Bai Jinse said, went directly into the office and closed the door!

Yun Yan: "

She was stunned for a long time before she reacted. Bai Jinse was not kidding. Someone really wanted to come in through the back door!


In the afternoon, the person who wanted to enter Sixian Jewelry through the back door had already come.

Bai Jinse was reading the document when his mobile phone rang.

Seeing that it was a strange number of Mingcheng, Bai Jinse subconsciously thought of Yu Feng.

However, she turned to think that she had saved Yu Feng's number, which should not be him!

Bai Jinse connected the phone and heard a gloomy, dumb, strange and familiar voice from the opposite side. In an instant, it was Yu Cheng.

Yu Cheng said, "Jinse, I'm in LAN city. Where do you live?"

Bai Jinse frowned fiercely: "I'll send someone to pick you up! Arrange accommodation for you!"

Hearing this, Yu Cheng smiled.

I don't know if he was in prison. His laughter seemed to have a gloomy and depressed feeling, which made Bai Jinse subconsciously think of some bad things.

He said, "Jinse, we are cousins at least. If you say so, I'll see you outside! We didn't let you live outside when you came to my house. No, where is your house? I'll just go there myself. Don't bother you!"

Bai Jinse looked stiff: "my house is full, I can't live!"

Yu Cheng's voice lost his smile: "cousin, have you been joking? Who doesn't know that your family has always lived in a villa, at least seven or eight rooms? Why, I can't even live? Of course, if I can't live, I have no problem sleeping in the study or sofa!"

Bai Jinse didn't expect that Yu Cheng had been in prison, but he was like a dog skin plaster.

Her voice was so stiff that she could not help but clench her hand and said coldly: "I really can't live at home. When we first came to Lancheng, it's not peaceful. There are nannies, security guards and children at home. There's really no empty room. Of course, I can't let my cousin live in the study and sleep on the sofa for a long time. In this way, I can't even pass my uncle's pass. I'll let someone arrange for you to live in the wine shop first. The house will be found in the past two days, and there's a job. I've arranged it. If you like, It's no problem to come to work tomorrow, but I have to tell you in advance that if you want to go to work, go to work well! If my cousin has to fix any moths and things at work, I won't be merciful! "

Hearing Bai Jinse's words, Yu Cheng smiled across the phone: "my cousin will really give a warning in advance, but... Don't worry, my father has told me that my cousin really plans to be a new man this time. I have to thank my cousin for giving me this opportunity. Since my cousin said to arrange someone to pick me up, I'm not polite. I'll wait at the airport!"

Bai Jinshe hung up the phone, closed his eyes and told the truth. Yu Cheng said one thing after another about his cousin and cousin. She was uncomfortable all over.

She originally wanted Yun Yan to pick up people and arrange him to the hotel near the studio. However, on second thought, Yu Cheng's gloomy and compassionate attitude when talking on the phone just now might scare Yun Yan.

Thinking of this, she was silent for a moment and called Mo Sinian.

If she had done something like this before, she would have solved it by herself!

However, since we got together again with Mo Sinian and the two people trust each other more and more, she can calmly ask Mo Sinian for help when she needs help!

When Mo Sinian received the call, he was checking the information and connected the phone. He couldn't help laughing: "baby, do you miss me?"

Bai Jinse blushed: "be serious!"

Mo Si Nian hooked his lips: "what's the matter? Are there outsiders around you?"

Bai Jinse blushed and rubbed his ears: "no, I have something to do with you!"

Mo Sinian picked his eyebrows and whispered, "Oh, what's up?"

Mo Sinian's voice was also low and hoarse, as if it were like a magnetic cello. People were red in the face.

In fact, the voices of Mo Sinian and Yu Cheng are both deep and hoarse. However, the feeling to Bai Jinse is quite the opposite to that of Yu Cheng.

Bai Jinse pursed his lips and said, "Yu Cheng has arrived in Lancheng!"

Mo Sinian's laughter faded: "Oh, so fast!"

Bai Jinse sighed: "no, I still think I can't come until two days. It's estimated that my uncle is afraid of him staying at home and doesn't want to go. That's why he's so fast and doesn't want to give him time to respond!"

Mo Sinian sneered: "I think he's afraid you'll go back!"

Bai Jinse bit his lips: "my uncle... He's not that kind of person!"

Mo Sinian's tone was a little pondering: "really?"

Bai Jinse was already uncomfortable. He was even more oppressed by the tone of Mo Sinian: "Mo Sinian, you talk to me well. If you don't talk well, I'll hang up now!"

Mo four years reluctantly rubbed the center of his eyebrows and whispered, "baby, you are so angry now!"

Bai Jinse snorted: "you know I have a big temper and annoy me!"

Mo Sinian sighed: "come on, what do you want me to do? I know you won't call me if you're okay. I just couldn't help teasing you!" in fact, he heard that Bai Jinse was unhappy and deliberately teased her to divert her attention. Bai Jinse was silent for two seconds when he heard what Mo Sinian said: "I want you to find a man to pick up Yu Cheng and be as reliable as possible. You can tell us anything about Yu Cheng!" Mo Sinian nodded: "well, I see what you mean. I'll let Zhao Yan go!" Bai Jinse blushed. This time she was really ashamed: "That's not necessary. Yu Cheng is not a big man. We all know what his temperament is. I just want to find a reliable person to look at him and let assistant Zhao go. It's really... Overqualified!" Mo Si young smiled: "Don't think too much. I'll arrange it. Even if you don't say it, I'll find someone to look at him after he comes to Lancheng! But on your side, don't care too much about him. I'll be jealous!" Bai Jinse couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this: "Mo Sinian, he's my cousin!" Mo Sinian's voice was cool: "Yeah, it's not related by blood anyway!" Bai Jinse didn't know how to scold Mr. vinegar bucket for a while! She said in a stuffy voice, "I still need some work. I'm busy first!" Mo Sinian seemed to be talking to people in a low voice. When he heard Bai Jinse's words, his voice was faint: "baby, are you going to throw it away when you use it up?" Bai Jinse said silently: "how can I throw it away when I use it up? I really want to work!" Mo Si smiled, inexplicably like a black fox: "really? How about you work hard and go back to compensate me at night?" Bai Jinse blushed fiercely: "you work hard and think more about business!" Bai Jinshe said that, snorted and quickly hung up the phone. I don't know why, she has three children, but every time she heard Mo Sinian flirting with herself so seriously, she still couldn't help being shy! It's estimated that... Mo Sinian is usually in front of outsiders, cold as an iceberg, in front of her. Suddenly, she's not serious, and the contrast is too big, so she can't help it Come on! Bai Jinse absentmindedly finishes his work. It's time to get off work. Mo Sinian sends a message to tell her that Yu Cheng has been picked up and taken to the hotel. As for the place where Yu Cheng came to live, Mo Sinian has also been found and arranged to stay in Yu Cheng in two days. Bai Jinse is relieved and packs up his things to get off work

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