Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian finally find sister-in-law Zhang in the guest room on the first floor. Bai Jinse is relieved to see that sister-in-law Zhang is just unconscious and has no worries about her life.

Bai Jinse took the man to the bed in the guest room and lay down. Then he went out with Mo Sinian.

At this meeting, Zhao Yan has taken Zhan Cheng to the basement.

When he came out, he received the news from the bodyguard outside. Seeing that Mo Sinian came out, he quickly walked over and whispered, "President Mo, all the people outside are dead!"

Mo Si's eyes sank: "what did Zhan Cheng do?"

Zhao Yan nodded: "look at the killing technique, he should be right. He didn't disturb others. He broke them one by one and hid all the bodies. I asked the people I brought to patrol around. I just found those bodies!"

Mo Sinian was calm and lost so many people at one time. He looked gloomy: "I know. People outside stay. Go back first!"

Generally, if it is not very urgent, Zhao Yan is only responsible for checking some things and dealing with the company's affairs.

This time, Mo Sinian thought that Bai Jinse was alone in LAN city. He didn't trust anyone to come.

That's why I called Zhao Yan over.

Zhao Yan nodded: "OK, Mr. mo."

Zhao Yan left. His family was quiet for a moment. As long as he thought of Zhancheng killing so many people, he was afraid.

He turned and pinched Bai Jinse's nose, trying to punish her, but he was afraid of really hurting people.

He said angrily, "do you know how dangerous this behavior is?"

Bai Jinse blinked: "it's OK!"

Mo Sinian's face was black: "Zhancheng killed so many people. What if he killed red eye and did it to you? Have you ever thought about what I should do?"

Bai Jinse sees that Mo Sinian is really angry. She also knows that Mo Sinian is just worried about her.

She took a deep breath and carefully analyzed: "In fact, you told me about the ghost before. After Zhan Cheng entered the villa, he was strange. He walked around the guest room on the first floor and went into the kitchen again. He also told me that he was a little hungry and his behavior was very different from that in normal days. I felt something wrong at that time, and then I swept a wound on his hand. Today, no one came to the villa to make trouble. He was sorry What hurts? "

Bai Jinse comforted Mo Sinian while telling him: "I guessed at that time that he probably couldn't get rid of the ghost! Sure enough, when I let him out, he rushed at me. I was on alert early in the morning and poured a handful of pepper in my hand. He said he wanted to cook. He despised me and started directly. I would fight back without stopping. In fact, before fighting back, countless ideas flashed in my mind. He must be fighting against me now In order to catch me and threaten you, I won't risk my life easily. After all, I really have an accident. Even if he runs to the ends of the earth, you won't let him go. I think he won't want my life as long as he has no brain problem. However, once I resist successfully, you don't have to be threatened by him. In this way, it's a cost-effective business, so... "

Before Bai Jinse finished, Mo Sinian calmly interrupted her: "So did you do it? I have to admit that you are very smart and thoughtful. However, wise people will lose if they think about it. What's more, we mortals, why don't you think about it? Even if you think better, what if you miss it in the process of doing it? Do you forget another word called murder by mistake? After you really do it, Zhancheng may not have reason, and , he killed so many people. When he faces you again, he is likely to kill too much! "

Bai Jinse blinked: "I don't think it's a big probability!"

Mo Sinian's face was ugly: "so, are you gambling your life? Baby, you're really disobedient. You don't know. Even if I really let Zhancheng go, I don't want you to make a mistake!"

Mo Sinian is angry and distressed. Bai Jinse doesn't understand his contradictory mood at all.

Is he proud? Naturally, he is proud. He knows the means of occupying the city. However, his baby has the upper hand in occupying the city. How can he not be proud.

However, he was also worried that Zhancheng killed so many people. He could guess how serious the situation was at that time.

Bai Jinse felt wronged: "I know you are worried about me, but I don't want you to be threatened. Mo Sinian, I'm not made of mud. I'm not so vulnerable. Moreover, my love for you is no less than your love for me. You don't want me to get hurt, and I don't want you to be threatened because of my embarrassment. I want to tell you that everyone is afraid of danger, but I'm not a person who needs your protection all the time Crystal man, no matter what, I want to face it with you! "

Listening to Bai Jinse's words, Mo Sinian sighed helplessly, stretched out his hand to hold the person tightly in his arms and said in a stuffy voice: "baby, I just can't accept any possibility of losing you!"

Bai Jinse buried his face in his chest and nodded stiffly: "I know, so I will be careful in the future. I will encounter such a thing again..."

As a result, before she finished her words, she was released by Mo Sinian, who angrily interrupted her words with a serious voice: "don't talk nonsense. What do you mean to encounter this kind of thing again? I won't let you encounter this kind of situation again!"

When Bai Jinse heard this, he said sweetly, "well, I believe you!" Mo Sinian shook his head angrily and didn't say anything about her. Bai Jinse suddenly thought that Mo Sinian would come back in such a hurry. He didn't know what was going on in the west city. She hurriedly asked, "by the way, how's Mo Wu?" speaking of this, Mo Sinian's look sank: "he's still in a coma, and his high fever doesn't subside. He's been cooling down with medicine and physics, but the effect is not very obvious." hearing Mo Sinian's words, Bai Jinse was also worried. She frowned: "I'm not very busy these days. You handle the occupation of the city as soon as possible. Let's go and see Mo Wu. In case Mo Yi can't take good care of him..." Mo Sinian understands Bai Jinshe's worry. After all, if Mo Yi were really reliable, he would not have left his son to others and ran to Xicheng. The most important thing is that he has to wait for Mo Wu to wake up. He needs to explain many things to Mo Wu. Since Mo Wu has heard about his own life experience, Mo Sinian doesn't want to hide anything from him. Moreover, if he wants to stay in Xicheng, Xicheng will Mo Sinian must make it clear to him about some situations of the Mohist family. Therefore, anyway, Mo Sinian still had to go to Xicheng again to solve the matter. Hearing Bai Jinse's words, he said in a deep voice: "Mo Yi is really unreliable, but I left Mo Xi to take care of him. I am not in Xicheng. Mo Xi won't let Mo Wu leave her sight." Bai Jinse just remembered that when Mo Sinian came back, she didn't bring Mo Xi. She was relieved and nodded: "well, you go to deal with the occupation of the city first. I want to go to Xicheng to see Mo Wu with you. I'll go to the study first and explain my work to Yun Yan these days." Mo Sinian nodded and rubbed her hair. Then he watched Bai Jinse go upstairs. Seeing Bai Jinse gone, Mo Sinian stood in the living room for a moment. Thinking of what Zhan Cheng had done, he flashed a haze at the bottom of his eyes and raised his feet towards the basement.

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