Bai Jinse shriveled his mouth and looked at the sincerity of Mo Sinian. In fact, those grievances and friendliness in his heart had almost disappeared!

She looked at Mo Sinian: "do you think Mo Qitian is really ink sugar?"

In fact, although Bai Jinse knows that Mo Qitian is not a good person, it is still difficult to think that Mo Qitian has secretly established such a huge drug trafficking organization!

But, how to say, it can only be said that interests make people crazy!

If not driven by interests, these people would not join the organization of ink sugar so quickly!

Mo Sinian didn't expect that she was still thinking about this. He couldn't help laughing and pinched Bai Jinse's nose: "fool, what do you want to do with such a brain consuming thing? When Fu Yanchen found out, he said he would tell me the truth. After all, I helped this case a lot. This time he was a victim. He can't let me be unclear!"

Bai Jinse nodded: "well, that's good!"

Mo Sinian held Bai Jinse in his arms. He was distracted and couldn't help kissing her cheek: "baby, I've ordered food. I'll deliver it later. We'll go downstairs for dinner later!"

Bai Jinse was not interested: "I don't want to eat much!"

Mo Si Nian's eyes darkened: "is it in a bad mood?"

Bai Jinse leaned lazily on Mo Sinian, which would be really unprotected. She told the truth: "it's really a little bad!"

After all, anyone who encounters such a thing can't get better.

Bai Jinse even thought that if Mo Sinian was not vigilant enough, they didn't know Mo Qitian's mind and really let Mo Sinian recruit, what should they do!

If she really comes to this point, she may have killed Mo Qitian!

When Mo Sinian heard Bai Jinse's answer, he suddenly turned sideways and gently bit Bai Jinse's earlobe. Bai Jinse was numb for a moment. She turned and stared at Mo Sinian in anger and shame: "what are you doing?"

Mo Sinian's eyes were deep, his eyes were smiling, his voice was dull, and his expression was gentle and powerful: "shall we do something to make you happy?"

Bai Jinse's ears turned red in an instant. She was not a pure little girl. She immediately understood Mo Sinian's idea and subconsciously pushed him: "I'm still angry. Don't fool around!"

Mo Sinian jumped up with a smile and hugged her. The two made trouble on the tatami by the window.

Finally, there was a quarrel. Mo Si didn't succeed for years, and Bai Jinse was too tired to breathe. It was a bad mood. It seemed that they were all dispersed!

However, after years of trouble in the ink shop, they finally didn't mess with Bai Jinse. Soon after lunch was delivered, they went downstairs for dinner!


At night, Mo Sinian stood at the door of the master bedroom with a pillow in his arms. Looking at Bai Jinse blocked in front of him, he was somewhat helpless: "wife, I think I have recognized my mistake. I can really go back to the master bedroom to sleep!"

Bai Jinse looked at him expressionless: "this is just your personal idea!"

Mo Sinian smiled: "is my personal idea wrong?"

Bai Jinse picked his eyebrow: "what do you say?"

Mo Sinian lowered his posture and said in a low voice, "baby, I'll tell you something!"

Bai Jinse leaned against the door frame and looked at him: "you say, I'm listening!"

Mo Sinian said, "I can't sleep if I don't hold you recently!"

Bai Jinse smiled: "really? Do you want to tell me that you haven't recovered from your previous illness?"

Mo Sinian nodded anxiously: "yes, I feel there are signs of recurrence!"

Bai Jinse almost pulled the pillow over and hit Mo Sinian's head. What is the sign of recurrence!

Before, Mo Si had insomnia and headache for years. It was clearly because of the chronic poison. However, now the toxicity has been solved. What pity did he pretend in front of himself!

Bai Jinse said coldly, "you have to talk nonsense and curse yourself, don't you?"

When Mo Sinian saw that Bai Jinse was unhappy, he immediately reached out and took her hand: "baby, I'm wrong. Don't be angry. I just want to go back to the master bedroom and sleep with you. I really don't sleep well alone!"

Bai Jinse snorted: "really? I really didn't see it. Haven't you been sleeping alone all this time? Why didn't I see you didn't sleep well?"

Mo Si Nian: "

So, why doesn't it make sense?

Mo Sinian looked at Bai Jinse, suddenly threw the needle on the ground, directly put his hand around Bai Jinse's waist, picked her up and walked to the bedroom.

Bai Jinse laughed angrily: "are you a bandit? What do you want?"

Mo Sinian threw the man on the bed and then hooked his lips: "am I not obvious enough? I don't sleep in the guest room. I want to sleep with you!"

Bai Jinse got up from the bed and stood at the head of the bed staring at him: "but I'm still angry. I just want to make trouble with you!"

Mo Sinian indulged: "it's all right, you make trouble, I'll just look at it!"

Bai Jinse pointed out the door, childish like a child: "I just don't allow you to come in, you go out! I won't let you in until I'm angry!"

Mo Sinian couldn't help laughing and crying: "wife, shall we change a way of punishment?" Bai Jinse snorted: "no! I won't compromise with you!" the two people were like two childish children, fighting back and forth for a long time. When Mo Sinian was racking his brains to find a way to do it, the mobile phone suddenly rang. Bai Jinse immediately said, "go out and answer the phone!" Mo Sinian looked at her, took his cell phone and went to the window to answer the phone! Bai Jinse's angry teeth itch. She did something wrong and doesn't accept punishment. How can she be such a scoundrel? She must be his wife today, otherwise, what she says in the future will not count! Mo Sinian didn't know Bai Jinse's careful thoughts at all. He went to the window and connected the phone. Fu Yanchen called. As soon as he got through, Fu Yanchen explained his purpose of calling: "I think I know why Mo Qitian dealt with you!" Mo Sinian's eyes flashed slightly: "why?" Fu Yanchen said: "I listened to your opinion and went to check the place where Mo Qitian lives now. I found a telephone card under someone else's name in her residence. This card has frequent contact with a foreign number. Do you know who we found the owner of this foreign number?" Mo Sinian shook his head: "I don't know, you can say it directly!" Fu Yanchen took a deep breath: "This man, you should know, kidnapped Miss Bai before. His name is Tan Yifei!" Mo Sinian heard the name, and his eyes suddenly cooled down: "you mean, the reason why Mo Qitian dealt with me is because of him?" Fu Yanchen nodded: "Before we went to the border town, I also heard a little about you and Tan Yifei. What I want to say now is that although Mo Qitian doesn't admit that she is mo Tang, the police have basically determined her identity. She is mo Tang, not only because she is Liu yunse's daughter, but also because she talked to Liu yunse at several key time points, plus Fu Jingxi's identification, I think, she won't be hard for long! "Mo Sinian looked light:" what if she insists on not recognizing? "

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