Lu Yingying saw her brother's serious expression and told the truth: "five o'clock!"

Qin Mingchen's tone took a kind of anger that he couldn't hear himself. His tone rushed fiercely: "when did you squat at my door, no one drive you away?"

Lu Yingying is a little sad, but she has calmed down today and will no longer cry casually.

She clenched her teeth and began to speak after slowing down her mood: "I came at 5:30. I'm afraid my brother went directly to the airport. The hotel manager came over. I said I was waiting for you, and he didn't rush me!"

Qin Mingchen was very upset: "you let me, I'm going to have dinner!"

Lu Yingying stood up and looked pitifully at Qin Mingchen: "you haven't answered me yet. What time is your plane!"

Qin Mingchen said coldly, "is this important? It has nothing to do with you! Don't bother me anymore!"

Qin Mingchen said this, closed the door and left.

Lu Yingying's eyes flashed a sad mood. She bit her teeth and quickly followed: "brother, I don't pester you. I just haven't seen you for a long time. I just look at you from a distance. You think I don't exist!"

Qin Mingchen closed his eyes, opened his eyes again and looked at her coldly: "have the Lu family taught you how to be cheeky in the past six months? You are a big living man, how can I pretend you don't exist!"

Lu Yingying was sad as if she would cry the next second, but she held back and didn't say a word.

She knew that she had done something wrong and made her brother angry. Her brother's tone was normal. Just bear it.

Thinking of this, she blinked her eyes and forced out a smile: "I have only lived in the Lu family for half a year. I have lived around you for a long time. Many of my characters are because of you!"

Qin Mingchen's pupils shrunk slightly. He took a deep look at Lu YingYing and didn't say a word at last.

What can he say? He said the most excessive and severe words. She still won't go. If she wants to follow, just follow!

Qin Mingchen went downstairs for dinner and then walked out.

He didn't drive either. He just walked along the road and didn't know where to go.

Qin Mengmeng couldn't help but wonder: "brother, aren't you going back to Mingcheng? Where are you going now?"

Qin Mingchen looked coldly: "don't call me brother. Also, if I can't go back to Mingcheng, it doesn't matter to you where I go. If you ask again, don't follow me!"

Where can he go? He's just walking around!

He refused again in front of Qin Mengmeng, but he still didn't want to leave when he thought that she was staying in the May Day Hotel and she was in Lancheng.

Well, when she left Lancheng, he would go back to Mingcheng. It wouldn't take a few days.

Qin Mingchen doesn't want to think about why he indulges again and again.

When Lu Yingying heard what he said, she immediately shut up and said nothing.

Qin Mingchen was very upset. He walked forward with a calm face, and Lu Yingying followed without saying a word.

Not far away, Lu Yihai silently drove along the roadside. He kept a certain distance from the two people, walked a little, and stopped at the roadside for a while, just like a snail.

He doesn't care what Qin Mingchen's attitude is. He just wants to protect his lost sister.

Qin Mingchen didn't want to go. He found a bench in the roadside park and sat casually for a long morning.

Lu Yingying seemed to realize that Qin Mingchen might not go today. She couldn't help jumping in her heart. However, thinking of Qin Mingchen's words and his cold attitude, her whole eyes couldn't help but red. She sat quietly on the bench not far from Qin Mingchen and looked up at him from time to time.

In this way, near noon, Qin Mingchen stood up.

Lu Yingying quickly stood up and said, "what are you doing?"

Qin Mingchen said it several times and asked her not to call her brother again. She didn't dare to call any more. She could only call nothing. She looked at him carefully and talked to him.

Qin Mingchen gave her a faint look: "go to dinner!"

Lu Yingying quickly followed: "can I follow you?"

Qin Mingchen said coldly: "the road and restaurant are not my home!"

Qin Mingchen said, and walked along the roadside to the mall not far away.

Lu Yihai once again played the role of model worker and followed the two people like a snail for fear that Qin Mingchen would bully his sister.

Near the mall, the roadside garden is under construction and sealed. Qin Mingchen and Lu Yingying bypass and walk along the non motorized lane.

There are no guardrails in the motorway and non motorway here.

When Qin Mingchen was about to walk to the mall, suddenly, a car came not far behind him. The car rushed towards Qin Mingchen and Lu Yingying's back like crazy.

Lu Yihai's pupils narrowed fiercely. At the critical moment, he stepped on the sofa and drove directly towards the bottom of the car. He made an effort to say goodbye. The two cars directly collided with each other and rushed forward together.

The sound of the collision of the two cars frightened Lu Yingying. In front was the entrance of the mall parking lot. Qin Mingchen suddenly pulled her forward for a few steps and turned in.

The two cars were stuck together, so they didn't cause a rollover, but the noise was too loud, especially when the front of the rear car hit the side involved, and the front of the car fell in. Qin Mingchen watched from a distance. The blood on a car fell on the road drop by drop. He subconsciously protected Lu Yingying behind him and wanted to cover her eyes and let her not look. As a result, Lu Yingying didn't know what she saw. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked like she wanted to cry. She grabbed Qin Mingchen's raised hand in panic. Her lips trembled: "brother... Brother, that's my brother's car, my brother..." she remembered that Yun Yan said to leave the car in the hotel and let her brother drive around Lancheng. The car key is in my brother's hand, but, brother... Why is it here? As soon as Qin Mingchen heard this, his face changed and quickly walked towards the surrounded crowd. Across the broken car glass, he saw Lu Yihai with a pale face, and his look suddenly became difficult to see. He quickly dialed 120 and tried to get the man out of the car. Lu Yihai's leg was injured. At the moment of the accident, his leg was on the side of the accelerator. Therefore, the sunken door broke his bone, but his leg could be taken out. His face hit the steering wheel, his nose was broken, and his face was also scratched by the car glass. It looked terrible. The other person in the car didn't have much trauma. After all, Lu Yihai hit the co pilot. However, the other party's luck doesn't seem to be very good. He was knocked unconscious directly! When Lu Yihai was taken out of the car, people still had consciousness. He looked at Qin Mingchen, who seemed to have two shadows in front of him. He grabbed his hand and his voice was weak: "protect... Protect Yingying, be careful... That man... That man was driving to hit... Hit you!" Lu Yihai fainted directly after saying. Qin Mingchen was stunned and his face tightened up in an instant. He looked at the unconscious man not far away, calm face, and quickly called the police. Before long, ambulances and police cars came. Qin Mingchen said what Lu Yihai said before he was unconscious and said his guess: "Lu Yihai should have followed me and Lu Yingying. When he saw someone trying to drive into us, he rushed over and wanted to keep the other party away!" the police officer who took the note looked at him: "this is just your guess!"

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