Hearing Mo Sinian's words, Zhan Cheng moved back twice, leaned against the wall of the basement and pulled his lips: "Mr. Mo, if you love Miss Bai, I think you should understand my feelings. If someone wants to rob Miss Bai with you, I think your means will only be more cruel than me. If 11 is my treasure, I am the dragon guarding the treasure. If someone wants to rob, kill me first! You said to let me compete with Mo Wu openly, but in the final analysis, because of him It's just your cousin. If you really meet a powerful rival in love, I don't think you'll be soft! "

Mo Sinian looked calm, perhaps because Zhan Cheng mentioned feelings. Today he was willing to waste time with him.

He said: "Mo Wu is really my cousin. I defend him. However, Mo Wu never thought of killing you by improper means. As for me and Jinse, you were wrong. Moreover, it was a big mistake. If she wouldn't choose me at the beginning, I wouldn't be forced to force a woman. If my love enemy just liked her and didn't do anything to her or me Means, I won't use such means as you to deal with my rival, okay? "

There are many people who like Bai Jinse. He has dealt with better things himself. However, like Chu Sheng and Qin Wuwei, they never hurt Bai Jinse. Even if they like Bai Jinse, they can't use dirty means. Mo Sinian won't use those cruel means to deal with them.

He looked at Zhan Cheng, who was absent-minded, and continued: "moreover, it was she who chose that we were happy with each other, so I was qualified to stand beside her. For anyone who wanted to rob her, and you, Moxi, were happy with you? To be exact, did she like you?"

Zhan Cheng looked pale and silent.

Mo Sinian said, "occupy the city, you are very sad, but I can't keep you. Choose your own way to die!"

Zhan Cheng's eyes were red: "let me do it myself. I want to leave a whole body. Also, tell Xi that you have let me go and asked her not to look for me."

Mo Sinian glanced at him and threw a sharp Swiss Army knife on the ground: "you think too much. It's Mo Xi who found out that you are an insider. It's Mo Xi who said you can't stay. You'd better be sober in your next life!"

Hearing this, Zhan Cheng's eyes burst out with a touch of desperate pain. He smiled miserably: "then i... damn it! Let her hate me so much..."

When he finished, he suddenly picked up the knife from the ground. The next second, the knife went straight into his heart.

Mo Sinian took a deep look at him and turned back upstairs with a dark look.

Mo Xi doesn't hate Zhan Cheng and even feels uncomfortable. However, Zhan Cheng betrayed him once and almost killed Mo Wu. If there is a second time, who will bear the risk?


West City, Wanxin villa.

Mo Xi didn't sleep well these days. After Mo Sinian left, she stayed in Mo Wu's room.

She sat quietly by the bed and fell asleep unconsciously.

However, people like them, even if they are asleep, are half asleep and half awake. What's more, Mo 11 is still looking after Mo 5.

So she woke up as soon as she heard a slight movement.

When she woke up, she found that it was dark, and Mo Wu on the bed moved uncomfortable and slowly opened her eyes.

Mo Xi's heart was put into his stomach with Mo Wu's open eyes.

She looked at Mo Wu with worry, and her voice was with unprecedented concern: "Mo Wu, you're awake. How do you feel?"

Mo Wu looked at Mo 11 and frowned slightly. His voice was dry and hoarse when he just woke up: "Mo 11, why are you here?"

Mo Wu knows this person. Mo Xi, as a woman, is very good on the island. They have seen two sides before, but they both pass by in a hurry and are not very familiar.

Mo Xi was stunned when she heard this. She looked in a panic she didn't realize: "what did you just... Call me?"

Mo Wu couldn't help frowning: "of course it's Mo 11. Aren't you mo 11? And where is this?"

Mo Xi had an unprecedented sour and uncomfortable feeling in his heart: "don't you remember how you came here?"

Mo Wu said impatiently, "if I remember, I won't ask you. What's more, Mr. Mo, I want to see him!"

Ink eleven was in an unprecedented mess. The ink five in front of him was too strange. He knew he was ink eleven, but his attitude towards himself was cold and unlike him.

He just woke up. Mo Xi didn't want to chase him and ask too many questions.

As for where this is, Mo Xi doesn't want to be self assertive and talkative. After all, many things are her guess.

Previously, Mo Sinian told Fu Yanchen that he would come to Xicheng to save his cousin. At that time, Mo Xi thought that Mo Sinian was just dealing with Fu Yanchen.

However, when she found out the identity of Mo Ruizhe, she vaguely guessed why Mo Ruizhe had to deal with Mo Wu and Mo Yi's attitude towards Mo Wu. She suddenly realized that what Mo Sinian told Fu Yanchen at that time was the truth, but she didn't know a lot of things.

Mo 5 saw Mo 11 and said nothing. His voice was cold: "Mo 11, you stay here. Is that Mr. Mo's meaning? Why? You don't say anything when I ask you. Are you going to imprison me?"

Mo Xi's cold face flashed a complex look. She shook her head slightly: "I don't have anything. Mr. Mo has something to do temporarily. I'll call now. I'll take your temperature first. Also, this is Xicheng. Xicheng Mo Yi. Do you still have an impression? This is his villa!" when Mo Xi heard what Mo Xi said, a gloomy light flashed at the bottom of Mo Wu's eyes: "is it his home!" Mo 11 took the electronic thermometer and found that Mo 5's temperature had dropped. She was relieved: "I'll call Mr. Mo and tell him what you woke up!" Mo 11 didn't notice Mo 5's abnormal look. After she said that, she got up and walked out. As a result, as soon as she came to the door, she heard Mo Wu ask, "since I'm at Mo Yi's house, what about others?" Mo Xi frowned slightly. Mo Wu didn't seem familiar with her, but he knew Mo Yi, which surprised Mo Xi in his heart. She thought for a moment and said, "if you want to see him, I can call him now!" Mo Wu refused coldly: "no, I don't want to see him before Mr. Mo comes!" Mo Xi was stunned and nodded: "OK, I won't let him come to see you." Mo Shi Yi came out of the room and didn't go far. Her eyes kept looking at Mo Wu's door. The phone was soon connected. At this meeting, Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse have planned to go to bed. They plan to go to Xicheng early tomorrow morning. Mo Sinian saw that the phone was called by Mo Xi, and he connected directly. Mo Xi's voice came from the phone: "Mr. Mo, Mo Wu's temperature has dropped and people have woken up!" Mo Sinian was relieved: "that's good. I'll come to Xicheng with Jin se tomorrow. What's the state of Mo Wu and what did he say after he woke up?" hearing Mo Sinian's words, Mo Xi vaguely realized that Mo Sinian seemed to know something he didn't know. She told the truth: "Mo Wu knows me, but his attitude towards me is the same as before on the island. Moreover, he seems to know Mo Yi. I said he lives in Mo Yi's house, and he asked me where Mo Yi is!"

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