Mo Wu nodded: "well, it's Mr. Mo's meaning!"

Bai Jinse suddenly smiled: "is it surveillance or protection?"

Mo Wu's face changed slightly: "Miss Bai, you're serious, just protection. I'll let people follow you not far or near, which will not affect your normal life. They all have professional quality!"

Bai Jinse pulled his lips: "I see. Mo Si has been on a business trip for years. He trusts you so much. I must have handed over the safety of several children at home to you. I'll go first. Take care of the children!"

Mo five nodded: "OK, Miss Bai, as long as I don't die, the two young masters and young ladies won't have any problems!"

Bai Jinse pursed his lips: "Hmm!"

She answered and turned straight out!

Even if she knows that Mo Sinian makes people look at herself, she still has to go to the hospital. She can't ignore a person who almost died because of her.

Mo Wu looked at Bai Jinse leaving with a complicated look. He was originally a happy family. He even regretted that Tan Yifei had turned into this because of Tan Yifei's appearance. When he knew that Tan Yifei wanted to use amnesia medicine for Bai Jinse, he should be cruel and do him directly!

However, he didn't know everything. Now that these have happened, he can't help but protect a few people at home first, so that Mo Sinian has no worries!

Thinking of what Mo Sinian sent him a message to do in the morning, he couldn't help shaking his hand into a fist. I hope Bai Jinse won't find out about it!


Bai Jinse was stopped when he arrived at the gate of the hospital.

Bai Jinse knew at a glance that these were the people Mo Sinian arranged to protect herself. Her face was cold: "is this what Mo Sinian meant? He wouldn't even let me in the hospital?"

The young man who protected Bai Jinse was helpless: "Miss Bai, don't embarrass us!"

Bai Jinse sneered: "then ask him if I'm sick and can't come to the hospital!"

His men hardened their heads and said, "Mr. Mo said, except this hospital!"

Bai Jinse could not tell what it was like in her heart. When Mo Sinian went crazy in the morning, she felt uncomfortable. She was afraid that Mo Sinian would lose control and do something that would make her sad.

She always knew that Mo Sinian was actually a very domineering person with a strong desire for control and possession. However, generally, Mo Sinian tried to restrain his emotions for fear of making her unhappy!

This time something like this happened, it seems that he doesn't even intend to pretend. Even if he leaves, he should let people look at himself!

Bai Jinse looked coldly at the person in front of him to protect himself and said coldly, "what if I have to go in?"

Mo Sinian is overbearing, but Bai Jinse's stubbornness is not ordinary!

What she decides to do, it is generally difficult for someone to stop her!

Looking at the bodyguard in front, she continued with a calm face: "you tell Mo Sinian, if he really wants to stop me, let him come by himself, otherwise it won't work!"

The embarrassed man opened his mouth and finally said, "Miss Bai, please wait a minute. I'll contact Mr. Mo!"

Bai Jinse didn't speak with a cold face, but he didn't walk forward.

His men hurried to make a phone call with his mobile phone. I don't know what he said to Mo Sinian.

After a while, after he finished calling, he came to Bai Jinse: "Miss Bai, Mr. Mo still won't let you into the hospital. He said that he didn't kill Tan Yifei, but you don't see him again from now on, otherwise..."

Looking at his subordinates, Bai Jinse hesitated and said coldly, "otherwise what?"

His men hardened their heads and said, "otherwise, Mr. Mo said that even if Tan Yifei left Lancheng, he would not leave Tan Yifei alive!"

Bai Jinse laughed angrily when he heard this: "so as long as I see Tan Yifei, he will kill Tan Yifei, won't he?"

His head was big, but he nodded honestly: "Mr. mo... Probably that's what I mean!"

Bai Jinse felt terrible. She knew that Mo Sinian would get angry when she saw something in the DV machine, but she didn't expect that Mo Sinian was so angry!

Moreover, what angered her most was that Mo Sinian's distrust and semi regulatory attitude towards her made her extremely angry!

What is he afraid of? Is he afraid that she will be soft hearted when she sees Tan Yifei and stay with Tan Yifei?

Why didn't he think about it? Tan Yifei was so forced. How could she be soft hearted to tan Yifei? She just wanted to see it with her own eyes and didn't want Tan Yifei to die!

However, Mo Sinian's behavior completely intensified the contradiction between them, making her anger and sadness almost uncontrollable!

He had guessed that he would be so angry, so he left Lancheng on business!

Just when Bai Jinse's face was hard to see the extreme, Mo Xi hurried out of the hospital.

When she saw Bai Jinse, her eyes lit up for a moment, and she hurried over to her: "Miss Bai!"

Bai Jinse looked at Mo Xi, and her anger faded a little: "Xi, what's the situation with Tan Yifei?" Mo Xi also received a call from Mo Sinian. She knew that Bai Jinse had come and didn't want to see Tan Yifei. She pursed her lips and said, "people's lives are no longer in danger, but, Miss Bai, I personally suggest that you don't see him again!" Bai Jinse frowned: "Why, is it the meaning of Mo Si Nian?" Mo Xi smiled bitterly. Could it not be Mr. Mo's meaning, but she didn't dare to say so, because Mo Si Nian didn't let her annoy Bai Jinse. She pursed her lips and said: "It's not Mr. Mo's meaning, it's my personal opinion. Miss Bai, although Tan Yifei's life is not in danger, he injured the spinal cord nerve and may not be able to stand up in the future. He has to lie in the hospital bed all the time!" Bai Jinse's face changed slightly: "vegetable?" Mo Xi shook his head: "I'm not a vegetable, but I'm paralyzed, but I still have consciousness. For the rest of my life, I can only lie in bed and rely on people to take care of me. Speaking of it, it's his own fault! After all, if he didn't kidnap you at the beginning, things wouldn't have developed to this point!" Bai Jinshe was silent and didn't answer. Mo Xi was not good at words, but now Bai Jinshe can listen to what she said, so she can only catch the duck on the shelf and continue: "Also, although everyone knows that this is Tan Yifei's fault, Miss Bai, have you ever thought about what Tan Xingzhi would think? Even if he knows that Tan Yifei is wrong, can he accept his son's hemiplegia? He is in the hospital now. Can you guarantee that he will not vent these negative emotions on you? Do you think about how to face him? Or do you think he would choose to stand on your side before his own son and you? "Bai Jinse listened to Mo Xi's words and remained silent for a long time before he said," I know. I won't go to the hospital. Since he saved his life, it doesn't matter to me in the future! "

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