Mo Sinian smiled: "I said at that meeting, let president Du sit down first. I'm afraid you can't stand. This is not... President Du's legs are beginning to tremble. I'd better sit down first!"

Du Changwu didn't dare to go against Mo Sinian's wishes. He rigidly loosened Du yuan's wheelchair and sat down on the sofa.

Seeing that his father's face was wrong, Du yuan couldn't help but say, "Dad, what's the matter? You have a word!"

Du Changwu glanced bitterly at Du yuan, closed his eyes, shook his head awkwardly, and motioned him not to talk.

Mo Sinian spoke calmly: "President Du just asked me where those things came from. I have to say, this question... Good question!"

Du Changwu frowned, looked at Mo Si Nian helplessly and didn't speak.

Du yuan couldn't hold his breath: "Mo Sinian, you don't show off here. What did you show my father? I tell you, we don't know the spade A. you don't deceive people here and slander others. It's also against the law, you know?"

Mo Sinian looked at Du yuan disapprovingly and didn't take his words to heart at all.

Du Changwu was worried. He stood up and slapped Du yuan on the face. It was difficult to see the extreme expression: "rebel, how do you talk to President Mo!"

Du yuan covered his face and looked at Du Changwu in disbelief: "Dad, why did you hit me!"

Du yuan blushed and said that he was in love with Mo Sinian. On this occasion, his father slapped him in the face of Mo Sinian. He felt that all his face was gone!

Du Changwu didn't take it seriously: "be quiet and listen to what President Mo said!"

Mo Sinian took a mocking look at Du Changwu and Du yuan and said carelessly, "I have nothing to say. Du always said he didn't know spade A. coincidentally, he gave these things to me!"

Du Changwu was shocked: "he... How could he have these!"

Du yuan looked at his father and vaguely realized that his gaffe might be more serious than he thought.

Mo Sinian looked at Du Changwu with a smile: "don't you know that President Du has a habit of finding as many handles on you as possible before helping you do things, and then holding them in his hand to prevent being cheated by the employer! Just right, he fell into my hand this time. These things naturally become mine!"

Du Changwu can't refute his knowledge of spades a at all!

He closed his eyes, and the whole man seemed to lose all his fighting spirit: "Mr. Mo, since it's all about this, Mr. Mo, tell me, what do you want to do?"

Mo Sinian glanced at him: "of course I want to... Submit these things to the police!"

Du Changwu suddenly opened his eyes: "President Mo, you can't do this!"

Although this incident has dealt a great blow to him, he must not admit defeat. At his age, can he come out alive if he goes to prison?

Mo Sinian sneered: "why can't I do this?"

Du Changwu looked at Mo Sinian in a daze: "Mo always got these things, but he called me over. Isn't it to find me to cooperate?"

When Mo Sinian heard this, his tone was cold and fierce: "cooperate with me, you... Deserve it?"

Du Changwu opened his mouth and dared not resist at all.

Du yuan's face was hard to see the extreme, but he didn't dare to talk.

Du Changwu tries to find a way out. He doesn't want to plant here, nor can he plant here!

He looked at the expressionless Mo Sinian leaning on the sofa and couldn't help but say: "Mr. Mo, I admit that I did what I did last night with spade A. I was wrong, but to tell you the truth, I really didn't mean to offend Mr. mo. before Du Zhen jewelry was targeted, my son guessed that Wei Zhengyang of Zhengyang jewelry was behind all this. However, Xiaoyuan told me that he didn't deal with Mr. Mo and was afraid that Mr. Mo would take advantage of this key point Take him by surprise and let him worry about himself. I'm a father in the end. It's impossible to watch this kind of thing happen, so I did this kind of thing. My original intention is that when the online storm passes, Mr. Mo and Miss Bai clarify, this thing will pass. After all, those things are fake, fake things can't be true, and Mr. Mo must have passed it Worthy of investigation, at that time, there will certainly be relevant departments to clarify for president Mo, and netizens will believe it at that time! "

Hearing Du Changwu's words of "verbal pleading", Mo Sinian raised a sarcastic smile: "therefore, President Du has no intention of harming me, but he tries to target me, so I have to forgive president Du's unintentional loss?"

Du Changwu quickly shook his head: "Mr. Mo, I don't mean that. I know I did wrong. I apologize to you. Please don't send these things out, let alone give them to the police, okay?"

Mo Sinian looked at Du Changwu with a smile and didn't speak.

Du Changwu quickly expressed his sincerity: "I remember that President Mo used to do jewelry business in Mingcheng. In this way, I asked Xiaoyuan to transfer Du Zhen's jewelry to President mo. what did President Mo think?"

Du yuan's face changed. As soon as he was about to speak, his father glared at him. Mo Sinian couldn't reach the bottom of his eyes. The smile on his face seemed to grow stronger, but his voice was so cold that people trembled: "President Du can really do business. Do you think it's worth exchanging these things for Du Zhen jewelry that is about to go bankrupt?" although Du Changwu was threatened, he has tried his best to show his sincerity. He looked at Mo Sinian in a sincere tone: "Mr. Mo, you must see that I sincerely apologize. Du Zhen's jewelry is our sincerity. I can't take out any more. Don't worry, I will educate Xiaoyuan in the future and never let him provoke you again!" Du yuan was extremely depressed when he looked at his father's low-key look: "Dad, what did he threaten you with? You don't have to be so polite to him. Why should he?" Du Changwu's green veins burst up on his forehead: "shut up and take care of your mouth!" Du yuan stared at Du Changwu unconvinced and finally shut up. Mo Sinian undoubtedly quarreled with Du yuan's garbage. He had many ways to deal with Du yuan. This time his purpose was very clear. He glanced at Du Changwu: "if this is your sincerity, you can go now!" Du Changwu's forehead was in a cold sweat, and Mo had not let go for four years. Did he drive him away? He clenched his teeth: "Mr. Mo, what do you want, just say it, I... Do my best!" In any case, he can't go to jail and let those things go out. When he has settled with Mo Sinian this time, he will find a way to deal with these things and destroy all the evidence. Mo Sinian took a deep look at Du Changwu: "It seems that President Du is still an understanding person. Well, you and Du yuan signed this contract. You can take this evidence away. I won't have a backup!" Du Changwu didn't care whether Mo Sinian retained any evidence. He first took the contract said by Mo Sinian and looked at it. After reading a title, Du Changwu realized that it was bad. When he finished reading it, he robbed Du yuan's hand and glanced at it, the whole person's face changed: "Mr. Mo, you're going to ruin my family!"

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