and the ghosts and spirits followed up.

She saw the woman walk into the plastic surgery department, and when she came out she was still holding a bunch of documents in her hand.

Xu Chenxi looked at the back, always feeling that it was very familiar.

Go back to the ward.

Xu Chenxi sat absently on the bed, with the woman in her mind.

It’s weird.

Obviously that face is strange, but she always feels like she knows that woman.

In order to solve the confusion in her heart, Xu Chenxi decided to inquire about the woman.

Two days later.

A young nurse passed the woman’s information to Xu Chenxi, and Xu Chenxi stuffed her a sum of money.

The deal between the two was concluded.

After getting the information, Xu Chenxi couldn’t wait to open it and take a look.

When she saw the woman’s name, her pupils instinctively enlarged.

Wen Zilai.

Xu Chenxi turned back and saw the information about Wen Zimei’s plastic surgery.

Her eyes darkened slightly.

That damn woman is not dead yet.

The data in her hand was squeezed into a ball of paper, and Xu Chenxi’s face was ruthless.

She will never forget that she was forced to a dead end that year, and there was also Wen Ziyi’s share in it.

In that transaction, she was miserable.

Back then, in order to kill the child in Xu Yan’s womb, Wen Zimei joined hands with her, and promised to give her a sum of money after the matter was completed, so that she could raise a fetus with peace of mind.

In the end, Wen Zimei’s plan was exposed, not only failed to remove the child with his own hands, but also forced her to a dead end.

When she was forced to the cusp of the storm, Wen Zimei not only didn’t help her, but also talked coldly.

And her child died that day.

Died in her womb.

Thinking of the past, tears burst into Xu Chenxi’s eyes.

She had a child once in her life, but in the end she was not able to give birth safely.

The hatred in her heart can never be dissipated.

She can’t deal with Xu Yan, but a mere Wen Ziyi is still possible.

She must avenge her child.

Wen Zimei, that bitch, don’t want to live.


Three days later.

Xu Chenxi found a way to escape and went to the women’s toilet on the third floor.

As always, the two *** did not follow up outside the door.

In the toilet, Xu Chenxi found the equipment left by the cleaning aunt.

Ropes, hooks, etc., a series of escape tools.

For this day, Xu Chenxi has made no little effort to buy people off recently.

She tied the rope to her waist and fixed the hook to a strong door.

She moved the window slightly and climbed out.

The women’s toilet on the third floor is close to the back door of the hospital, and there are no people here, so it is the best way to escape.

Xu Chenxi crawled down the pipe, his arms and waist and abdomen being rubbed red.

She held her head and went all the way down.

She landed safely, she was a little delighted, and untied the rope neatly.

She frantically started running towards the back door. There was a dog hole in the back door, and she went out without hesitation.

When I got up again, there was a bright road in front of me.

She managed to escape.


County Xiangfu.

“Chief, the man has left the hospital.”

The two subordinates returned to report, and there was no panic on their faces.

Ye Xingchen’s legs crossed, lying lazily on the leather sofa, Xu Yan sitting beside her, eating fruit leisurely.

“Did she see anyone?” Ye Xingchen asked meaningfully.

One of the subordinates replied, “I saw it. She also bought the nurse and checked Wen Zimei’s news.”

“Well, good, continue to follow her and see what happens next to her.”

The two subordinates stepped back silently.

Ye Xingchen took the red wine in front of him and took two sips gently.

Everything is in his grasp.

Hope, Xu Chenxi will not let them down.

“Brother Chen, if you drink less wine, it is not good for your health. Come, eat some fruit. Only by eating fruit can you live a long life.”

Xu Yan picked up a fork, forked a large pineapple and handed it to him.

Ye Xingchen put down his wine glass: “Okay, I will drink less in the future.” He took the fork and gave the pineapple to his mouth, but his face suddenly changed.

“Bah~ why is it so sour?”

Ye Xingchen’s entire face was wrinkled together.

Xu Yan smiled and fell on the sofa, “Hahaha, I can’t give it to you if it’s not sour.”

In fact, she had been holding back her smile just now.

Ye Xingchen helplessly said, “You girl, teasing me again.”


Xu Yanxiao’s stomach hurts, and Ye Xingchen’s expression is really funny.

At that moment, the whole face turned green.

Ye Xingchen glanced at her and scratched her unpreparedly.

Xu Yan was caught by someone’s weakness and rolled frantically.


“I was wrong, I don’t dare anymore…”

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