Qin Xixi noticed the abnormality of Mo 11 and stretched out her hand to hold her and told her not to act rashly.

As she was about to enter the elevator, Qin Xixi suddenly raised her voice: "it's rare for me to meet a stranger who hit it off so well with me. Today, when I argued with the taxi driver, you turned to me so much. I've made up my mind about your friend. I must invite you to dinner today!"

Qin Xixi said, pulling Mo 11 into the elevator.

Mo Xi turned and looked at her. He didn't know why.

Qin Xixi looked back at Mo 11 and looked at the elevator closing. A cold feeling flashed on Mingyan's little face. Then she said faintly: "it's the Qin family. They're afraid that I'm going abroad and disappear. Just at this time, Jiang Qingci is also in Xicheng. I think they have to stare at me and have a child with Jiang Qingci!"

Qin Xixi said carelessly. Mo Xi frowned. She always felt that she didn't care so much.

However, in the next words, Qin Xixi's words made her feel that it doesn't matter whether she has a so-called. After all, Qin Xixi has a strong heart and is not made of paper.

She said: "anyway, I won't leave Xicheng now. Just stare if I like. I just don't resign from Jiang Qing to have a child. Can they still pull us out of a child!"

Mo Xi's cold little face twitched slightly. For a time, he was speechless. He didn't know how to take this word.

At more than five o'clock in the afternoon, Mo Xi, who was drinking coffee with Qin Xixi, received a call from Mo Chaojing.

Qin Xixi had just taken a sip of coffee when she saw that Mo 11 was suddenly serious. This was a kind of seriousness from the inside out, not just her attitude and expression.

Qin Xixi was a little surprised, holding the coffee and staring at Mo Xi.

Mo 11 connected the phone and looked serious and respectful: "two less."

On the phone, Mo Chaojing's voice was cold: "I'll make my own clothes. It's limited to half an hour!"

Mo Chaojing hung up after saying that. Originally, he thought that he would call Mo 11 at 7 p.m. and go to Yuanguang hotel together.

However, after Luodong learned of his plan, he took the initiative to suggest that Mo Xi make a shape.

After all, this is the first time Mo Chaojing has appeared in Xicheng. He can't be careless. Whether he or his female partner, he will certainly meet countless looking eyes at that time.

If Mo Xi doesn't take a serious attitude and dress up casually, it will also make people look down on Mo Chaojing.

Mo Chaojing is not stupid. He knows how reasonable his words are. That's why he called Mo Xi at this point.

After all, girls take longer to do modeling than expected.

Of course, this Mo Chaojing is not clear, but Luo Dong explained it to him in advance.

Mo Chaojing hung up the phone. Mo 11 still couldn't return to God.

Although she was across the phone, she felt sensitively that Mo Chaojing's attitude towards herself had changed, and this change was difficult for ordinary people to detect.

He was very upset with her before, but now he has become very cold, as if... He began to restrain his emotions in front of her.

Mo 11 doesn't know that Mo Chaojing is like this because Luo Dong himself realizes that he is different from Mo 11.

Although he did not know why his emotions were so uncontrollable before Mo 11, since he had realized the problem, he would not be careless.

He deliberately covered up all his feelings for Mo Xi with indifference.

Qin Xixi saw Mo Xi finished calling. She was stunned. She tilted her head and stared carefully at Mo Xi's face: "11, what's the matter with you? What's the look in her eyes?"

Mo Xi returned to his senses and shook his head slowly. His voice seemed a little hoarse: "it's all right!"

Qin Xixi frowned and obviously didn't believe what she said: "your attitude has changed all of a sudden. Even now, Mo... Chaojing has become a boss. You don't have to do this. You've been working with him in Lancheng for half a year. You should be familiar with it!"

Qin Xixi doesn't know what happened between Mo Xi and Mo Chaojing in the past six months. She just feels that they have been together for more than six months, so they won't be too strange.

Mo Xi didn't want to answer this question. He looked a little cold: "not very familiar!"

Qin Xixi didn't doubt Mo Xi's words at all. She was stunned for a second and said, "yes, it's normal to be unfamiliar. After all, except for my self familiarity, ordinary people may not be close to you even if they get along with you for a few years!"

Mo Xi glanced at Qin Xixi and stood up: "I have to go first. See you in the evening!"

Qin Xixi waved her hand: "OK, you go first, I'll go slowly!"

Mo nodded, picked up his coat and left quickly.

Mo 11 thought that Mo Chao Jing should call himself over. He should be modeling in neon clothes, but he didn't expect that after she passed, there was only Luodong waiting.

Luo Dong saw Mo Xi and came over with a smile. He said, "Miss Mo, er Shao, there will be something busy. You have to do modeling first. This is the need for dinner. What do you think?"

Mo Shi nodded expressionless, concise and comprehensive: "yes!"

Mo Xi went to do modeling. Luo Dong waited on the sofa outside.

Women can't do modeling for less than an hour.

Luodong waited for more than an hour before the modeling of ink 11 was finished. This is because ink 11 is beautiful and fast.

When Mo Xi finished modeling, Luo Dong was really amazed.

To tell the truth, Mo Xi is a typical cold beauty. Luo Dong realized it when he met her first. He always knew that Mo Xi was beautiful.

However, at this moment, he clearly realized that Mo Xi was not only beautiful, but also thrilling and thrilling. This feeling could not even be described in words.

When she did this, she felt as beautiful as coming out of the painting. It was a little unreal.

Luodong is not a young boy who has just entered the society. Although he is young, he has a lot of experience in dealing with the world. His mind soon stabilized, recovered as usual, and walked to Mo Xi with a smile: "Miss Mo, wait a minute. I contacted Er Shao just now, and er Shao will come right away!"

Mo Xi nodded calmly and sat down on the sofa.

Mo Xi was wearing a chest wrapped evening dress. Luo Dong looked at her whole white and smooth shoulder exposed outside and frowned slightly. He looked at the stylist aside: "do you have a suitable shawl? Find one for Miss Mo!"

The stylist was stunned and immediately smiled and nodded: "OK, Mr. Luo, I'll go now!"

Soon, Mo Xi wore a smoky gray shawl on her shoulder, which was pleasing to the eye with her aqua green dress.

Mo Chaojing did not come long ago.

In fact, he didn't want what Luo Dong said. There was something important. He just heard Luo Dong's words before. He also realized that he was in an abnormal mood in front of Mo 11.

He soon gave himself two solutions. He covered up all his emotions with indifference. It was rare for Mo Xi. In this way, she could less affect her emotions.

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