Mo Chaojing looked at Chu River in silence. Undeniably, he could feel that Chu River's guess was very reasonable.

He is not stupid. He can clearly feel that when he sees Mo Xi, it is like triggering a switch. He doesn't know how to treat her. He wants to lose his temper when he is upset, even... Against her.

Moreover, he also hates the feeling of losing control. However, losing control is called losing control because he can't control it.

He couldn't help frowning: "what if I try to avoid seeing her and send her somewhere else?"

Hearing his statement, Chu he couldn't help chuckling: "Er Shao, I personally suggest that you don't do this. You should have heard a word that heart disease should also be treated with heart medicine. Since you know that the other party is your cause, you still blindly escape. In this way, you will not get effective treatment, but will accumulate into depression and become more and more serious!"

Speaking of which, Chu he looked at Mo Chaojing seriously: "I've seen many patients who evade their own psychological problems. In the end, the situation has not been alleviated, and it is basically getting more and more serious. I personally suggest that if you want to completely solve your psychological problems, in addition to the guidance of psychologists, you should finally face your own psychological problems. After all, evasion can't solve the problems, and before You said that you should have an intersection with each other in the memory you lost. Maybe your psychological crux is in the memory you lost. Maybe restoring your memory and giving you a panoramic view is also a good way to solve the problem! "

Mo Chaojing heard Chu he's words and didn't speak for a long time.

He woke up with a fever some time ago and recovered his childhood memory. At that time, he felt that the memory he lost for half a year was not important at all.

After all, he remembered how his mother died and what he should do in the future. He thought that was enough!

But he never thought that this lost memory would make him restless, and now it is getting more and more serious day by day.

He looked at Chu River with calm eyes: "I've seen people who have lost their memory before. They recover their memory through Psychological Hypnosis. I don't know if Dr. Chu can do this?"

Chu he smiled helplessly: "Er Shao, hypnosis is indeed a way to restore memory, especially the amnesia caused by some serious psychological stimuli. However, when Er Shao loses memory, it is accompanied by fever. Obviously, there are some pathological reasons, not all psychological problems. In addition, the brain structure of human body is complex, so I don't dare to casually hypnotize I can't do anything about sex. After all, I'm just a psychologist! "

Mo Chaojing knew that what Chu he said was not unreasonable, but he couldn't help frowning: "I know, please Dr. Chu, that's all for today!"

Mo Chaojing stood up and planned to go out.

But before he took two steps, he saw Chu he stand up, Said: "Er Shao, although I can't help you recover your memory, I still have some effective suggestions. Generally, brain amnesia is not only treated by drugs and surgery, but also by various other methods, such as hypnosis you said before. However, the more common, more effective and least dangerous way is to go back to the environment where you lose your memory and get familiar with it Learning about the environment and people, gradually restore memory step by step. Although this method is not 100% effective, it is the safest and most effective, but it may take a long time! "

Mo Chaojing heard her words and looked at her calmly: "I know, thank you!"

When he finished, he opened the door and went out.

Mo Chaojing returned to the car and saw Luo Dong looking at him with concern: "how about it? Er Shao, is it effective?"

Mo Chaojing leaned against his seat, reached out and pinched the center of his eyebrows. His voice was deep: "don't come here in the future!"

Luodong started the car and was surprised: "is it ineffective?"

Mo Chao Jing shook his head: "yes, but it's not suitable for me!"

He admitted that what Chu he said is very reasonable, but it is reasonable. The solution to the problem lies in himself.

He didn't think about going back to Lancheng to recover his lost memory. However, the most important thing now is not this, and he won't go back now.

Among the familiar people, Mo Xi was also familiar with him for half a year. After all, he and Mo Xi were with Mo Sinian and Bai Jinse at that time. However, when he saw Mo 11, his mood got out of control and even became bad.

Luo Dong opened his mouth and wanted to ask what else. He heard Mo Chaojing say, "go to dinner first!"

Luo Dong asked, "don't you go back to Xiyuan to eat?"

The voice of Mo Chaojing was suddenly a little cold: "you forgot what I said to Mo Xi when you got off work. I said I wouldn't go back and don't let Xiyuan stay for dinner. What am I going back now, going back?"

Luo Dong looked slightly stiff. Taking advantage of the red light, he couldn't help looking at Mo Chaojing. His heart was a little complicated. To tell the truth, Mo Chaojing was too serious about things related to Mo 11.

He didn't eat out and went home for dinner. Moreover, it was his own home, but he went back on his word.

Luo Dong's heart was very complicated, but he didn't dare to continue to provoke Mo Chaojing. He nodded: "I know, er Shao!"

Mo Chaojing didn't go back until dinner.

Back to Xiyuan, the first floor was quiet. Mo Chaojing guessed that Mo Xi should have eaten and stayed in the room.

After all, she is so calm and self-aware that she should know that she is not willing to see her.

Mo Chaojing thought of this and couldn't help frowning. He went upstairs and changed his home clothes. He had planned to rest. As soon as it was still early, he took his mobile phone to the roof.

Mo Chaojing came here to have a swim and blow the wind on the top floor.

As a result, as soon as he got to the top floor, he heard the sound of water floating. He couldn't help looking at the swimming pool.

There is a solar lamp on the top floor, but the light is the darker one. Mo Chaojing stands by the swimming pool and sees the people in the water like a beautiful mermaid swimming from one end to the other.

She may not have noticed that someone will come to the pool.

She swam to the other side, touched her hand on the swimming pool wall, turned around and swam to the other side.

She didn't stop until she swam to the shallow water on the other side.

Mo Chaojing was standing by the pool in the shallow water. His shadow was pulled long under the dim yellow light.

He seemed dumb. After seeing the swimmers, he stood there quietly without saying a word for fear of making a noise.

He clearly heard the sound of his heart beating, especially when the people in the water floated from the water like no Mermaid, revealing his amazing face.

He couldn't help pinching his cell phone and saw the water falling from her and splashing into the pool, forming ripples.

The glittering and translucent water drops fell along her white skin, making her whole person seem to be plated with a layer of water light, blurred and beautiful, so that people dare not breathe loudly.

This thrilling beauty made Mo Chaojing freeze all over.

At this time, ink 11 in the water wiped the drops on his face and clearly saw the man standing by the swimming pool.

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