Tan Yifei's tone gently and inexplicably made Bai Jinse feel frightened.

She turned her head and didn't look at Tan Yifei: "aren't you afraid of Mo Sinian coming?"

Tan Yifei smiled: "Jinse, after so long, why are you still so naive? I know Mo Sinian is very powerful, but you should know that the most dangerous place is the safest place. If Mo Sinian can't find you in Lan City, he will think I took you to other places. I just want to live happily with you under his eyes!"

Bai Jinse ironically glanced at the chain on his feet: "tie me like a dog and live a happy life with you?"

Tan Yifei's face suddenly became heavy. He approached Bai Jinse and grabbed Bai Jinse's ankle: "Jin se... Why do you always deliberately annoy me? Can't we get along well like this? Look, I made the house, table and chair here myself. In the future, I'll be responsible for cooking and raising you. You can live with me, can't you?"

Tan Yifei's paranoid and gloomy attitude made Bai Jinse feel creepy. He felt as if he had changed.

Is a person depressed for a long time, really abnormal?

Bai Jinse didn't know. She closed her eyes and didn't want to say a word!

Tan Yifei saw that she didn't say a word and held her ankle with a slight force: "Jinse, why don't you speak?"

Bai Jinse ignored him and said to himself: "if you don't run, how good it would be. We'll be a couple of gods and immortals in the mountains. We'll never go out again in our life!"

As long as Bai Jinse thought that she would be tied in this house all her life, she couldn't accept it anyway.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at Tan Yifei: "Tan Yifei, don't imagine alone, can you? Wake up. I have children and a husband. If you don't disturb me, I can be a fairy couple with Mo Sinian all my life. Moreover, I am willing to be with him, do you understand?"

Tan Yifei's face sank instantly. He pinched Bai Jinse's chin and stared at her: "Jinse, why can't you talk to me well? Hmm? What's willing? You're willing to be with the devil of Mo Sinian, because you don't know what kind of person Mo Sinian was! Do you know what he did to me at the beginning? Ah!"

Tan Yifei's expression became more and more angry. His eyes seemed to stare out of his eyes, which was terrible.

Bai Jinse tightened her face and her chin was pinched. She didn't say a word.

Tan Yifei couldn't help but make more efforts: "why didn't you speak? Did you know that Mo Sinian almost killed me at the beginning? Did you know... Did he treat me like an animal? Where were you at that time? You were next door to a wall. Do you know how cruel his means were? After you know he was such a person, are you still willing to be with him?"

Bai Jinse actually knew what had happened. When Mo Sinian learned that Tan Yifei planned to inject himself with amnesia, he was so angry that he would treat Tan Yifei like that.

Otherwise, for his own sake, Mo Sinian would not give Tan Yifei such a cruel hand anyway.

However, Tan Yifei doesn't think so. Bai Jinse can see that after he recovers his memory, his mood becomes out of control and irritable, and the whole person is more extreme paranoid.

Bai Jinse still remembers that when he first met Tan Yifei, he was still a sunny boy. Look at his gloomy appearance now. Bai Jinse felt uncomfortable at the bottom of his heart!

Bai Jinse is angry at what Tan Yifei has done, but he also loves him.

After all, she used to really take Tan Yifei as her brother and relatives, but now it's hard for them to go back!

Tan Yifei saw that Bai Jinse didn't speak. He loosened his hand holding Bai Jinse's chin and stared at the sunset outside the window. His eyes were sad. He didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, he suddenly turned his head, looked at Bai Jinse, and said in a faint voice, "Jinse, it's dark!"

Bai Jinse didn't understand what he meant for a moment. She frowned and stared at Tan Yifei. The next second, he saw Tan Yifei reach out and press the back of her head and kiss her strongly.

Bai Jinse glared and struggled violently.

Although she was tied to her ankles, she was not the kind of weak girl who could not resist her shoulders and lift her hands. How could Tan Yifei do whatever she wanted.

Without hesitation, she kicked Tan Yifei in the abdomen, quickly stood up and stared at him with full vigilance: "Tan Yifei, are you crazy? How many times have I told you that I only treat you as a brother, can you not be crazy? If you send me back now, we will not see it. I won't let Mo Sinian investigate this matter, okay?"

Tan Yifei was kicked out of the wooden bed. When he heard Bai Jinse's words, his originally gloomy face suddenly burst into a bloodthirsty smile: "hahaha... Send you back? I tried my best to get you here. Do you think I might let you go? Ah?"

Bai Jinse was full of anger and disappointment: "Tan Yifei, can you wake up and don't do this!"

Tan Yifei seemed unable to listen to her words. He turned and walked to the table in the wooden house. There was a box on the table. He turned his back to Bai Jinse and said, "I know I can't beat you, but... I'm today..." as he said, he turned his head and looked at Bai Jinse, curled his lips and smiled: "I will never let you go again. I want to know if you will repel me so much after you become my person!" Bai Jinse stared: "Tan Yifei, are you crazy!" Tan Yifei took out the anesthetic gun in the box and turned to Bai Jinse: "Don't worry, this medicine is newly developed by me. It's not strong. I just want you to lose your strength. I don't want to do that. It's disappointing to be violently resisted by you. Don't you think so!" Bai Jinse's face was livid, and she gnashed her teeth angrily: "Tan Yifei!" For Tan Yifei's stubbornness, she didn't know what to say. Tan Yifei's look didn't change: "don't worry, I'll let you wake up and see how you become my woman!" As soon as Tan Yifei had finished, the anesthetic needle flew out, and Bai Jinse quickly dodged. As a result, the anesthetic needle flew one after another, and Bai Jinse's ankle was still tied, and her range of movement was limited, so she was soon hit. Bai Jinse sat on the wooden bed and felt her strength passing away. Just like Tan Yifei said, she could feel the passing of her strength, but she didn't Always awake! Tan Yifei sat on the wooden chair and watched Bai Jinse lose strength gradually. His eyes became angry and humiliating. He felt that the time was right, so he stood up and put his lips close to Bai Jinse's ear. His voice was dull and low: "Jin se, don't look at me like that. I feel... Seeing your eyes, I can't control myself more and more!" Bai Jinse waited for him angrily: "Tan Yifei, are you a pervert?" Tan Yifei picked up the needle and smiled: "yes, people have been depressed for a long time, they are perverted!" He picked up the needle and slowly put it in the box on the wooden table. Although Bai Jinse lost his strength, he still looked at Tan Yifei angrily, as if he was going to delay Tan Yifei with his eyes. Tan Yifei didn't seem to feel Bai Jinse's eyes at all. He put the needle away, went to the corner of the wooden house and suddenly began to set up a DV machine.

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