Lin Jialan's face stiffened and said helplessly, "Tingting, I'm your friend. Why do you think so? I came to you because you joined the job today and disappeared for a while. Vice president Mo was asking. I said you went to the bathroom and hurried to find you to go back to work. Moreover, I did see what happened just now, but I naturally came to help you!"

Luo Dong saw that Mo Chaojing didn't want to see Qu Yating, the nominally fiancee, so he directly arranged her to Mo Ruizhe's department.

Mo Chaojing didn't object, so Qu Yating came to work today.

Qu Yating was angry. When she heard Lin Jialan's words, her tone was also a little blunt, and her voice was not low: "how can you help me?"

Lin Jialan glanced at Mo Chaojing's office and whispered, "shall we go out and talk?"

Qu Yating bit her teeth and said, "let's go!"

Finally, Lin Jialan took Qu Yating to the stairwell.

Qu Yating will calm down and feel that she doesn't mean to be angry with Lin Jialan.

However, in front of Lin Jialan, her attitude was still arrogant: "how do you want to help me?"

Lin Jialan took a look at Qu Yating: "they all say that women chase men's interlayer yarn. If you use the right method and take the initiative to chase Mo Er Shao, Mo Er Shao will soon fall under your pomegranate skirt!"

Just now, he was swept away by Mo Chaojing. How could Lin Jialan catch up so quickly.

She said coldly, "I chase him. Are you kidding? Even if I don't chase him, he is also my fiance. My father talked about the marriage with Uncle mo. he just wants to resist, but he can't resist!"

Lin Jialan looked at her helplessly, He whispered: "yes, he may not be able to resist marriage, but the man's heart is not on you. After marriage, he can still keep the red flag at home and the colored flag floating outside! Don't blame me for not reminding you. I've seen it carefully these two days. The mo 11 is picked up and sent off by Mo Er Shao. What's the relationship between them?"

At this point, Lin Jialan couldn't help winking at Qu Yating.

Qu Yating's face immediately changed: "what do you mean? You mean, the man named Mo Xi actually pestered ah Jing?"

Lin Jialan's smile is full of deep meaning: "I don't know that. I only know that I've seen them go to and from work together these two days!"

After meeting Mo Xi and Mo Chaojing for the first time, Lin Jialan paid close attention. She didn't expect that the two people had been together all the time.

Even if Mo Xi got off at the intersection in front of the company, she saw it.

Qu Yating seemed to be wearing a green hat, and her face was ugly: "this Jian man, a good secretary, is improper and dares to seduce ah Jing. I must make her look good!"

When Lin Jialan saw Qu Yating say, she was about to rush out, Quickly took her arm: "What are you doing? Are you going to have a showdown with Mo 11? In that case, not only will she not admit it, but even Mo Er Shao will hate you. As a creature like man, you have to overcome the hard with softness, but you can't act recklessly. Mo Er Shao doesn't know you yet. You have to show him your best side, and then slowly figure it out. In this way, you will get married in the future , life will be happy! "

Qu Yating grew up being flattered by others, followed her and held her. When did she do such a thing.

She couldn't help frowning and looking at Lin Jialan: "then you say, what am I going to do?"

Lin Jialan lowers her voice and whispers to Qu Yating.

When she was about to leave work in the afternoon, Qu Yating came to find Mo Chaojing.

Although Mo Chaojing was cold, he didn't hit the smiling face. Looking at Qu Yating's smiling face, he didn't drive people out directly, but asked coldly, "what's the matter with you?"

Qu Yating said, "ah Jing, you see we are engaged. Uncle Mo asked us to cultivate more feelings. I think what he said is very reasonable. Even if we have no feelings, we have to understand each other. Don't you think so?"

Mo Chao Jing frowned and looked impatient: "what are you trying to say?"

Qu Yating smiled: "I mean, let's have dinner together in the afternoon. What do you think?"

Mo Chaojing didn't raise his head when he heard this: "there's no time!"

Qu Yating's face stiffened. Thinking of what Lin Jialan told her, she had to bear it and couldn't work against a man.

She forced out a smile: "then when you have time, shall we have dinner together?"

Mo Chaojing looked at the document in his hand and signed his name. Without looking at Qu Yating, he directly said, "look again!"

Qu Yating couldn't maintain the fake smile on her face. She could only say, "OK, I'll wait for you at any time!"

Qu Yating said, turned and stepped out quickly.

She stood at the door, her face was ugly. Lin Jialan said that she should overcome hardness with softness to men. Well, she restrained all her temper and even caught up with flattery. However, what's the attitude of Mo Chaojing.

The more Qu Yating thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt.

At this time, she saw Lin Jialan standing not far away. Her anger couldn't help getting stronger: "what are you doing here?"

Lin Jialan knew as soon as she heard it, and Qu Yating's tone was obviously frustrated.

She hurriedly pulled Qu Yating and whispered, "Tingting, I'm afraid you're not going well. I want to ask what's going on. I came here to find a way for you!"

Lin Jialan said the so-called reaching out without hitting the smiling face. Qu Yating didn't get angry directly at her even if she was angry in her heart.

When they came to the window at the end of the corridor, Lin Jialan whispered, "Tingting, I see you were unhappy just now. Did Mo Er Shao refuse you?"

Qu Yating gave her a cold look: "I know you still ask, do you think I'm not ashamed enough?"

Lin Jialan quickly shook her head: "Tingting, what do you think? I asked just to make sure that since he doesn't allow you to eat, you go to his residence. You are an unmarried couple at least. He can't ignore his father's face and drive you out directly. At that time, he can't explain to the two elders. As long as you enter his house, enter the house and slowly buy the people around him, no Worry can't catch up with him, don't you say? "

Lin Jialan looked at Qu Yating and couldn't help raising her eyebrows. She thought her strategy was very good.

Qu Yating snorted: "what you said is somewhat reasonable. It's not too late. I'll go to their house now. I'll go there in advance. It's not easy to drive me away when he goes back to see me after work. Are you right?"

Lin Jialan smiled: "Tingting, you really understand what I mean!"

Qu Yating patted her on the shoulder: "don't worry. For your sake, I won't treat you badly!"

Hearing this, Lin Jialan's smile grew stronger.

After work, Mo 11 is still the same as usual, waiting for Mo Chaojing at the intersection in front of the company.

On the way, Mo Chaojing receives a call from Mo Yi.

On the phone, Mo Yi's tone was calm, but his words were completely opposite to his attitude. It was obvious that he was very interested in what he asked.

He said, "Chao Jing, did you tell your cousin about the operation?"

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