White Jin se can understand cloud Yan at the moment sad mood, want to comfort her, but feel some poor words.

Chusheng's self-esteem is too strong, he can't let Yunyan see that he can't stand up now!

If he can't stand up all his life, it's really normal for him to say goodbye. Although Bai Jinse was angry for Mo Sinian's understanding of Chu Sheng's attitude yesterday.

To tell the truth, according to Chusheng's temperament, he made such a decision. It was really It's amazing, but it's expected.

Bai Jinse sighed low: "are you sure he left Yunde hospital?"

Yun Yan nodded: "well, I'm sure that I went crazy to find him in the morning. Unfortunately, I only found his discharge record in the end!"

White Jin se hears this words, in the heart some affliction, she probably clear Chu Sheng is really make up her mind, plan to completely separate with cloud Yan.

She asked Yun Yan, "have you seen Chu Sheng's medical records?"

Hearing this, Yunyan nodded, biting her lips, sobbing for a long time and saying, "I see it!"

When I saw him, I knew that he might never stand up again. I knew that He may have decided to give up because of this!

White Jin se see cloud Yan so sad, don't know how to comfort her.

Yunyan at this time to find her, she can't say nothing, she can only try to comfort her: "maybe, Chusheng just want to wait for his injury, and then see you again!"

When Yunyan heard this, she cried awkwardly: "Jinse, don't comfort me, I know It's hard for his leg to get better! But Even so I still want to be with him. Why can't he understand? "

Yunyan's words, listen to Bai Jinse sad to the extreme, that kind of clearly know the reason, but still unwilling to give up the stubborn belief, let Bai Jinse distressed to death.

She reached for Yunyan and whispered, "maybe He just can't accept that he's like this now! "

Yun Yan suddenly holds Bai Jinse and sobs twice: "Jinse Do you think he's blaming me for breaking up with me? "

Bai Jinse didn't expect that Yun Yan would think so. She quickly said: "if you think so, you will really fail Chu Sheng's intention to save you. I think he is so proud of saving you. He has no regrets. It's true that he can choose to break up with you at such a time I love you so much

Yunyan heard Bai Jinse's words and closed her eyes sadly: "however, I not only want him to love me, but also want to be with him. In fact, I always know that I don't have Lin Xi's calmness, silence and decisiveness, and I don't have Jinse's ability! I'm cowardly in my bones. For the first time So hard to love a person, I really I really can't think about how to spend the days without him in the future! "

After returning home, Bai Jinse saw Yunyan's fragile side for the first time.

To tell the truth, she knows in her heart that it's hard to comfort Yunyan with anything she says now.

However, looking at her like this, the white Jin Se in the heart is also really uncomfortable.

She was silent for a moment, then she said, "according to you, as long as Chusheng hears your voice, he will hang up, right?"

Yun Yan nodded with tears on her face.

White Jin se Mou son Shan Shan: "that I call with Chu Sheng, ask him why to do so, let him give you an account, but, you don't make a sound, I'm afraid he will hang up the phone, OK?"

Yunyan is like looking at the only hope in general, heavily nodded to guarantee: "Jinse, I will never say a word, you call, help me find him, see how he is now, OK? I'm really worried about him! "

Looking at Yun Yan's humble attitude, Bai Jinse has no choice but to close her eyes. Maybe in love, as long as you love deeply, sooner or later, you will be in the dust for that person's attitude.

She reached out and patted Yunyan on the shoulder and began to call Chusheng.

Bai Jinse originally thought that Chusheng pulled the black cloud Yan, also may not answer his phone.

However, it turns out that he has not yet been invited to that job.

Not long after the phone was connected, there was an answer. Bai Jinse turned on hands-free. Chusheng's voice sounded hoarse and deep: "Hello, Jinse!"

White Jin se saw a moment whole body tight cloud Yan, opening a way: "I thought, you won't answer my phone!"

Chusheng said: "no, originally you did not call me, I will call you!"

Bai Jinse was stunned: "looking for me? What can I do for you? "

Chusheng's voice is a little difficult: "help me take care of Yunyan!"

When Bai Jinse heard this, he couldn't tell for a moment what it was like in his heart: "what do you want me to take care of Yun Yan for you? Can't you take care of yourself? I listen to Yunyan say, you want to break up with her, and not only don't see her, but also pull all her contact information, Chusheng, if you are a man, if you really want to break up, can't you get together and break up well? "

Chusheng heard this, self mocking smile: "good together good scattered ah, I really can't do it!"Bai Jinse's brow is wrinkled badly. She sees that Yun Yan is crying silently again. She just feels that her heart is pulled into a ball and she is very uncomfortable: "what do you mean? Are you going to go missing without any explanation? "

Chusheng's voice sounded as if he was exerting all his strength to restrain his emotion: "it's not that I don't give it, it's that I dare not. I'm afraid that when I see her, I will I don't have the courage to say that! "

Bai Jinse is unfair to Yunyan: "so, if you don't have the courage, just give her a break up? Do you know how sad she is? Do you know that she is looking for you all over the world. If you really love her, are you willing to do this to her? Chusheng, do you really plan not to see Yunyan again? "

White Jin se last sentence, voice can't help but raise, hear Chu Sheng silence for a long time just open mouth.

He said, "Jinse, if one day I can stand up, I will find her again!"

Cloud Yan hears this sentence, the whole body that cries directly shakes.

Bai Jinse reaches out her hand and taps her on the shoulder. She comforts her helplessly and asks Chusheng with a sneer: "listen to what you mean, are you iron now and don't want to see her? Have you ever thought, if you can't stand up? "

Bai Jinse didn't want to say that, but Chusheng's attitude towards the black road was too obvious!

Chusheng heard Bai Jinse's words and laughed: "then I'll let her be free. After all, I can't let her be hindered by a cripple!"

Bai Jinse didn't expect Chusheng to be so stubborn. She was a little angry: "have you ever thought that Yunyan doesn't mind these?"

"But, I mind, Jin se, have you ever thought that one day, someone will say in front of her that her husband is a cripple who can't stand up, or even After having a child, the children will say that his father is a useless person. At that time, how can I deal with myself and how can I protect the child and her from the attack of those words? Jinse, you can say that I am cowardly or selfish. I really can't face these things! " Chusheng's attitude is very persistent.

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