Seeing Mo Sinian's expression, Mo Yi flashed a haze at the bottom of his eyes. However, he soon continued to laugh and say, "young people's patience is really poor. Don't worry, since I called you here, I naturally want to put forward my conditions!"

Speaking of this, he paused and looked ferocious for a moment: "I heard that there was a doctor over there who could regenerate muscles and make people regenerate broken legs. I don't know if it's true?"

When Mo Sinian and Bai Jinshe heard this, they almost looked at Mo Yi's legs at the same time.

Mo Yi looked a little gloomy: "you don't have to see. As you guessed, I was maimed by Du Changwu's stupid way. If I can't regenerate my muscles, I may not stand up in my life. Therefore, if you can help me cure these legs, I promise you that I won't disturb Mo Chaojing's life from now on!"

When Bai Jinse heard this, his mood was extremely complicated for a time.

No wonder Mo Sinian said that Mo Yi was selfish and selfish.

When Mo Yi was looking for Mo Chaojing, she thought she was sincere. After all, it was the blood lost for many years.

However, now when Mo Yi sees his legs more important than Mo Chaojing, Bai Jinse doesn't know what to say.

If Mo Chaojing's life could change Mo Yi's leg, he would be cruel.

Think about those parents who are willing to protect their children with their lives, and look at the so-called father in front of them. Bai Jinse suddenly has an unspeakable nausea in his heart.

Mo Sinian held Bai Jinse's hand tightly and looked at her. His eyes clearly conveyed his ideas. See, this kind of person is no different from what I said.

Seeing that Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian were silent, Mo Yi was unhappy: "you are talking! Why? You don't want to promise me, or is mo Chaojing in your heart, which is not so important?"

The ink was uneasy, and he looked at him coldly. "No matter what it is, it's not your has the final say. I need to think about it and give you an answer. If you don't have patience, I won't mind your legs for a lifetime!"

As soon as Mo Yi's look changed, he looked at Mo Sinian gloomily. His eyes wanted to eat Mo Sinian.

Mo Sinian looked at him expressionless and took Bai Jinse to get up and go out.

Mo Yi's chest constantly fluctuated and stared at the two people's back. Finally, he suppressed the violent mood in his heart.

Mo Yi doesn't want to beg Mo for four years. Since his leg had a problem, he asked people to find countless doctors. Finally, only this new medical technology can make him stand up completely.

He has inquired about this medical technology, which was developed by a doctor named Tan Xingzhi.

Whether it is muscle regeneration or the whole operation, it is operated by the doctor.

The problem is that the doctor is now against Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse. However, this technology was developed by the research institute invested by Mo Sinian years ago, and the research results belong to the Institute.

Therefore, even tan Xingzhi himself cannot use this medical technology without Mo Sinian's consent.

Finally, the problem went back to the far point. Anyway, he had to ask for four years.

He thought over and over again before he used the way of transaction to let Mo Sinian cooperate with him.

As for Mo Chaojing, if he is willing to let him inherit the property of Xicheng, he doesn't believe that Mo Chaojing is not excited. How can he be his own son? He doesn't believe that his son will be an outsider to Mo Sinian.

At present, the most important thing is to cure his legs. If Mo Sinian has any requirements, he will promise as much as possible.


Return to Wuyi Qingyuan from Moyi.

Bai Jinse goes upstairs with Mo Sinian, and Mo Sinian goes directly to the study.

Bai Jinse was silent and followed up.

When Mo Sinian heard the footsteps, he looked back at her and was surprised: "do you want to talk to me about Mo Yiti?"

Bai Jinse nodded: "I want to know, what do you think?"

Mo Si Nian said in a deep voice, "I won't save him!"

Bai Jinse knew clearly: "if it were me, I wouldn't save him! What's more, we have free medical technology. If this operation is to be successful, Tan Xingzhi has to come by himself. I'm afraid the success rate of someone else's operation is less than 10%! And our relationship with Tan Xingzhi now... We can't ask him to save people!"

When Mo Sinian heard this, he turned to Bai Jinshe and said in a deep voice: "Don't ask him. Mo Yi thinks very well. He thinks what I want is that he hasn't seen Mo Wu in his life. Then he's too naive. If I don't want him to see Mo Wu, I won't let Mo Wu go to Xicheng. Although I want Mo Wu to avoid him, I don't want to prevent them from meeting all my life. If Mo Wu thinks of the past, whether to recognize Mo Yi or not is all his business , I'm not qualified to decide his life. Mo Yi is whimsical. He wants to use his son for his legs to recover. It's ridiculous! "

Bai Jinse frowned slightly, "where's Mo Wu?"

Mo Sinian stretched out his hand and gently touched her cheek: "I'm going to contact Mo Wu now. If the situation there is almost investigated, let him come back. As for Mo Yi... If Mo Wu can't remember the past, his existence is dispensable for Mo Wu. If Mo Wu can recover his memory, he should decide where to go. Didn't you tell me that he is a living person People have seven emotions and six desires. Under any circumstances, his affairs should be decided by himself! "

Bai Jinse couldn't help laughing when he heard what Mo Sinian said: "I really meant that, but I didn't expect that you would make such a decisive choice not to save Mo Yi!" Mo Sinian thought of Mo Yi, and his voice sank a little: "I have no obligation to save him. What's more, he uses this kind of thing to make a deal with me, which makes me more clearly see his selfishness. On his side, his own interests are always greater than everything. Therefore, how can I make this absurd deal with such people again? I'll contact Mo Wu now. You go back to take a bath and sleep, okay?" As Mo Sinian said this, he reached out and rubbed Bai Jinshe's hair. Bai Jinshe smiled and nodded....... Mo Sinian went to the study to contact Mo Wu, but there were several phone calls, and Mo Wu couldn't get through. Mo Sinian couldn't help feeling a little worried. When he was going to bed at night, Mo Wu's phone call finally came back. Bai Jinshe was already asleep, and Mo Sinian raised his voice and helped her twist it Quilt, I just went out to answer the phone. As soon as the phone was connected, Mo Wu's voice came from the phone: "Mr. Mo, I was investigating some things before. It's inconvenient. I turned off my mobile phone and just saw you call!" Mo Sinian said faintly "um": "How's Wei Zhengyang's investigation? If there's no news, you'll come back first and don't have to stay in Xicheng!" Mo Wu refused for the first time when he heard Mo Sinian's words: "Sir, as like as two peas, I want to stay in the West City, I have found something useful, do you know? I didn't find Wei Zhengyang in West City, but I found a man named Wei Zhaoxu who worked for Xicheng Mohist school, but he was exactly the same as Wei Zhengyang, and most importantly, his identity information is all true!"

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