Mo Xi didn't talk nonsense and quickly kept up with Mo Sinian. However, when she left the villa, she subconsciously took a look at the second floor of the villa.

Mo Si Nian came out of the villa with Mo Xi, and quickly walked around to the back wall of the villa.

He glanced around the back wall and guessed the direction Mo Wu might leave.

He was silent for a moment and said, "Mo Xi, go to the left, find Mo Wu and contact me!"

Mo Sinian said, turning and walking to the right.

Mo Yi also follows him from a distance, with a bodyguard pushing his wheelchair behind him.

He quickly ordered the bodyguard to keep up with Mo Sinian.

Mo Xi realized the meaning of Mo Si Nian's words. Her cold little face was stunned for a moment. Then she quickly figured out the context of the matter and turned to the left.

After walking along this road for a while, Mo Sinian suddenly smelled a faint smell of blood in the air.

His eyes sank and he strode towards the place with the strongest blood smell.

When Mo Sinian bypassed a row of green grass and walked into a dead corner between the two villas, he saw the tragic image in front of him, and his face changed suddenly.

He rushed towards Mo Wu.

Mo Wu closed his eyes heavily, and there was a bloodstain on his chest, bleeding constantly.

Mo Sinian quickly called Mo Xi: "Mo Wu is here, come here!"

When Mo Sinian hung up the phone, he saw that Mo Yi, who was stunned, was pushed over by the bodyguard.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he seemed to be able to guess what a life and death struggle had just passed here.

He said to Mo Sinian, "send him back to the villa immediately. I'll ask the doctor to come and sew up his wound as soon as possible. I'll find someone to deal with it here!"

Mo Sinian couldn't see Mo Yi. He directly checked the wound on Mo Wu's chest. The wound is not deep and should not worry about his life.

Mo Sinian tried to avoid the wound, picked up Mo Wu and walked towards Mo Yi's villa.

The occupancy rate of this villa area is not high. Moreover, Mo Yi likes quiet. He bought all the villas around him. Therefore, no one found the movement here.

Mo Sinian walked out of the dead corner with Mo Wu on his back and saw Mo Xi hurrying over.

Mo Xi's eyes were red: "Mr. Mo, Mo Wu, this is..."

Mo Si Nian said coldly, "go and check. Who sent the people over there!"

Mo 11 was stunned and looked at the dead corner. She saw faint blood from the mottled gap of the green belt.

She nodded immediately, "I'll check it now!"

Mo Sinian sent Mo Wu back to the villa, and the doctor arrived soon.

Mo Yi should tell the other party in detail about Mo Wu's hands. The other party's surgical instruments are very complete.

Mo Wu's wound was sewn up soon. Mo Sinian also took the opportunity to have a look. Mo Wu didn't have any pinholes or the like.

When Moyi finished dealing with the people outside came in, Mowu's wound had been properly treated.

He watched his son go into a pale coma again, and his old face was tense.

Mo Sinian was standing in the corridor. He didn't know what he was thinking. When Mo Yi came out of the room, he saw him standing not far away. His face was gloomy and inexplicable.

He slid his wheelchair and said, "four years of ink!"

Mo Sinian turned around and looked at him coldly: "Mo Yi, what qualifications do you have for Mo Chaojing to recognize you? He can meet such things in your villa. If I go back to Lan City, will he die in an instant!"

Mo Yi's face was ugly. However, he said in a deep voice: "today's thing was an accident. I just came back from Lancheng. I didn't expect Mo Ruizhe to start so soon!"

Mo Sinian glanced at him: "do you mean that it was mo Ruizhe's hand?"

Mo Yi was stunned, frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

Mo Sinian picked up his mobile phone and dialed Mo 70: "help me deal with a person. His name is mo Ruizhe!"

As soon as Mo Sinian's voice fell, Mo Yi quickly said, "even if Mo Ruizhe really wants to deal with Mo Ruizhe, Chao Jing should help him clear the obstacles. How can he stand up in the future? Do you want him to rely on you all his life?"

Looking at Mo Yi's expression of disapproval.

Mo Sinian took a deep look at him and said to the people on the phone, "be a hiding point. I want Mo Ruizhe's hand. Don't worry about the rest!"

After Mo Sinian finished his orders, he hung up the phone.

Mo Yi frowned and didn't say anything more.

After making a phone call, Mo Sinian turned and walked downstairs. He turned his back to Mo Yi and said, "Mo Yi, I don't trust you. I'll leave someone to protect Mo Chaojing!"

This time, it is rare for Mo Yi not to refute.

After all, he didn't expect this situation today. Mo Sinian had no malice towards Mo Chaojing. It's also good to find someone to protect him.

When Mo Sinian went downstairs, he saw Mo Xi hurrying over: "Mr. Mo, those people are mo Ruizhe's people, that is, Mo Yi's eldest son!" Mo Sinian nodded, "I already know!" Mo Xi was stunned and calmly said, "Mr. Mo, do you need me..." Mo Xi made a move to wipe his neck, and Mo Sinian shook his head: "You don't have to do it. I'll let Mo 70 go. You look at Mo five. If he gets hurt again, I'll ask for you!" Mo 11 was a little surprised. She really wanted to protect Mo five, but he didn't expect Mo Si's annual meeting to give such an order. However, she didn't think much and nodded directly: "OK, Mr. Mo!" Mo Si Nian raised his chin slightly: "Go upstairs and stare. Try not to let him out of your sight!" Mo Xi nodded and calmly turned to go upstairs... The day after Mo Wu's accident, Mo Ruizhe was cut off. The problem is that he had his hand cut off in his own house at night. He couldn't find anyone to do it. He almost went crazy. However, these are not within the scope of Mo Si's consideration. He can keep Mo Ruizhe alive, but he just wants to keep it He just asked Mo Wu to deal with it by himself. Mo Sinian thought that Mo Wu's chest injury was not deep and should wake up soon. However, he never thought that the next day, Mo Wu not only failed to wake up, but also began to have a fever. Mo Sinian asked the doctor who treated Mo Wu's wound. The other party explained that Mo Wu had been injured before, although it was all skin trauma, However, the injury was very serious. He not only didn't recuperate well, but also caused more serious injuries. Originally, according to Mo Wu's constitution, this kind of injury was nothing. However, his injury was aggravated, his resistance decreased, and yesterday's wound was inflamed, so he caused a high fever. The doctor has been trying to deal with Mo Wu, but Mo Wu has been unconscious for two consecutive days, and the high fever has not subsided, Again and again. Mo Xi stayed up almost all night. Mo Sinian couldn't see it anymore. On the third day, he went to watch Mo Wu and asked Mo Xi to have a rest. As a result, Mo Xi didn't have enough rest for two hours, so she hurried to find Mo Sinian. She entered the room and reported in an ugly whisper: "Mr. Mo, the ghost... Found it!" Mo Sinian glanced at her with a cold voice: "Oh, who is it?" Mo Xi was so complicated for the first time. Her voice was a little bitter: "it's Zhancheng!"

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