"I totally agree with those upstairs. I've seen those who give birth to rich people's children for money and then use their children to steal money. It's shameless to the extreme. They don't even want their face!"

"I see, the most damned person is mo Shuqi. She has a collection of vicious, unfilial, greedy, insane and countless ugly faces!"

"After identification, she is definitely a white lotus! She can play best. It makes people happy!"


Net. You seemed to wake up, and all began to attack Mo Shuqi. The little things she had done before were taken out by net. You thought carefully. Did the bread hide her caution and malice here!

Li Na was still at home. She felt like she had been abandoned by the whole world!

However, before long, Li Na saw her aunt coming out with her mobile phone: "madam, look, there's the latest news on the Internet!"

Li Na's first reaction was that Mo Shuqi thought of some vicious tricks and used her online friends to deal with herself. Subconscious rejection!

Aunt didn't even see that Li Na's body shook slightly and directly connected her mobile phone in front of Li Na: "Madam, you see, everyone is scolding that Mo Shuqi. It turns out that she was scolded by net friends before she was suddenly washed white. It's all her behind the scenes! She even taught her mother how to ask for alimony from herself and how to behave more vicious. You see, net friends are scolding crazy! Seriously, looking at these news, I really think she doesn't like it It's a thing! "

For a moment, Li Na felt that the amount of information in her aunt's words was a little large, and the whole person's expression was a little confused: "you... Didn't you lie to me?"

The aunt was stunned and then reacted. Madam, this is incredible. She quickly smiled and said, "madam, of course I won't cheat you with this kind of thing. What I said is true. That Mo Shuqi has done too many bad things and has really been punished!"

Li Na's reaction was like hindsight. She grabbed the mobile phone in her aunt's hand and looked quickly. She saw that the things Mo Shuqi did were exposed on the Internet like hard evidence. Then look at the Internet. She scolded her like crazy. The anger of being cheated seemed to overflow from the screen.

Li Na looked at it and suddenly laughed. Finally, her tears came out: "she deserved it. She deserved it. She should pay the price as a junior! I didn't expect that she dared to play so many Yin moves. She deserved to be scolded. It's best that she'll never face it again in her life!"

Aunt smiled and echoed Li Na's words: "madam is right. This kind of garbage should stay in the trash can. Don't come out to pollute the environment and harm people!"

Hearing this, Li Na looked at her aunt with a smile: "you really can talk. I'll give you a raise!"

The aunt smiled awkwardly: "thank you, madam!"

Li Na stood up with a smile: "those net friends, now they hit the face. I'm angry when I think about it. I'm going to bed. Go to bed early!"

Li Na said and happily went upstairs to have a rest!


Mo Shuqi thought that cyber violence came again, which was the most tragic thing for her. However, she never thought that a greater tragedy was coming quietly!

Because in the past, all those unbearable things were revealed on the Internet. The image of Mo Shuqi was directly found to the extreme. She didn't even dare to go out of the ward. As soon as she got out of the ward, someone pointed out that she was the junior on the Internet, using her mother, inhuman and so on.

Mo Shuqi stayed in the hospital for two days and couldn't live any longer.

She secretly went through the discharge formalities when there were few people, and then called Ying Xiaoxiao.

Ying Xiaoxiao watched Mo Shuqi become more strange during this period. She watched Mo Shuqi being raped by the net, and watched Mo Shuqi quickly wash white and Crazy Fishing for gold. All these made her worried and helpless.

Until Mo Shuqi was raped by the Internet again, she should smile. She was not a fool. If Mo Shuqi died like this, something would happen sooner or later. I just didn't expect it to come so fast. This time, even if Mo Shuqi's earth shaking ability, I'm afraid it's difficult to turn the world around.

Ying Xiaoxiao quarreled with Mo Shuqi before and said that he was the last time to help Mo Shuqi.

However, when something happened to Mo Shuqi, she thought of the good things that Mo Shuqi had helped her before!

After all, she is still too soft hearted!

She thought again and again, thinking of Mo Shuqi's situation, she still planned to go to the hospital to see her.

But she didn't expect that when she was going to call Mo Shuqi, Mo Shuqi called.

On the phone, Mo Shuqi's voice was a bit like a frightened bird. It sounded pathetic: "smile, can you come to the hospital to pick me up? I dare not take a taxi alone. Now, wherever I go, people recognize me, and they scold me..."

Mo Shuqi said with a choking voice.

Ying Xiaoxiao suddenly softened his heart: "I was going to come to the hospital to see you, but I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to call me. Wait, I'll come as soon as possible!"

Mo Shuqi's eyes were slightly red: "OK, I'll wait for you under the tree at the door of the hospital. I'm wearing a hat. You should be able to see me when you come over!"

Ying smiled, "um," and said, "I'll be here soon!" hung up the phone. Mo Shuqi put away her things. She was not far from the door of the hospital, waiting under the roadside tree. Every time she saw someone passing by, she would subconsciously lower her head. Some people will look at her more when they see her so secretive, but anyway, Mo Shuqi still wears a mask and covers herself with a hat. Fortunately, she didn't wait long. She should smile quickly. The smiling car stopped at the roadside and shouted, "Shuqi!" the moment Mo Shuqi looked up, her eyes turned red! In the final analysis, Ying Xiaoxiao is different for her. It is her kindest and her desire for power in her heart. When she looked the least, she tried to help Ying Xiaoxiao, but simply wanted to pull Ying Xiaoxiao out of the quagmire! Later, Ying Xiaoxiao was always grateful for herself. She asked Ying Xiaoxiao to help herself do a lot of things, but at most it was embarrassing, but she never let her break the law or even violate morality. Compared with others, Ying Xiaoxiao is the only pure land in her heart. Now she is denounced by everyone. She just wants to see Ying Xiaoxiao and talk to her. Should smile and see Mo Shuqi's embarrassed appearance, her eyes also red: "don't look, get on the bus quickly!" Mo Shuqi nodded with red eyes and quickly got on the co pilot! Ying smiled and rubbed her eyes: "where are you going now? Do you want to go to my side?" Mo Shuqi shook her head: "go back to my house!" Ying smiled and hesitated: "you..." Mo Shuqi is now in this situation. If she goes home, someone may block her at the door. Mo Shuqi knows that she should smile. Seeing her hesitant attitude, she knows what she is thinking. She pursed her lips: "smile, although I go home, someone may block me at the door to scold me and throw rotten eggs at me, but I still want to go back. Now... I just want to see you and go home! I feel that there is only home in the world, which can make me feel a little safe! Even if they go too far, they can't really rush into my house!"

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