Soon, the price of this diamond necklace designed by Sixian jewelry designer was raised to $50 million.

Mo Sinian couldn't help looking at Bai Jinse and suddenly joined the bidding ranks.

”52 million! "

As soon as he shouted, Bai Jinse was stunned.

However, Mo Chaojing and Mo Xi soon realized that Mo Sinian just wanted to take pictures of the things designed by Bai Jinse and didn't want to spread them.

But Bai Jinse didn't agree.

When others bid again and Mo Sinian wants to continue to raise the price for auction, he is stopped by Bai Jinse.

Bai Jinse was a little funny: "I really want these things. I can design them myself. Why do I shoot these things that others have brought? Besides, for each series I like, I will save one of my favorite works and store it in the safe. These are enough. There is no need to auction them. Whoever has money, let him shoot them!"

Bai Jinse finished saying this, and there was another bidding outside.

At this time, Mo Chaojing couldn't help but say: "the person outside who is shouting... Mo Ruizhe!"

Yes, it was mo Ruizhe who took the necklace just now. Looking from the box of Bai Jinse, you can just see Mo Ruizhe sitting in the front row and Qu Yating sitting next to him.

The marriage between Mo Ruizhe and Qu Yating has been decided. The main purpose of Mo Ruizhe's coming tonight is to design the necklace designed by the Sixian jewelry designer. It's difficult for them to invite the Sixian jewelry designer to design the wedding jewelry for them. Therefore, Mo Ruizhe plans to auction the necklace as a wedding gift for Qu Yating.

He wants to use his marriage as a bargaining chip for hype and let more people put their treasure on himself. In this way, it will virtually put pressure on Mo Yi, so that he has to consider these external factors and choose Mo Ruizhe as his successor.

Mo Ruizhe is thinking about himself step by step.

Hearing Mo Chaojing's words, Mo Sinian couldn't help looking at it. Jun's face was a little black. He whispered to Bai Jinse, "I don't want him to auction your design!"

Mo Sinian's words were all disgusting expressions.

Bai Jinse couldn't laugh or cry at once. Her eyes turned. She didn't know what she thought. A cunning light flashed at the bottom of her eyes and whispered in Mo Sinian's ear.

It has to be said that Bai Jinse guessed Mo Ruize's mind very accurately. She felt that Mo Ruizhe had an affair with Qu Yating in the morning. Now she will definitely try her best to shoot this necklace for her own show and hype.

Therefore, she deliberately made a bad move and asked the ink shop to increase the price every year.

Sure enough, as Bai Jinse expected, in the end, the only people bidding were Mo Sinian and Mo Ruizhe.

Mo Ruizhe can't see Mo Sinian. However, hearing the voice of bidding with him all the time, his teeth itch. Up to now, this necklace is nearly 100 million. Even if he has accumulated his savings over the years, he is a little distressed.

In the end, he hated this troublemaker, and kept raising prices as if he had been on the bar with Mo Sinian.

When the price shouted 120 million, many people thought they were crazy.

After all, even if this jewelry necklace will increase in value in the future, it is not worth the price now!

After all, Sixian jewelry designer is still alive. If you really want her jewelry, spend more money and effort, or you can get her exclusive design, it must be no worse than this!

Mo Ruizhe doesn't know this truth. He will be angry and has come up with the idea of wanting to be whole.

He's going to shout twice and give up.

As soon as he shouted "123 million", he heard the other party offer "123.1 million".

The other party adds 100000, which makes Mo Ruizhe feel that the other party must really want this thing. Then he adds another 10 million to the other party's family and dares to compete with him. He also lets the other party know his power.

At the thought of this, he bid for the last time. He was cruel and added nearly 20 million directly.

"150 million!"

As soon as the price came out, the market was quiet for a moment.

Mo Sinian touched his nose. He suddenly felt that this Mo Ruizhe was a little stupid. With this kind of brain, he still played with Mo Chaojing. It seems that his previous worries are really superfluous!

He smiled and gave up bidding.

Finally, this jewelry necklace was photographed by Mo Ruizhe at a high price of 150 million. Mo Ruizhe's face changed and changed. He even heard someone whispering that he was crazy and had no brain.

His face turned red and he sat on the seat and bought a bill for his momentary brain fever. At the thought that he would shed 150 million blood later, he suddenly felt cold in his heart, and the meat hurt to death.

Qu Yating looked at Mo Ruizhe in disbelief, but she didn't say anything.

If muruizhe wants to give her such an expensive love gift, she naturally doesn't respect it.

In the box, when Mo Sinian heard the start of a new round of auction, he couldn't help rubbing his white hair and whispered, "you really don't like it?"

Mo Sinian brought Bai Jinse to the auction and always wanted to buy something for Bai Jinse.

Bai Jinse let Mo Ruizhe bleed, and he was in a good mood.

When she heard what Mo Sinian said, she thought for a moment. She casually turned over the booklet and turned to the last page. Suddenly, she saw a large mouth porcelain vase produced in Jingdezhen of the Tang Dynasty.

Her eyes lit up, pointed to the picture and said to Mo Sinian, "this is not bad!"

Mo Sinian took a look and couldn't help rubbing Bai Jinse's hair: "OK, we'll take this later!"

This kind of porcelain is actually the most worth collecting It's hidden. Moreover, it's produced in Jingdezhen of the Tang Dynasty. It looks like it's very valuable. It's definitely worth buying it.

Therefore, when the last big mouth porcelain vase came out, Mo Sinian did not hesitate to bid.

Finally, he took the antique vase at a price of 300 million.

After the auction, Mo Sinian and Mo Chaojing swipe their cards. Then, the auctioned things will be sent by the auction house to the place designated by the seller. If there are any problems in the distribution process, the auction house will fully bear them.

Mo Chaojing naturally asked him to send it directly to Xiyuan, while Mo Sinian asked him to send it to Wuyi Qingyuan in Lancheng. He called and arranged his confidants. At that time, he took professional personnel to identify, sign and send it to the safe.

Two men went to swipe their cards. Bai Jinse and Mo Xi were chatting in the corridor outside the auction venue.

While talking, Bai Jinse turned around from time to time to see the direction that Mo Sinian and Mo Chaojing left, and paid random attention to their return.

Mr. Wang, who bought the pair of diamond earrings at the auction, just brushed the card and walked out a few steps. He saw a woman turn her head and look here.

At a glance, President Wang's heart beat faster. He looked at the elegant figure of the woman and thought of the picture he had just seen The face with exquisite color suddenly flew away.

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