Fang Haolin pushes Mo Yi out of Ge lanxuan. Mo Yi finds a quiet place and connects the phone.

It was Qu Wenda who called. Mo Yi thought that he would urge his two children to get married during the day. He thought that Qu Wenda would call. What he wanted to say was to change soup instead of medicine.

He answered the phone in a flat tone: "Hello, brother Qu, how can you think of calling me!"

When Qu Wenda heard Mo Yi's insincere tone, he couldn't help humming coldly: "of course, I have something to discuss with you, otherwise, I don't need to call you!"

The two men each harboured ghosts and talked in twists and turns.

Seeing that Qu Wenda didn't speak directly, Mo Yi smiled: "brother Qu is looking for me. What's the matter?"

At the other end of the phone, Qu Wenda was silent for two seconds, Then he said, "it's no big deal. Today I came to mention the marriage of two children. You said it's not good to get married in a hurry. I can understand your idea, but our daughter can't afford to delay. Let's cancel the marriage for the time being. Anyway, it was a verbal agreement at the beginning and there was no formal engagement!"

When Mo Yi heard this, his face suddenly changed and his face was a little gloomy.

No wonder he is unhappy, because in his opinion, the marriage between Qu Wenda and his Mohist school is a sure thing. The Qu family begged their Mohist school, but unexpectedly, Qu Wenda has changed his mind temporarily.

Although he has been perfunctory Qu Wenda, he wants to wait until his legs are ready and what he can do is the Lord of Mo Chaojing, and say this again.

He can hang Qu Wenda, but Qu Wenda suddenly plans to cancel the marriage. How can he be happy.

After all, the next step in the marriage between the two families is to embezzle the Qu family's property.

Now Qu Yachen has something like that. The Qu family has no successors. Whoever can marry Qu Yating can control half of the Qu group. How can Mo Yi miss such a thing.

So he was unhappy immediately. He kept a calm face and didn't speak for a long time. When he said again, The tone is obviously a little cold: "Brother Qu, what do you think of me for doing this? The marriage between our two families was announced in public in front of so many people. You're suddenly going to cancel the marriage now. Isn't that a slap in the face? How can I stay in Xicheng in the future? Besides, if you have any dissatisfaction with the marriage, we can talk face to face, don't you? You're like this now If you do, you won't It's kind! "

Qu Wenda didn't expect that Mo Yi had never given himself an accurate word before. He went to urge Mo Yi to get his two children married as soon as possible. Mo Yi, an old fox, has always refused. Now he is anxious to cancel his engagement.

When Qu wendaton felt refreshed, he sneered in his heart, This is the slow opening: "Brother Mo is serious. The two children are not engaged yet. Besides, even if they are married and can't get along with each other, there are many people who divorce. What's more, our two families haven't left the eight characters yet. Moreover, you know, young people think one day. Tingting did have the idea of marrying Chaojing before, but Chaojing doesn't look like it Like our family Tingting, our family Tingting also has its own pride, don't you think? Therefore, it's better to comply with the children's wishes and cancel the marriage! "

Mo Yi didn't expect that Qu Wenda was determined to cancel the marriage.

He kept a calm face, squeezed the wheelchair hard, and spoke for a long time: "well, since you have said so, I can't force it. However, we have to talk about this kind of thing face to face. After all, do you take me Mo Yi seriously when you come out directly on the phone!"

Qu Wenda was stunned for a moment. He heard that Mo Yi was a little angry. He thought of the future marriage between Mo Ruizhe and Qu Yating. He didn't have to offend Mo Yi.

Thinking of this, he chuckled: "I think it's wrong. You're right. We should talk about this kind of thing face to face. Well, when you have time, let's meet!"

Mo Yi's eyes were calm: "then tomorrow afternoon!"

Mo Yi thinks that Qu Wenda's taking Joe so much now is simply because Mo Chaojing doesn't agree to get married.

However, tomorrow, when he gets the medical technology authorization in the hands of Mo Sinian, there is no need to worry about these. As long as Mo Chaojing remains in the Mohist school, he will have to marry whoever he asks Mo Chaojing to marry.

And he did not believe, and he could not even control his son.

As long as Mo Chaojing marries Qu Yating, the Qu family will be in the pocket of the Mo family.

At the other end of the phone, Qu Wenda answered with a smile: "OK, tomorrow afternoon!"

Anyway, tomorrow, Mo Yi should know about Mo Ruizhe and Tingting.

Qu Wenda knows Mo Yi. As long as Tingting wants to marry his son, he won't refuse.

The two old foxes had their own plans in mind, so they made an appointment.

After dinner, Mo Sinian and Mo Yi set a time and place to talk about things tomorrow, and then they went back to Xiyuan.

When he returned, Mo Chaojing drove. Mo Sinian sat on the co pilot and talked with him about some business.

Recently, Mo Chaojing has established a new construction company in the name of Luodong, which is also a little famous in Xicheng. Especially recently, he asked Luodong to cooperate with Jiang Qingzhi's family and win a good project. He also won a government bidding project under the lead of Mo for four years.

Now, the two projects are in full swing. This company is the real focus of Mo Chaojing. Therefore, although Mo Chaojing Pingshi doesn't care about the company, he pays special attention to every step of the company's development.

Mo 11 and Bai Jinshe sat in the back row chatting. When they were approaching Xiyuan, Mo 11's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Mo opened at 11 o'clock. It was a message from a strange number.

"Mo Xi, during dinner tonight, Mo Dong received a call from Qu wenda. The Qu family plans to cancel their marriage with Mo Er Shao. Now it is clear that the Qu family needs marriage to stabilize the situation, but they cancel the marriage. I suspect they have other plans. Remind Mo Er Shao to be careful!"

Seeing the news, Mo Xi was stunned.

She had guessed the identity of the other party, but she couldn't help sending a message.

"Are you?"

"Fang Haolin!"

"May I ask why you told me this?"

"To repay you for your kindness to my current blood!"

Mo Xi tightened his small face, his eyes flashed and continued to reply.

"It's not necessary. I just want to have a clear conscience when I save people. As for the things over there, you don't have to go against your professional ethics. Tell me. Finally, thank you for this time!"

Mo Xi put away his mobile phone after sending the message.

As soon as she put away her mobile phone, she saw Mo Chaojing take a look at her from the rearview mirror. The two people's eyes touched each other in the rearview mirror, and then separated quickly.

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