Qin Mengmeng had a hard time before and was very sensitive.

Before, she actually knew that Bai Jinse was special to Qin Mingchen.

Every time Qin Mingchen subconsciously cares about Bai Jinse, she is sad, envious and tasty.

But even then, she would not say what she really thought.

Until this evening, she saw Qin Mingchen lose his temper because of Bai Jinse. At that moment She really felt that although she didn't say it, she really cared about some things!

Qin Mengmeng's words stunned Qin Mingchen.

He looked a little stiff: "what are you talking about?"

Qin Meng Meng's big eyes were full of crystal clear tears: "I'm not talking nonsense? Don't you know if I'm bullshit? You care more about her than your brother cares about his sister-in-law, brother I'm not stupid

Qin Mingchen's heart trembles slightly, he naturally knows that Qin Mengmeng is not stupid!

However, he has no way to explain those thoughts to Qin Mengmeng!

Bai Jinse is not a sister-in-law, but Sister, also sister-in-law! It's the girl he took care of long ago.

Except for family gatherings, it's hard for him to see Bai Jinse now. When he sees him, he will care subconsciously, but Those feelings like that, he has long put down, far away from him!

But he didn't expect that Qin Meng would think so.

Qin Mingchen couldn't help sighing: "Mengmeng, don't guess any more. It's not what you think. My brother doesn't know how to explain some things to you, but it's definitely not what you think. My brother apologizes to you for what happened tonight. Maybe it's because I was in a bad mood at that time. I'm too fierce and strict with you. I'll change it, but you're also wrong. No matter what I do in the future You should be careful about everything. You know, there are some things that you can't make up for when you do wrong. You've been cheerful and learned a lot recently. Really speaking, my brother is really glad to see your change. My brother hopes you can keep on doing so. Let's not quarrel about it any more, OK? "

Qin Mingchen takes the initiative to be soft with Qin Mengmeng. When Qin Mengmeng thinks of his concern for Bai Jinse, she is still very sad.

However, she did not want to quarrel with her brother.

She reached out and wiped her tears: "I didn't want to quarrel with my brother. I'll be fine tomorrow. Brother, go back!"

Qin Mingchen frowned. He always felt that Qin Mengmeng is different from when she first came to Mingcheng. She seems very unhappy, but She didn't want to tell herself.

Qin Mingchen was about to say something when he heard a knock on the door.

He looked at Qin Mengmeng helplessly: "don't cry, I'll see who knocks at the door!"

Qin Mingchen said and walked towards the door.

He opened the door and saw that Bai Jinse was worried.

Qin Mingchen frowned slightly: "Jinse You haven't had a rest yet? "

Bai Jinse was a little worried: "is Mengmeng OK? I heard something fall on the ground just now. Come and have a look!"

Qin Mingchen shook his head: "nothing, just accidentally broke a vase, I'll help her clean it later, don't worry!"

When Bai Jinse heard him say this, his eyes flashed: "well, since it's OK, I'll go back first, but..."

Bai Jinse looked at Qin Mingchen and finally said, "Mengmeng is still young. No matter when, you should tell her well."

Although Qin Mingchen is only 19 years old and looks three years older than Qin Mengmeng, in fact, they all know that if nothing happened to Qin Mingchen in those years, he would be 32 now, more than ten years older than Qin Mengmeng.

Therefore, Bai Jinse always treats Qin Mingchen as his elder brother.

Qin Mingchen nodded: "you don't have to say, I understand!"

Bai Jinse left. Qin Mingchen turned around.

Qin Mengmeng looked at him with red eyes, pitifully, like a timid and helpless little wretch.

Qin Mingchen sighed helplessly, went over and rubbed her hair: "Jinse just came to ask about your situation, you see, no one blames you, brother I just want to teach you, but I didn't expect to make you cry. It's my way of education and attitude. I apologize to you. Don't be sad, OK? "

Qin Mengmeng pursed her lips tightly: "I'm not sad!"

When Qin Mingchen heard this, he couldn't help laughing. He reached out and scraped her nose: "tears all over his face, and he said he wasn't sad. Do you believe that?"

Qin Meng said nothing.

Qin Mingchen no longer argued with her about this issue. He found something, put the vase fragments on the ground into the garbage can, and then looked for a broom to sweep the vase.

After that, he was still worried: "you should be careful at night. You must wear shoes when you get out of bed. I've swept it again, but I don't know if it has been cleaned. I'll let my aunt clean it carefully tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Qin Mengmeng nodded: "well, I know!"Qin Mingchen saw that her mood was adjusted, so he said, "go to bed early, I'll go back first!"

Qin Mingchen has said that and is about to leave.

As a result, as soon as he got to the door, he heard Qin Mengmeng's timid voice: "brother..."

Qin Mingchen turned to see her: "what's the matter?"

Qin Mengmeng lowered her head, her voice was stuffy, and she was not confident: "can you Can you stay? "

Qin Mingchen was stunned and looked helpless: "you are all 16-year-old girls. You can't rely on your brother any more. Men and women are different. You have to understand this!"

In fact, when it comes to this matter, Qin Mingchen has a headache.

In his and Qin Mengmeng's small apartment, every time it thunders and rains, Qin Mengmeng is sure to show up in his bed on time the next morning.

He said it several times, but every time.

Once, when Qin Mengmeng came over, Qin Mingchen didn't fall asleep. Seriously, she let her go to sleep by herself!

However, Qin Mingchen couldn't sleep. He was worried about Qin Mengmeng. When he went to Qin Mengmeng's side to see if she was safe, he saw that she covered the quilt and huddled herself pitifully under the table beside the bed.

Qin Mingchen knew for the first time that Qin Mengmeng was so insecure.

Since then, Qin Mingchen will be with Qin Mengmeng whenever it rains.

However, it didn't rain or thunder today!

Hearing what Qin Mingchen said, Qin Mengmeng suddenly said, "I know there are differences between men and women, but If my brother treats me as his sister, I'm afraid that you can talk with me. Is there any problem? If you don't treat me as your sister, but you accompanied me when it rained and thundered. What do you think at that time? "

Qin Mingchen was stunned. He was really caught in by Qin Mengmeng's words.

He was silent for a moment, and then he said, "although I do take you as my sister, we are not related by blood. My brother doesn't want to share a room with you. It's for your sake!"

Qin Mengmeng's expression was stubborn: "but I don't want you to think about me like this!"

Qin Mingchen helplessly closed his eyes: "this is in the Qin family, not in our apartment!"

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