Listening to Mo Yi's words, two people were whispering in the corner of the dinner hall.

One of them was unwilling and the other was full of shadows.

Mo Ruize looked at Mo Ruizhe: "brother, you know, we haven't been paid so much attention by the old man once these years. Aren't you in a hurry?"

Yes, these two are the brothers of Mo Ruizhe and Mo Ruize.

When muruizhe heard this, he put away the shadow at the bottom of his eyes and said expressionless, "what's the hurry? I'm fine now. I have a position in the company and have enough money to spend!"

Hearing what big brother said, it seemed that he was easily satisfied.

Muruize sneered. If he really treated money like dirt, who would have deliberately caused a car accident and almost killed the old man!

He also understood that muruizhe was so calm that he was waiting for his gun to shoot the bird. He didn't let the man be happy.

He couldn't help but stimulate Mo Ruizhe: "yes, I heard that brother's hand was accidentally amputated. It's really time to be satisfied to have a job!"

When muruizhe heard this, he looked gloomy for a moment.

Mo Ruize continued to stimulate him: "speaking of it, brother is really careless. He can hurt himself like this!"

Muruizhe took a sinister look at muruize, and finally suppressed his anger: "it won't bother you!"

Then he turned and left.

Not far away, Jiang Qing's words hooked his lips, hissed softly, and said to himself, "it's really boring for vegetables and chickens to peck at each other!"

He looked at the stage, and Mo Chaojing stood there without expression.

Mo Chaojing's speech was almost published. He suddenly smiled and said, "our family Chaojing is returning home this time, of course, not just inheriting his family business. He is now old and should get married. Today, I take this opportunity to tell you that after a while, our family Chaojing and brother Qu's Tingting are engaged. You must remember to come and join us!"

Although Mo Chaojing had heard Jiang Qingci about the marriage before, his eyes sank when he suddenly heard Mo Yi announce his intention to marry on the stage.

You know, before that, Mo Yi didn't disclose it to himself at all.

In other words, in Mo Yi's opinion, his opinions on the marriage are not important, whether he knows it or not is not important.

Mo Yi is an old fox. Even if Mo Chaojing had a subtle look change just now, he didn't escape his eyes.

After the father and son got off the stage, Mo Yi looked at him directly while there was no one and said, "what? You're not convinced about the marriage?"

Mo Chaojing's face had long returned to normal. He hid all his emotions, his voice was cold, and there was an unspeakable defiance in his bones: "I just want to ask, what does Father mean by doing this?"

Mo Yi looks at him, Cold hum: "What do I mean? Isn't my meaning obvious enough? You know, your eldest brother and younger brother have worked in Yida group for several years and have a deeper foundation than you. They want to marry Qu Yating more than you and get the help of the Qu family. Now I let you get engaged to Qu Yating, which is obviously to affirm your position and help you win more confidence. What? Do you want to blame me instead? ”

Mo Chaojing's voice was faint: "I dare not!"

Mo Yi was still a little uncomfortable: "I think you dare. You don't know what's good or bad. I tell you, if you want to inherit the Mohist school, you have to marry Qu Yating. What your eldest brother and younger brother are eager to do is not mine. Think about it for yourself!"

Mo Yi said that and then called Fang Haolin, "push me!"

In his opinion, he arranged such a good road for Mo Chaojing. Even if he didn't say hello to Mo Chaojing in advance, Mo Chaojing should thank him.

Therefore, seeing the change of Mo Chaojing's look, he had an unspeakable anger in his heart.

Mo Chaojing saw that Mo Yi was going to leave, and finally calmly opened his mouth and shouted, "father!"

Mo Yi's voice was cold: "what? Do you still want to vent your dissatisfaction with me?"

Mo Chao Jing calmly shook his head: "no, I just think my father did the right thing. I didn't realize my father's good intentions. I apologize to my father!"

Mo Yi sees that Mo Chaojing is soft and gives himself a step. He can live on his face.

After all, he was angry. He was just angry. He didn't mean to make trouble with his son, especially on this occasion tonight.

He said coldly, "just know it's wrong. Don't worry. I won't let you pay your marriage in vain for this engagement. After the engagement banquet, I'll give you shares! At that time, you will have a say in the company when you enter the company!"

Mo Chaojing was still calm when he heard the words given to the shares. He nodded: "OK, thank you, father!"

Looking at Mo Chaojing, who was always calm and cool, Mo Yi couldn't help frowning: "come on, go see someone with me!"

Mo Chaojing gave a "um" sound and stepped forward to help Mo Yi push the wheelchair instead of Fang Haolin.

At this time, a partner came over and saw Mo Yi and Mo Chaojing. He couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Mo, you are lucky. Chaojing is a filial girl at first sight, and the girl of Qu family is also good-looking. These two children are really talented and beautiful. They are a match made by nature. It's right!"

Mo Yi immediately showed the old fox's smile: "President Chen is really over praised!"

Mo Chaojing pushed Mo Yi and met many co renting partners of Yida group in the banquet hall. When the dinner was almost over, Mo Yi's legs hurt and people were tired, so he told Mo Chaojing to send the guests instead of him. He booked a room upstairs and went to rest.

Mo Chaojing was flattered and humiliated, and his state of mind was always very calm. Mo Yi watched him send off two rounds of guests appropriately, and then left.

After the guests left one after another, Mo Ruizhe and Mo Ruize didn't know when they would get together again.

The two of them came directly to Zhimo and towards Jing.

Mo Ruizhe looked at Mo Chaojing and smiled hypocritically: "speaking of it, the second brother has returned home for some time. My father didn't let our brothers meet for the first time today. I couldn't help feeling when I saw the second brother just now. The second brother is a good-looking talent. The eldest brother is ashamed to see it!"

Muruize was sour: "isn't he a talent? Otherwise, his father wouldn't let him marry Qu Yating!"

When muruizhe heard this, he looked at muruize with a "tolerant" look: "little brother, talk to your second brother!"

Muruize sneered: "yes, I have to talk to my second brother. Otherwise, my father values my second brother so much now. If he knows I'm not respectful to my second brother, he may kick me out of the company immediately!"

Mo Chaojing looked at the brothers singing and harmonizing, and his face was cold: "finished, can you go? I want to see off the guests!"

Mo Ruize: "

He was speechless and angry, and his face turned red: "don't be too proud of Mo Chaojing. Now it's unknown who will win. What are you proud of!"

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