Yun Yan frowns: "I know that we may not be able to put forward any effective public relations measures on the side of Mercer group. After all, whether the news is true or false, some people always believe it. However, our company has a contract. In the contract of cooperation at that time, the price was written in black and white and sealed. We send it directly and send a lawyer's letter, Ken It will certainly restore its reputation! "

As for Mohs group, it may be more difficult. After all, Mohs group spans too many fields. Once this happens, everyone believes it. Almost every business may be affected. Even if it is evidence collection and investigation, it will waste a lot of time. During this period, the losses caused by all negative effects are immeasurable!

Bai Jinse glanced at Yun Yan: "you think I can't think of such a simple thing as sending a lawyer's letter!"

Yun Yan looked at her: "what do you mean?"

Bai Jinse hung his eyes and was silent for a moment before slowly opening his mouth: "do you think they are really behind the accounts that send those messages online? Don't they know that rumor mongering needs to bear legal responsibility?"

Yun Yan was stunned: "then... If it's not me, it's..."

Bai Jinse said in a deep voice: "if it's not me, it can only be stolen, or it's a virtual account. It's not strange. At that time, who should bear the responsibility? You can't let people go to jail because they have been stolen!"

Yun Yan's face was ugly: "but the losses caused by our two families are only real!"

Bai Jinse sighed: "so, we still have to find the real person behind the scenes. If I guess correctly, these things on the Internet are either stolen numbers or virtual accounts. We don't worry about clarifying. Check this first!"

Yun Yan was stunned: "then... How to check?"

Bai Jinse waved his hand: "go and be busy. I'll find a friend to check!"

Yun Yan nodded and turned to go out.

As soon as Yunyan left, Bai Jinse dialed Lin Xi's phone. It's better to find Lin Xi for such a thing.

As long as something happened on the Internet, it will leave traces on the network. There is no doubt about Lin Xi's hacker technology.

As soon as Bai Jinse got through, Lin Xi answered.

Lin Xi seemed to be tapping the keyboard. She whispered, "is it because of the things on the Internet?"

Bai Jinse nodded: "I suspect someone behind me is playing tricks and wants to fix me and Mo Si for years. Otherwise, why are we alone? Moreover, people in the industry know that these things are false at a glance. However, network friends don't understand clearly and it's difficult to distinguish between true and false. For a time, they don't believe they are false!"

Lin Xi nodded: "I know what you mean. I'm tracking it. You're right. The account that released the most detailed black materials of Mohs group and Sixian jewelry was stolen this morning. The following accounts were stolen again, and there are virtual ones. I'm tracking the people behind me. I'll tell you when I find the news!"

Bai Jinse was slightly relieved, nodded, and didn't politely tell Lin Xi: "then I'll wait for your news as soon as possible!"

Lin Xi said, "well," don't worry about clarifying first. Be careful to scare the snake and let the people behind the scenes take back their tail. At that time, if I can't track it, or the other party changes places, it's hard to deal with it! "

Bai Jinse answered, "I know! Don't worry about tracking!"

After hanging up, Bai Jinse was silent for a moment. When something like this happened, she was worried that Mo Sinian was having a meeting, so she sent a message to Mo Sinian.

[Bai Jinse: what's the situation at Mohs group?]

[Mo Sinian: I'm in a meeting and want a solution. As for you, it should be easier to deal with it on your side!]

[Bai Jinse: Yes, it's really easy to handle on my side, but I want to catch the people behind me. I can afford other losses!]

[Mo Sinian: I think so, too. However, there are several old die hards in the company. Now they need to find someone to send a lawyer's letter to sue the rumor mongers and call the police to investigate and collect evidence to prove their innocence!]

[Bai Jinse: that won't work. You won't catch the real behind the scenes!]

[Mo Sinian: wife, we really have a heart to heart connection. I think so too!]

[Bai Jinse:... Seriously, I came to you to tell you that your company's public relations should not act rashly. Although some losses will be caused during this period, I must finally catch the behind the scenes and get it once and for all. Personally, I think it's worth it!]

[Mo Sinian: what are you going to do?]

[Bai Jinse: Lin Xi said that the news published on the Internet are basically stolen numbers or virtual accounts. We just have to wait patiently. She finds out the hackers who do these things, and then we catch people as quickly as possible and ask who made him do this. This is the most effective way! Otherwise, even if we solve the immediate problem, we don't know who is really making trouble !】

[Mo Sinian: who do you think is playing tricks?]

[Bai Jinse: listen to your tone, do you have a suspicious goal in mind?]

[Mo Sinian: don't you?] [Bai Jinse: who do you think it is?] [Mo Sinian: you first!] [Bai Jinse: let's send it together!] [Mo Sinian: Du Changwu.] [Bai Jinse: Du yuan!] [Bai Jinse: Du Changwu is...] Bai Jinse guessed that this person should have a deep relationship with Du yuan, but she didn't investigate the Du family, I don't know who this man is! [Mo Sinian: Du yuan's father, I don't think Du yuan can come up with such a way. Moreover, I asked Zhao Yan to investigate. I learned that Du yuan returned to Du's old house last night. Now I have a motive to do so. I can't think of anyone else except Du yuan.] [Bai Jinse: I also think it's Du yuan's side. If it's true, what are you going to do?] [Mo Sinian: I won't give up until the Du family gives me an explanation!] [Bai Jinse: OK, if Lin Xi finds out the news of hackers over there, you'll catch people!] [Mo Sinian: Hmm!] [Bai Jinse: have a good meeting?] [Mo Sinian: listen to those old die hards say some impractical and short-sighted public relations strategies?] Bai Jinse couldn't help laughing when he saw the news, and his worries faded a little. [Bai Jinse: aren't you afraid of causing huge losses to the company during this period?] [Mo Sinian: you said, what will happen to the good people who actively donate money and prepare materials to help the disaster area when they see the false news and take it seriously?] [Bai Jinse: I see. They will feel guilty. After feeling guilty, people's first reaction is to try their best to make up for it. In this way, it is bound to cause a wave of sales boom!] [Mo Sinian: I didn't mean to hype these things, and our company doesn't lack that hot sales. However, some people slander behind my back, I can't be indifferent and bullied! I need this way to correct my name and the company!] [Bai Jinse: no matter what you do, I support you. Remember to stabilize the shareholders of your company, and I'll help too!] ... when he was getting off work in the afternoon, Bai Jinse received a message from Lin Xi. He was indeed a hacker. Moreover, according to Lin Xi, he was very famous on the Internet, code named Black A. now he lives in the May Day Hotel and has booked a suite for several days. It seems that he is very confident in his technology and doesn't think he will be found.

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