Chapter 735

Summer solstice.

Today is the wedding of Lin Ruoli and Yanxi.

The wedding was held by the sea.

The golden sandy beach is covered with pink and white petal channels, making the couple seem to be walking on the sea of ​​flowers.

Lin Ruoli wore a tube top wedding dress, the whole body of the wedding dress was crystal clear sky blue, simple and exquisite, shining with both gorgeous and elegant charm.

Holding flowers in her hand, she walked towards Yanxi step by step along the flower path. The breeze was blowing, and the skirt was fluffy with fluffy veil. She was simply too beautiful.

The music in the auditorium sounded, and the door of happiness opened slowly.

The two entered the sacred and solemn marriage hall step by step. The priest stood in the center, looking at the two newlyweds with eyebrows.

Yanxi’s oath is simple, but also full of affection.

He said, Ruoli, I love you, I am willing to spend my whole life loving you, are you willing to accept my love?

With tears gleaming in Lin Ruoli’s eyes, she only answered softly, I am willing.

Two little flower girls were holding flower baskets and gave them diamond rings.

They wore diamond rings to each other and kissed each other in the blessings of everyone.



A good news shattered the floor of Mu’s house.

Xu Yan always vomited recently and felt sick all the time, so she went to the hospital for examination.

When she got the report, Mu Nanfeng was stupid.

Xu Yan is pregnant.

When Mr. Mu heard the news, he was very excited, “Yan Yan, sit down, you are not allowed to go anywhere from now on, and you are not allowed to move around. Just have a good baby at home.”

With the previous shadow, Mr. Mu is now more careful, so his attitude is tougher, but he also cares about Xu Yan.

“Yes, Madam, you will be at home to raise your baby at home for these ten months, don’t run around, I will make you good food every day from now on.”

Aunt Liu thought of what happened back then, and she was also very scared, for fear that there would be something wrong.

Uncle Zhang smiled happily, already thinking about what gift he would buy for the child.

Mu Nanfeng is staying true to Xu Yan now. This is his second child. He wants to give birth to him safely.

Xu Yan listened to a group of people chattering, thinking they were too exaggerated.

“Don’t be so nervous, everyone, I’m pregnant, and I’m not terminally ill.”

“Bah, baah, whoever is terminally ill, Yan Yan, you can’t be sloppy this time. This child must be born safely.”

Mr. Mu is not an exaggeration, just because he is too scared.

He didn’t dare to think about how the child had disappeared.

Mu Nanfeng echoed: “Grandpa is right. It’s always good to be careful. You should not run around in the past few months. I will accompany you at home to raise the fetus with peace of mind.”

Xu Yan curled her lips, “Okay.”

She knows that everyone cares about her, so she doesn’t want everyone to worry.

Just staying at home always feels boring, and Xu Yan also finds it boring to do nothing every day.

She is just pregnant now, and everyone treats her as a baby. When the belly is big, she is afraid that she can’t even get out of the bed.

Remembering that it has been a long time since I saw Ye Xingchen, Xu Yan sent a call to Ye Xingchen.

In the afternoon, Ye Xingchen came.

He brought a lot of grotesque things, all of which were children’s toys.

Xu Yan looked at those things and felt that Ye Xingchen had prepared a bit early.

“Brother Chen, I don’t know if I am pregnant with a boy or a girl. Why did you buy so many things? If you don’t need it in the future, wouldn’t it be a waste of it.”

Ye Xingchen sat next to her, “I won’t use it, it’s a big deal, I will use it again.”

A hint of helplessness flashed in Xu Yan’s eyes. Before this one took shape, she wanted to do the next thing.

She touched her belly, “Do you think it’s so easy to have a baby? It hurts, okay?”

“Does it hurt? Don’t give birth.”

Ye Xingchen is very straightforward in this respect. After all, he has never talked about a girlfriend and rarely watches TV, so he doesn’t know what it is like to have a baby.

He heard that the pain would be relieved after taking anesthetics, so he thought it would not hurt.

Xu Yan thought he was silly and stupid. A man would never realize the hardships of being a woman.

“Don’t buy these things in the future, wait until the baby is born, and then buy them slowly.”

Ye Xingchen nodded, “Okay.”

Xu Yan looked at her slightly raised belly and couldn’t help but sigh, “I don’t know if it is a boy or a girl.”

She felt completely different from the last time she was pregnant, and she didn’t know what was going on.

Ye Xingchen asked, “What do you hope?”

Xu Yan pondered for a moment, “It’s all good, if it’s a boy, it might be naughty, if it’s a girl, it’s better behaved.”

Ye Xingchen retorted, “I don’t think so, you weren’t behaved when you were a kid.”

“Really? Am I not good?” Xu Yan can’t remember what happened when she was a child, she only knew that Ye Xingchen was by her side since she remembered.

“You may get into trouble, but if you do, no one dares to attack you.” Ye Xingchen couldn’t help but raise the corner of his mouth when he thought of Xu Yan’s childhood.

Xu Yan smiled, “Yes, everyone has petted me since I was young.”

Mom and Dad, grandparents, which one doesn’t hurt her to the bone.

So when she lost a loved one, she was so sad.

The two of them talked about the past, and it was the evening Ye Xingchen that they left.

As her belly gets bigger and bigger, Xu Yan eats more and more, making her sleepiness more and more prone.

Mu Nanfeng originally wanted Bai Ruiqian to come over to help Xu Yan to check, but something seemed to have happened to the Bai family.

So Bai Ruiqian couldn’t spare any time, so he didn’t come again.

Mu Nanfeng invited a private doctor. The doctor said that Xu Yan’s body had been severely injured before, so he must be careful and careful if he wants to save the fetus.

After hearing what the doctor said, everyone was more cautious.

Xu Yan didn’t dare to move after hearing this. She ate and slept on time every day, and read the parenting book from time to time.

She and Mu Nanfeng are looking forward to the arrival of this child.

Because she has lost a child, she will love this child even more.

As the days passed, Mu Nanfeng hadn’t heard from Bai Ruiqian for a long time. He originally wanted to go to the Bai’s house to have a look, but when he thought that Xu Yan was pregnant, he gave up this idea again.

He always had a bad premonition, he couldn’t tell what it was, as if there was a rock on his head that hadn’t fallen for a long time.

He called Bai Ruiqian, but he didn’t answer the phone. He intuitively told Mu Nanfeng that something must have happened.

Later, he sent someone to check the news of Bai’s house, but he heard bad news.

At the same time, it was Xu Yan who was pregnant in October.

Xu Yan’s due date has arrived, and she was pushed into the delivery room on Mother’s Day in May.

Mu Nanfeng waited anxiously at the door, and Father Mu was even more nervous.

Everyone was waiting outside the delivery room, and everyone’s hands were squeezed with sweat.

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