Chapter 738

Xu Yan knew that he said this to reassure herself.

Seeing Ye Xingchen’s appearance, she felt very distressed in her heart.

She hoped that he had a good rest, and that he could not pretend that he was very strong. In fact, he could be vulnerable occasionally.

Xu Yan was afraid that he would really go to the barracks, so she followed her words and said, “Then you will stay with me this month.”


“Didn’t the doctor say that this month is very important, then you can stay with me, if you disagree, then I will run around.”

Xu Yan kept him in this way so that she could watch him every day.

Ye Xingchen saw through her careful thoughts and knew she was doing it for her own good. After thinking about it, Ye Xingchen agreed.

“Well, stay with you.”

Xu Yan asked, “Aren’t you going to the barracks?”

“Don’t go, don’t go.”

Ye Xingchen had nothing to do with her, knowing that if she disagreed, she would definitely think of another way.

Confinement is a major event in a woman’s life, and he doesn’t want to leave Xu Yan at the root of his illness because of himself.

Ye Xingchen stayed in the hospital. They opened another super member ward downstairs. The facilities inside were all complete, similar to a five-star suite.

Everyone stayed in the hospital. In order to better take care of Xu Yan, Aunt Liu also came.

Aunt Liu is an attentive person who can take care of Xu Yan as well as her children. She will often make nutritious confinement meals for Xu Yan and will make the two babies laugh constantly.

Xu Yan was really happy when she sat in this confinement.

On this day, Xu Yan heard a child crying next door, she asked curiously, “What happened to the baby next door? Why is she crying every day?”

After becoming a mother, she could hardly hear such crying. In comparison, she felt that her two babies were really good-behaved.

Ye Xingchen just came in from outside, and Xu Yan saw a figure through the tiny gap.

“Hey, how do I think that person seems to be Brother Yanxi?”

“You read that right, it’s him.” Mu Nanfeng’s voice sounded from behind.

Xu Yan looked confused, “Brother Chen, can you call him in?”

Ye Xingchen turned around and called out, and then Yanxi walked in.

Xu Yan was surprised to find that Yanxi was holding a baby in her arms.

The baby cried non-stop.

Xu Yan listened to this cry, and a trace of puzzlement appeared in his eyes, “Big Brother Yanxi, what are you?”

“As you can see, I am a father.”

Yanxi now wants to cry without tears. Their daughter is making noise every day. He hasn’t slept with his eyes closed for several days.

Xu Yan’s brain buzzed when she heard the news.

“You and Ruoli… When did you have children? How come you haven’t heard of it before.”

Yanxi smiled awkwardly, “Well, we want to wait until after birth. You also know Ruo Li’s temperament, she is afraid you will worry.”

Lin Ruoli has always been considerate of others and doesn’t want to trouble others. Xu Yan naturally knows this.

It’s just a matter of giving birth to a child, how can we not talk about it.

Xu Yan would also be worried now, and was concerned about Lin Ruoli’s situation.

“Where is Ruoli? Is she okay?”

Yanxi nodded and said, “It’s fine. She is sleeping now. I was afraid that the child would disturb her, so I took the child out to coax her.”

Xu Yan wanted to see Lin Ruoli, but when she heard that she was sleeping, she dismissed the idea.

“Let me see the baby.” Xu Yan looked at the wrapped child with gentle eyes.

Yanxi handed the child to her arms, and Xu Yan’s heart was cute with her cute round face.

“Is it a girl?”

Yanxi answered with a smile, “Yes.”

Xu Yan touched her little fleshy face and couldn’t help but praise, “It’s so cute.”

The child’s crying ceased and was replaced by a soft laughter.


Yanxi was overjoyed: “If you hold her, she won’t cry.”

“Wow~” The baby yawned and went to sleep with his eyes closed.

Yanxi now has the heart to cry.

God knows how long he coaxed it, but it didn’t work at all. Now, gently Xu Yan hugged the child and went to bed obediently.

Could it be that Xu Yan had some magical power in him.

Xu Yan took the child to the crib next to him and put it down gently, “She is sleepy, let her sleep with the children.”

The three children lay together, some of them were still bubbling bubbles in their mouths when they were sleeping.

Yanxi sat down and drank a glass of water, “You are still great, I will coax her to sleep.”

Xu Yan returned to the bed, covered the quilt, and smiled at her.

“Maybe I have a breath of maternal love, right, when was Ruoli born?”

“The same day as you.”

Xu Yan was pleasantly surprised, “Is it so predestined?”

“I also think it is predestined. The delivery room of the two of you is next to each other, but Ruo Li came out early because she was born soon.”

Yanxi is busy taking care of Lin Ruoli every day, and has no time to visit Xu Yan for a while. Although she is relatively close, her wife is definitely the mainstay.

And when he heard that Xu Yan gave birth to a baby of dragon and phoenix, he was also very happy for Xu Yan.

Xu Yan nodded, “No wonder I vaguely heard someone yelling when I was in labor that day, it turned out to be Ruoli.”

Mu Nanfeng found that one of her feet was not covered, and pulled the quilt down.

“From now on, you can all spend Mother’s Day and your child’s birthday together.”

“Yes, that day happens to be Mother’s Day, and it will be lively every year in the future.”

The day when Xu Yan and Lin Ruoli gave birth was a very festive day, which happened to be Mother’s Day.

Becoming a mother on Mother’s Day must be a blessing from God.

Yanxi looked at the dragon and phoenix, “Yan Yan, have you named the child?”

“Not yet, I have been thinking about it recently, how about you? Have you taken it?”

Xu Yan is worrying about this recently and always wants to give her a unique and pleasant name.

Mr. Mu also attached great importance to these two great-grandchildren, so he looked at the birth date.

Yanxi scratched her head, as if embarrassed, “Yanzijin.”

“Qing Qing Zijin, you care about my heart, a nice name, very suitable for girls.”

Listening to the name, Xu Yan felt a freshness of spring breeze.

One month later.

In Tianlan Jinyuan, Father Mu specially held a full moon wine at home, and many famous people in the imperial capital came.

The gifts were piled as high as a mountain, and Ye Xingchen prepared a hundred gifts for each of the two children, all of which he carefully selected.

Mu Nanfeng prepared bracelets for the two babies with delicate bells on them.

Xu Yan put on cute little yellow man costumes for the baby. There are two little elves alive. She kissed the two babies and felt that being a mother was really happy.

When the visiting guests saw the baby, they all became cute.

“Ah, so cute, Mr. Mu, you are so lucky that you hugged two great-grandchildren at once.”

“These two babies are so beautiful, I really want to hug them~”

“The parents’ genes are so good, you see, this child’s eyes are like Mu Nanfeng, big and bright, and the small cherry mouth, just like her mother.”

“Woo~ how could there be such a good gene, what kind of fairy baby is this…”

“By the way, what’s the baby’s name.”

Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan smiled at each other.

“Mu Xingwan, Mu Fengmian.”

The name has a deep meaning. I hope the girl shines like a star and the boy is unruly like the wind.

The night star is like a dream, listen to the wind and sleep.

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