Mo 11 said honestly: "I heard you refused the doctor to check you. I'll come and see what's going on!"

Hearing this, Yue's strange tears came down. She didn't know what she thought. Her body couldn't stop shivering: "don't check... Don't check? I'm a little scared and feel disgusted..."

As soon as Mo Xi saw her situation, he guessed what bad things she had encountered before. She wouldn't comfort people. She was silent for a moment before she said, "then don't check. Have a rest early!"

Month strange seems to have some don't believe her words, half believe and half doubt looking at Mo 11: "really?"

Mo Xi's voice was always indifferent: "really!"

Month strange to see ink 11 such a cold attitude, she can't understand ink 11's temperament, thought she didn't want to see herself, she bit her teeth, and finally didn't dare to ask more.

Mo Xi saw that the moon was strange and had nothing to do, so he went back to have a rest.

In the guest room where Mo Xi lived, on the other side of the villa, when she came to the living room, she saw Mo Chaojing leaning on the sofa, with one hand on her knee and the other on her forehead, and sleeping with her eyes closed.

Mo Xi could lower his footsteps and walk towards his room.

As a result, as soon as she went to the living room, she saw the person who had been sleeping and suddenly opened her eyes.

Mo Chao Jing's sharp eyes looked over. Mo Xi's footsteps subconsciously paused. She respectfully opened her mouth and shouted, "two less!"

Mo Chao Jing slightly twisted his eyebrows. He looked at Mo Xi for a moment and said, "how's she?"

Mo Xi told the truth: "it should be better!"

In Mo Xi's opinion, the strange moon is just a shadow on the doctor. He doesn't want to see a doctor. It's not a big problem.

After all, Moxi grew up in an extremely harsh environment. She doesn't have so much time to hurt spring and autumn. Naturally, she won't feel that some emotions of fear can make people collapse.

Mo 11 said so. Mo Chaojing didn't ask much. He just said faintly: "I've sent you to make urgent identification. Tomorrow morning, the identification results will come out!"

Mo Xi was stunned for a moment and hung his eyes: "thank you, er Shao!"

Mo Chaojing looked at Mo Xi's polite appearance, and his heart was like pressing a stone, heavy and stuffy.

His eyes fixed on Mo Xi motionless. Suddenly he was afraid to pat the sofa next to him and said in a deep voice: "come here, sit here!"

Mo 11 raised his head and subconsciously looked at Mo Chaojing. A look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

Mo Chaojing looked at her with the same look.

Mo Xi hesitated, walked over and sat down next to Mo Chaojing.

Mo Chaojing turned to Mo 11 and said, "Mo 11, you are so cold to me now because I lost my memory and just woke up. Is your attitude too bad?"

Mo Chaojing was not the kind of person who didn't recognize his mistakes. When he realized that he had moved his heart to Mo 11, he regretted it, and then he vaguely realized how abominable and abominable his previous behaviors were.

Unfortunately, Moxi's expectations were exhausted in his previous reminders.

She calmly looked at Mo Chaojing: "Er Shao thinks too much. I'm just a bodyguard. If things don't go well, er Shao is right to scold me!"

Mo Chaojing's look was heavy, and his tone was difficult: "Mo Xi, what if... I said if I regretted what I did to you before?"

Mo 11 heard this and was strangely silent. She was silent for a moment. She looked up at Mo Chaojing and said something that surprised Mo Chaojing: "unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world!"

Mo Chaojing's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, and then his face became more ugly: "you're right. There is really no regret medicine in the world. If I say... I like you and want to pursue you, can you give me a chance?"

He wanted to wait until the Mohist affairs were handled and he took revenge before talking about his children's private affairs.

But recently, he vaguely realized that he couldn't wait any longer. The distance between Mo Xi and him seemed to be getting farther and farther.

At first, when he let her see her identity clearly, she was like a mute. She seldom said too much to him, like resisting many things with silence.

However, now she has more words to him, but less scruples and even care. Such development makes Mo Chaojing's heart more and more flustered.

He finished this sentence and looked at Mo Xi without blinking, as if to inhale her whole person into his eyes.

Mo 11 didn't expect that Mo Chaojing would say such a thing. The consternation on her face didn't have time to put it away.

However, she soon looked back as usual, as if she had not heard the words of Mo Chaojing just now. She raised her eyes, took a deep look at Mo Chaojing, and deliberately opened the distance: "Er Shao is joking. You are the master, I am a bodyguard, and it is my responsibility to protect Er Shao. I dare not have any unreasonable thoughts about Er Shao!"

Mo Chaojing's face was blue: "I mean, I like you. I hope you give me a chance!"

Mo 11 directly stood up, his voice was cold and alienated, and seemed to be more indifferent than usual: "Er Shao is serious. I know that there is a big gap with ER Shao's identity, and I never dare to have the idea of surpassing. I also hope Er Shao doesn't break me. It's getting late. Er Shao should rest early!"

Until Mo 11 left, Mo Chaojing sat rigidly on the sofa.

He looked at the corridor over the guest room where Mo Xi lived. His eyes were like dripping water. He knew she was resisting him, but... He wouldn't give her a chance to like others.

If she wants to like him, she can only like him in her life!

It was dark at night. Mo Xi thought he would not be able to sleep, but he didn't expect to lie down for a long time.

Mo Xi woke up again, awakened by the rapid knock on the door outside.

Mo Xi quickly put on his clothes and opened the door. He saw Mo Chaojing standing at the door with an iron face: "Yue committed suicide. My brother and sister-in-law are looking at her in her room. The ambulance will come soon!"

Mo 11 was still a little confused, and the whole person was stunned: "she... How could she commit suicide?"

Mo Chaojing's face was heavy: "preliminary judgment, it should be a psychological problem!"

He and Mo Si have received systematic training for many years, and have some knowledge of some psychological diseases. Therefore, as soon as they saw the strange situation of Yue, they guessed that she was stimulated and emotionally unstable, which may be the onset of the disease.

Mo Xi returned to his senses and his small face tightened: "I'll go and see the situation!"

Mo nodded to Jing and followed her quickly.

When Yueyi committed suicide, the housekeeper found it. The housekeeper's room was next to Yueyi's room. When he got up to go to the bathroom at night, he suddenly heard a glass smashing on the ground next door. He hurried to knock on the door and asked Yueyi if there was anything wrong.

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