Bai Jinse sighed and didn't know what to say. She reached out and hugged Shen machiran, trying to give her some strength and courage.

Just as Bai Jinse hugs Shen tingran, she feels that she is lying on her shoulder and shivering slightly. Suddenly, the door of the emergency room opens.

Don't know why, hear this voice, white Jin Se in the heart suddenly rises a kind of not good premonition.

The next second, her hunch came true.

The doctor's voice was cruel and cold: "Miss Shen, I'm sorry, we tried our best. Your father was so emotional that he had a cerebral haemorrhage. He didn't come over!"

Bai Jinse feels that Shen tingran almost stops. She stares at the doctor: "really Is it hopeless? "

Obviously, the doctor said that he didn't come to the rescue, but if there was a way, the doctor would not say that.

However, Shen tingran looked at the doctor like a fool, as if he didn't believe what he had just said.

Bai Jinse was deeply distressed: "Shen tingran Don't embarrass yourself

Shen machiran shakes and clutches Bai Jinse's arm. Bai Jinse hurts, but Bai Jinse doesn't remind her.

Until Shen tingran asked in a difficult voice, "where's my mother? My mother She should... "

Shen tingran was too sad to say the rest. She comforted herself, Dad No, she still has her mother's, no matter what they do wrong, they love themselves from childhood, they are their own parents, she has no longer dare to have any extravagance, just ask them to survive Even if it's a person, it's better to accompany her. Otherwise, she really doesn't know how to live in the future.

However, the reality is more cruel than she thought.

As soon as she finished asking, the emergency room door next to her opened.

The doctor looks distressed. Obviously, he has heard about Shen tingran's family. His parents are operating in the adjacent operating room. It's really cruel for a girl who hasn't experienced any major event.

However, even if they can't bear it, they still can't hide the fact.

Shen Cho looked at the doctor who gave his mother the knife. He didn't even have the courage to ask.

The doctor looked at Shen tingran sympathetically, and his voice was helpless: "Miss Shen, I'm sorry We did our best

Shen machiran directly released Bai Jinse, directly slid down and sat on the ground. Bai Jinse couldn't even pull.

Shen Cho looked dully at the corridor and the doctors around him. His voice was empty and desperate: "I don't have my parents anymore..."

Bai Jinse's eyes were wet, and she was very sad: "Shen tingran!"

Shen Ting ran, like a fool, repeated: "I have no parents!"

Bai Jinse couldn't hold back her tears. She wiped them quickly and bent down to help Shen dingran up: "Shen dingran, don't do this Do you want to... "

You have to deal with the affairs of your parents. Although it's cruel, it's true!

However, Bai Jinse didn't have the heart to say it.

No one can accept the fact that both parents died in one day.

However, Bai Jinse knows that this is the fact whether she accepts it or not!

Bai Jinse has never been so distressed by a person. She can see that Shen tingran is going to be unable to hold on.

Shen Ting looked at Bai Jinse, his eyes were wide. In his big round eyes, there were crystal clear tears: "Jinse, I must have heard wrong just now, didn't I?"

White Jin se distressed looking at her, don't know how to comfort her.

Obviously, at this point, she can't lie.

Shen machiran suddenly closed his eyes and cried out.

Bai Jinse looked at the doctor in embarrassment: "doctor, you Can you help my friend up? "

The doctor looked at Bai Jinse and nodded.

The two men picked Shen up and sat on the chair next to him.

Shen Ting ran directly bent down, buried his head in his knees, and grabbed his hair with both hands. She sobbed. She was shaking badly, but no one knew how to comfort her.

All the doctors have gone. Shen tingran's parents' bodies have been sent to the mortuary.

Bai Jinse didn't dare to let people disturb Shen tingran. She can see that Shen tingran can't hold on any longer. She has collapsed.

Ink four years in not far away looking, but did not come.

Bai Jinse's mobile phone rings.

Bai Jinse quickly takes it out and sets it to silent.

Mohsinian sent a message.

[year of mohsi: Jinse, I know that Shen tingran's parents are dead. Please advise her to have a good time! 】

[Bai Jinse: I want to help her, but she can't hold on any longer. She even I don't have the courage to see her parents' bodies. She just returned to Mingcheng. She even has no friends except Chu rhetorical, her brother in name. I don't think she can accept any help from Chu rhetorical right now. It's humiliating and more exciting for her. I want to try my best to help her, do you think? 】Ink four years see this news, Mou son Shan Shan, say, he belongs to that kind of more calm rational person.

In addition to Bai Jinse, few people can make him feel soft and distressed. He can see clearly that he will regret after revenge, because he likes Shen tingran.

It's a pity that Chu's rhetoric is paralyzed, which others can't help.

As for Shen tingran, she is innocent, but who let her like Chu rhetoric? Who let her parents kill Chu rhetoric's parents?

These gratitude and resentment, has happened, no one can help!

What's more, there are so many innocent people in the world that Mo Si can't be pitiful for years!

However, when he saw that Bai Jinse loved Shen tingran so much, Mo Sinian felt helpless. He didn't mean any help to Shen tingran. However, he didn't like Bai Jinse because Shen tingran was suffering.

[Mo Sinian: I have no idea how you want to help her, but I have only one request. Don't feel too bad about other people's affairs. I know you are kind, but Things have happened. No matter how hard it is and how broken it is, she has to bear what she should bear! 】

[Bai Jinse: Why are you so calm and rational? 】

[Mo Sinian: Jin se, are you going to fight with me? I said, you can help her, I won't say anything, I just I don't want to make you feel bad for others. You know, in this world, except for you and children, I can't have too many cheap feelings for others! 】

[Bai Jinse: I didn't want to quarrel with you. I just thought about what Chu xiuci had done. Seeing Shen tingran now, I feel sad. I also know that you are very sensible to others. I don't mean to blame you. I just love Shen tingran and want to help him! After all, people are not plants, who can be merciless? 】

[the year of Mo Si: there is a certain number of causes and effects in this world. Now, as a result, Chu rhetoric is not much better than himself. You can see his state at the wedding scene before. He really took revenge, but he has already regretted it! 】

[Bai Jinse: what's the use of regret? There is no regret medicine in the world! 】

[Mo Si Nian: let's not talk about these, these It has nothing to do with us! You can help Shen dingran. Don't worry about anything else! 】

[Bai Jinse: I see! 】

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