Mo Yi's face was a little unhappy: "after all, I'm your father. Can I be the same as Mo Sinian? I'm not comparable to others!"

Mo Chaojing looked at him expressionless: "well, I know!"

Although Mo Chaojing didn't hurt him, Mo Yi's words were like a punch on cotton. His face was ugly. Finally, he snorted coldly and ignored Mo Chaojing.

Mo Chaojing didn't want to say a word to him and contacted Mo Sinian directly.

Mo Chaojing: [elder brother, can you let Mo Xi go back?]

Mo Sinian: [reason!]

Mo Chaojing: [I don't need women's protection!]

Mo Sinian: [really, you may not be Mo Xi's opponent. She is not much worse than you on the island!]

Mo Chaojing: [so what?]

Mo Si Nian: [I need to confirm your safety. Women are sometimes more convenient than men. Do you think if you go to the dinner party, someone will allow you to take your bodyguard into the dinner hall? However, Mo Xi is different. She can be a bodyguard or your female partner. Most importantly, she is trustworthy! You have to deal with business affairs in the future. There are too many conspiracies and calculations, so it's not safe Like you used to fight on the island, as long as you have enough strength to defeat each other. You can't understand the twists and turns here. Mo Xi is a woman. She is more careful. She is far more suitable to stay around than others. Therefore, don't question my decision and don't reject Mo Xi too much.]

Mo Chaojing: [I let her rain for an hour this afternoon. Will she bear a grudge?]

Seeing this news, Mo Sinian could almost imagine that Mo Chaojing was cautious and nervous.

Mo Sinian's heart is a little subtle. It seems that losing his memory, Mo Chaojing actually cares about Mo Xi. To some extent, he is afraid that she will be angry and unhappy.

Mo Sinian: [why did you let her rain?]

Mo Chaojing: [I wanted to call you and let her leave, but I didn't let her in. As a result, Mo Yi had to let me see the company's information, which disrupted my plan. It rained for an hour later, and I remembered it!]

Mo Sinian: [she won't take revenge so childishly, and she won't have two hearts for you. You can rest assured, but this kind of thing can't happen again in the future!]

Mo Chaojing: [oh.]


Mo Chaojing knew that Mo Xi was taking a bath, so he stayed downstairs for a while before going upstairs.

As a result, as soon as he got to the second floor, he saw Mo Xi coming out of the guest room after taking a bath.

According to her instructions, she wore the clothes in his wardrobe, simple white shirt and black pants, but she couldn't hide her amazing little face.

Mo 11 is not short, but she still looks big in her Mo Chaojing clothes. Her trouser legs are rolled up several times, her shirt is stuffed in her trouser waist, and her shirt sleeves are rolled up, revealing her white and slender wrists.

Mo Chaojing looked at Mo Xi and his thoughts were scattered. Mo Xi was the most powerful female bodyguard on the island. He always knew that he had seen two sides before and didn't care much.

At this meeting, he looked at Mo Xi. He didn't know why. He suddenly had some inexplicable ideas in his heart. How did such a slender wrist occupy an advantage in the fight?

The slender wrist is fragile. It seems that it breaks when it's broken. Can you really beat others?

Mo Xi also noticed that Mo Chaojing was a little absent-minded. She took the initiative to speak and calmly shouted, "Mo Chaojing!"

Mo Chaojing frowned when she heard her name: "call me Mr. mo later. If I enter Huanyu Group of Xicheng Mohist School in the later stage, you can call me Mr. Mo directly in the company!"

Mo Xi was stunned for a moment, subconsciously looked at Mo Chaojing's expressionless face, and finally nodded silently.

Mo Chaojing looked at Mo 11. He was annoyed for no reason. He didn't know the source of this annoyance, so he just wanted Mo 11 to disappear from his sight at the moment.

He waved his hand impatiently: "well, you go and help yourself!"

He finished and walked quickly to his room.

As a result, he went to the room, but Mo Xi went against him and passed by him.

The uncomfortable energy in Mo Chaojing's heart came up again. When Mo Xi passed him, he grabbed Mo Xi's arm and his narrow eyes were a little gloomy: "what are you going to do?"

There is only Mo Yi downstairs. Mo Chaojing can't imagine what Mo Xi wants to do downstairs.

Mo Xi looked at him and looked as respectful as when facing Mo Si Nian: "Mr. Mo, I'll clean the downstairs!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Yi remembered that Mo Xi had made a pool of water stains downstairs.

His face suddenly looked a little ugly: "you don't have to clean!"

Mo Xi looked at him, his voice with a cold texture: "I soiled it, I should clean it!"

I don't know why, the anger in Mo Chaojing's heart suddenly came up: "can you find out your position? You stay as a bodyguard for me, not a nanny and a servant!"

Mo Xi didn't expect his sudden anger. She looked at Mo Chaojing in a daze, and finally slowly lowered her eyes without saying a word. Ink roared at Jing and regretted it. He doesn't know what's wrong with him. After he recovers his memory, his goal is very clear. He clearly knows what he wants to do. However, after seeing Mo Xi, he seemed to have some uncontrollable disorders and became unlike himself. His face was heavy. He suddenly shook Mo Xi's wrist and strode towards his room. Mo Xi stood where he was and didn't go downstairs. Mo Chaojing's door closed. She stood in place for a long time. Then she slowly turned back to the guest room Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian stayed in Xicheng for two days. Mo Chaojing was calm and nothing happened. However, Bai Jinse vaguely hears that Mo Yi has released a rumor that his second son will return home and plans to hold a dinner party to formally introduce his son to all partners in Xicheng. All these developments are basically in line with the expectations of Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian. On the third day, Fu Yanchen called and said that Du yuan's murder case was closed. He planned to return to Lancheng and wanted to invite Bai Jinse and Mo Sinian to dinner. The place where Fu Yanchen treats guests to dinner is a well-known private restaurant in Xicheng. When Bai Jinse and Mo Si had passed for years, Fu Yanchen and Liu Chen had arrived. As soon as they entered the box, Fu Yanchen stood up with a smile: "Mr. Mo, Miss Bai, you're here. Sit down!" Mo Sinian nodded coldly and sat down with Bai Jinse's hand. After several people finished ordering, Fu Yanchen glanced at his cousin and said coldly, "Liu Chen!" when he heard Fu Yanchen calling himself, Liu Chen looked up reluctantly and said, "sorry, Mr. Mo! I misunderstood you before." he said, he couldn't help but look at Bai Jinse quickly, and his expression seemed a little uncomfortable.

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