Bai Jinse closed his eyes and looked a little tired: "OK!"

Mo 11 just lost his temper and now completely ignored Mo 5. She arranged someone to find Tan Yifei below. After the arrangement, she looked at Bai Jinse: "Miss Bai, Mr. Mo should come soon after receiving the signal. Shall we go down the mountain first?"

Bai Jinse stood in place and stared at the edge of the cliff: "no, I want to wait for Tan Yifei's news here!"

Mo 11 couldn't help but want to say something. He heard Mo 5 say, "Miss Bai, didn't Tan Yifei hurt you?"

Bai Jinse shook his head slightly: "no! He was really wrong, but..."

She looked at Mo Wu and smiled sadly: "you should know that he won't really hurt me!"

She will still clearly remember that Tan Yifei realized that they had come to a dead end, subconsciously pushed himself away and fell from here!

Mo Wu's eyes flashed and said in a deep voice, "Miss Bai, Mr. Mo is very angry. These words... You'd better not tell him!"

Bai Jinse looked at Mo Wu, closed his eyes, mocked and smiled sadly, but didn't speak.

Mo Sinian arrived soon. He saw Bai Jinse standing in place unharmed. He walked up and looked at Bai Jinse from head to foot. Then he said in a deep voice, "are you okay?"

Bai Jinse shook his head: "it's all right!"

Mo Si Nian glanced at Mo Wu: "where is he?"

Mo Wu knew that Mo Sinian asked Tan Yifei. He told the truth: "I fell from here!"

When Mo Sinian heard this, his expression was very cold, as if something had happened to a trivial and irrelevant person. He looked directly at Bai Jinse: "go down the mountain!"

Bai Jinse looked stubborn and cold. She stared at the void and shook her head: "no, I'll wait here!"

If she had strength, she must have gone down to find someone!

When Mo Sinian heard her words, his face suddenly cooled down: "wait for Tan Yifei? Do you think he can survive?"

Like a stiff robot, Bai Jinse slowly moved his eyes and looked at Mo Sinian's face: "why can't he survive! Xi told me that the cliffs in this place won't be too high. He still has hope of living!"

Mo Sinian smiled angrily: "you still want him to live. Do you know how I spent my day when he took you? Bai Jinse, do you have godmore syndrome? If he treats you like this, you still expect him to be good. Are you too cheap? Do you know I'm going crazy!"

Bai Jinse clenched her hand fiercely. She was very angry. She wanted to pry Tan Yifei's brain open to see what he was paranoid about and why he couldn't put it down!

However, people are sentimental animals. Tan Yifei desperately protects her at a dangerous juncture. She is not a cold-blooded animal. How can she want his life!

Mo Si Nian saw that Bai Jinse didn't speak, and his angry chest kept fluctuating: "Bai Jinse, are you going or not?"

Bai Jinse's lips moved and stubbornly shook his head: "I said, I want to wait for his news!"

Mo Sinian's fist hit the nearby tree, and the bodyguards around were too scared to say a word.

Mo Sinian's expression was cruel: "Bai Jinse, believe it or not, even if he is alive, I will personally end him today!"

Bai Jinse's sad look changed. She stared at Mo Sinian angrily: "Mo Sinian, dare you!"

Mo Sinian sneered: "why don't I dare! Do you think I will tolerate a person who misses my wife to continue to live in this world?"

Bai Jinse saw that Mo Sinian didn't look like lying at all. He really planned to kill Tan Yifei.

Bai Jinse closed his eyes, clenched his hands sadly and choked in his voice: "Mo Sinian, he just fell to save me! I'm not an ungrateful beast. How can I give him another knife! From then on, I broke up with him. I asked Uncle Tan to take him away. Can you let him go?"

Mo Sinian stared at her angrily, and his voice was angry and cold: "Bai Jinse, you begged me for other men?"

Bai Jinse tries to control her emotions. She knows that she and Mo Si are not wrong. They are just emotionally unstable. They just have different positions.

She really didn't want to make trouble with Mo Si because of this. She took a deep breath and endured her sadness: "Mo Sinian, i... I'm not begging you for other men, I'm begging you for my own conscience. Tan Yifei's life and death is unknown in order to save me from falling here. If he really has a chance of life, I don't want him to lose his life because of me. Are you clear? Unless you let me live in peace for the rest of your life!"

Mo Sinian looked at Bai Jinse gloomily and said nothing.

At this time, suddenly a subordinate hurried back: "Mr. Mo, Miss Bai, the cliff is about 20 meters, not very high. Tan Yifei will still be alive, but he is in a coma now. What should we do next?"

Mo Sinian looked sinister and turned to leave. Bai Jinse suddenly stumbled and wanted to rush to stop him.

As a result, she had no strength and fell directly to the ground. Mo Sinian looked at her coldly, but didn't bend down to help her. Bai Jinshe struggled to get up and stood in front of the cold looking Mo Sinian: "let him go, will you? If he dares to mess around again, can I finish him myself?" Mo Sinian looked at Bai Jinshe deeply and suddenly sneered: "you dare to say anything for him!" Mo Sinian said, turned coldly and walked back directly. Bai Jinse caught up and grabbed his arm: "Mo Sinian, don't go, OK?" Mo Sinian ground his teeth and clenched his hands tightly. He almost clenched his teeth and said, "go down the mountain, or I'll kill him now!" Bai Jinse was stunned for a second and immediately said, "OK, I'll go down the mountain with you!" she said, quickly turned to Mo Xi and said: "Eleven, help me take him to the hospital and contact Tan Xingzhi. Please!" Mo Xi was stunned and subconsciously looked at Mo Sinian. Mo Sinian didn't give her any sign. He just said in a cold voice: "Bai Jinse, can't you go?" Bai Jinse couldn't help looking at Mo Xi. Mo Shi was soft and nodded slowly: "Don't worry, Miss Bai. I'll take people to the hospital. Go down the mountain with Mr. Mo first!" Bai Jinshe pursed her lips and followed Mo Sinian. Mo Sinian's back was unprecedentedly indifferent. He walked quickly. Bai Jinshe had no strength, but she didn't ask Mo Sinian to walk slowly. She stubbornly clenched her teeth and tried to keep up. It took them nearly two hours to go down the mountain to the car. When they got on the car, Mo Sinian and Bai Jinshe sat in the back row, Mo Sinian closed her eyes, He looked cold and didn't say a word to Bai Jinshe. It took more than two hours for the car to return to May Day Qingyuan from this unknown mountain. It was already more than five o'clock in the morning, and the sky was a little white! When he arrived at May Day Qingyuan, Mo Si got off first. He didn't even look at Bai Jinshe, so he got off and entered the villa. Bai Jinshe knew Mo Sinian's anger, but, She couldn't really watch Tan Yifei die! She got out of the car, looked sadly at the gray sky, took a deep breath and entered the door. She knew that Mo Sinian was in a bad mood now. When she went up to the second floor, she looked at the door of the master bedroom and finally turned into the guest room.

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